Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 39

"We have several days' worth of food, cooking utensils, sleeping bags, lanterns, maps, compasses, and holy water for protection againstevil spirits. Since everyone is responsible for their own spare clothing, is this about all we need to carry together?"

"That's right. It's preferable to keep the luggage to a minimum. This time, we'll be traveling on Hayate and three horses instead of a carriage, so having large bags would be inconvenient. We've also modified Hayate with illusionary magic-infused crystals around its neck to make it appear as a horse, so it won't draw attention. I'll also wear a hooded cloak over my armor, which conceals my entire body. Well, there shouldn't be any issues."

I was inspecting the luggage together with Claude in preparation for tomorrow's departure.

Currently, we were in a storage facility near the stables.

This place serves as a temporary storage for the supplies prepared before embarking on long-term missions.

There's even a refrigerator for food preservation.

I suggested this location as a place to prepare the supplies the day before, ensuring a prompt departure for the mission.

"It seems that until now, everyone had been preparing individually, occasionally resulting in large amounts of luggage."

"Nowadays, the members going on missions discuss and prepare together here."

Although our squads were different and there was limited interaction, I remember my subordinates expressing deep gratitude for the opportunity to get to know each other better through discussions and interactions here.

"As for water, we'll fill our canteens tomorrow. The rest we'll procure on-site."

"Yeah, I think we're good with what we have prepared now."

Saying that, we packed the items other than the map into bags, stored the food in the refrigerator, and placed the remaining supplies on the provided shelves.

After arranging everything, we spread out the map on the table and peered into it.

It was the final confirmation of our route and actions for the journey starting tomorrow.

"First, we head towards the Kingdom, and then to the Holy Nation."

"That's right. On the way to each capital, we'll make several stops at villages and towns. As part of His Highness's pilgrimage, we have to stay there for three days, so it will be a long-term journey."

During the "Pilgrimage Journey," there is a custom to stay in villages and towns for three days as part of the journey.

For the purpose of observing people's daily lives closely.

For this reason, this journey can take anywhere from one to two months, depending on how long it extends.

Considering my position as His Highness's escort, I must return to the castle as soon as possible.

However, taking the shortest route wouldn't be beneficial for His Highness.

I thoroughly considered routes that would be reasonably safe and allow for social learning but also involve a certain level of danger. I discussed this with Claude.

I hope that no troublesome matters arise while I'm absent.

"Three days... Well, considering rest and food procurement, it's a reasonable number of days."

Claude said while placing his hand on his chin, showing a thoughtful gesture.

"When we act in a village or town, we'll have at least one person near His Highness. Luckily, Alice is an expert in unarmed combat. Even if the two of us are separated, it won't be a problem."

"I understand that. I also know Alice's abilities well, so I'm not worried about that."

Claude said with a wry smile.

Well, he knows it well. Occasionally, Alice participates in our practice matches, so it becomes apparent that she's Conrad's sister.

During those times, you can truly see the resemblance between Alice and Conrad. Her techniques are incredibly sharp.

That's why she's accompanying us on this mission.

Because she's incredibly reliable, you see.

Currently, she's my personal maid, but she originally served the royal family, so she remains calm in any situation and promptly deals with any trouble that arises. Her competence is unmatched.

I know more about her than the other staff members, and that's one of the reasons why I trust her the most.

"For now, there shouldn't be any issues with our actions in the village or town. The problem lies in traveling and camping," Claude muttered in agreement with what I said.

It's certain that we'll encounter attacks during our travels and camping.

Whether it's monsters or bandits, it would be strange not to encounter them on a long journey.

Of course, with me, Claude, and Alice, we can handle them individually, but that wouldn't be in the best interest of His Highness.

A certain level of danger and experience is necessary, and His Highness needs to participate as well.

I'm aware that His Highness is highly skilled, but there's still a difference between us.

It's only natural to say so.

The imperial family only fights when there are no guards around or when there is an imminent threat.

Fighting is the duty of us soldiers, not the role of the imperial family.

Unlike the symbolic emperor in Japan, although they can intervene or give instructions in politics and the military, they serve as a symbol of the nation.

Because they are indispensable in national ceremonies and events, it is the soldiers who go to the battlefield, and I take command.

That's why we have the Imperial Army Commander.

Nevertheless, in this world where we never know what might happen, we make them experience real combat.

It's quite a Spartan approach.

And in order to provide them with practical combat experience, we have to show considerable restraint.

If we were to fight as usual, honestly, we would finish before His Highness even has a chance to move.

Considering His Highness's future as the emperor, we need to think about various things for this necessary journey.

"For now, since we will probably encounter monsters somewhere, we have no choice but to observe His Highness's fighting style there and think about how to support him."

"Claude, don't you know His Highness's fighting style?"

Claude questioned me.

"Hmm, I have a general idea, but it's only from practice sessions, not real combat, and even then, it's only one-on-one, so I don't know about fighting multiple opponents. I'll have to see it in action to understand."

I could see him nodding in agreement.

"I see, then let's pray that we don't suddenly encounter a dangerous opponent."

"Hey, come on, even around here, it's unlikely to happen, right? At most, we'll get a group of goblins or something."


We both laughed heartily.

Wait, is this what they call a flag?

Nah, that's not possible. This isn't a manga.

"Well then, I think we've discussed enough for now. Let's rest today to prepare for tomorrow."

I rolled up the map spread out on the table and put it in the bag.

And just as we were about to leave the storage room...

I wondered who it could be.

"Excuse me, is the Captain here?"

Was that Conrad's voice?

"Yeah, what's up?"

As I replied, Conrad entered the room after I opened the door.

"Sorry to bother you at this hour. Is it a good time?"

It was around 19:00 in the current time.

Well, there's nothing particularly planned for later.

"It's fine. Claude, you stay here."

"Yeah, see you tomorrow."

Claude left the storage room.

When he was leaving, he said something to Conrad, and Conrad had a strange reaction. I wonder what that was about?

"So, what's the matter?"

"Well... um..."

He avoided eye contact as I asked.

From his behavior, it didn't seem like work-related.

"Um, would you like to take a walk?"

After a while, he spoke up.

With a slight hint of embarrassment, he said, "You know, how about taking a walk in the garden?"

Accepting Conrad's invitation, we headed to the garden within the castle.


Conrad invited me, and now we are walking in the garden within the castle.

After walking for a while, Conrad started talking.

"Captain, please take care during the escort mission starting tomorrow."

"Yeah, I know. Well, with Claude and Alice as my team members, I'm not worried about myself. If anything, I'm more concerned about the safety of the castle."

I said with a wry smile.

His Majesty once advised me to leave the castle for a while, and I myself reflected on working too much, but still...

"Captain, you push yourself too hard. Though I must say, the current state of the empire is partly responsible for putting you in such an environment."

The current state of the empire.

Compared to two years ago, the public order has improved significantly, and crime within the capital has decreased.

Within the capital, that is.

Naturally, the empire encompasses not only the capital but also numerous villages and towns.

Crime in those areas is still a major concern that has yet to be fully addressed.

The reports that arrive almost daily are giving me a headache.

"Well, there's not much we can do about it. We just have to keep at it diligently," I replied.

"I understand, but... Captain, would you mind handing over some of the paperwork to me? I'm here to assist you. It's part of my job to lighten your burden," Conrad suggested.

Conrad spoke with genuine concern.

As Claude had mentioned, it seemed that I had worried Conrad too much.

"Please leave it to us during the mission. We can't be as perfect as the captain, but we'll manage somehow until you return. So..."

After saying that, Conrad took a deep breath and smiled, saying, "So, please don't worry!"

Conrad reassured me, trying to put my mind at ease.

Underneath my helmet, I let out a sigh of relief, furrowing my eyebrows and smiling.

"Ah, I get it. I surrender," I said, raising both hands in a gesture of surrender.

Well, when someone says that much, there's no choice but to give in, right?

"I tend to do everything within my capabilities on my own. It's a habit that has stuck with me since I was young. Even when I push myself too hard, there were only my father and my brother who noticed and stopped me," I explained to Conrad.

I decided to talk to Conrad about my habit, wanting him to know.

"You see, I've been manipulated by someone I've known since childhood. The person was what you'd call a 'perfect' individual and had always been pulling my strings, ignoring my own circumstances and constantly staying by my side. The people around us didn't find it amusing, and I ended up being the target of their harassment."

"Harassment?" Conrad expressed surprise at what I said.

Well, of course, it's bewildering to hear something like that out of the blue.

"Well, it started with childish pranks like hiding things from me. At first, I thought they would get bored and stop, so I let it be. But I was too naive, it seems."

I squat down and touch the flowers planted there.

"I was part of the flower care committee at school. One day, a group of girls from the same class came while I was taking care of the flowers and started trampling them right in front of me."

"What?!" Conrad reacted just as I expected.

Despite me repeatedly asking them to stop, they wouldn't listen at all. I somehow managed to get them out of the flower bed to make them stop. Then, when I asked why they did such a thing...

"They said something completely unfair like, 'Why should someone as ugly as you be around here?!'"

I was stunned, my mind went blank.

It's not like I wanted to be there. No matter how many times I avoided them, they would come to me and drag me into their mess.

I tried to reason with them, telling them it was beyond my control, but they just kept making a fuss, throwing a hysterical fit. I was at a loss for what to do. Then, my childhood friend, who was always looking for me, came.

Unable to grasp the situation, they tried to explain it to me. But then, one of the girls in the group pointed at me and lied, saying...

"She was stopping us because that girl was destroying the flowers in the flower bed."

Now, thinking back, it's impressive how they could come up with such a lie. Rather than being angry, I'm actually amazed.

"When my childhood friend heard that, they got angry at me, saying, 'Isn't that unacceptable?' Even though I tried to explain that it wasn't true, they just kept getting angrier, without a shred of doubt, believing what those girls were saying. After a while, the teachers who heard the commotion came and took us to the conference room. All the parents of the parties involved were called in, and they unreasonably attacked me."

At that moment, everyone, including my mother, seemed like demons.

No, except for one person.

"But fortunately, my brother was there with my parents. He kicked a chair with all his might. The room fell silent, and my mother, who regained her composure before anyone else, scolded him, saying..."

"Mom, what are you looking at? It's clearly those girls who are the culprits!"

Even now, remembering it, I can't help but laugh at how cool my brother was back then.

Because he was a true hero.

"And from there, my brother's deduction show began! When asked why I wasn't the culprit, I pointed out that there was no mud on my shoes, while there was mud on their shoes. If I had vandalized the flower bed and they were stopping me, it would be the opposite. Since I pulled them out from outside the flower bed, it's natural that there wouldn't be any mud on me. The flower bed had just been watered, so if someone entered, they would definitely have mud on their shoes. My childhood friend and the teachers had already concluded that I was the culprit without observing the situation at all. After rechecking our shoes, everyone except me and my brother turned pale."

It's nostalgic. That incident was the reason I started calling him "big brother" with respect, changing from "brother."

"Afterward, the parents of those girls apologized profusely, the teachers who doubted me were reprimanded by the principal, my mother was scolded by my father, and my brother, while patting my head with an angry expression, watched their exchange. Together, my father and I ate the cake he bought for us."

I was a bit worried that it might lead to a divorce crisis, but my mother deeply reflected on her actions, and since then, she has been careful not to make any mistakes. So, our family remained unchanged.

Taking a short break, I paused after recounting everything up to this point.

"Um, did your childhood friend say anything to you after that?"

As I was speaking quietly about what happened afterward, Conrad noticed something strange and asked me a question.

As expected, Conrad noticed.

"They didn't say anything."


I answered Conrad's question.

I'm sure he doesn't fully comprehend it yet.

"They didn't say anything. Not just my childhood friend, but even the parents of my childhood friend who were attacking me until my brother pointed it out."

Even now, when I recall that incident and the troubles that Yuusuke brought with him afterwards, I can't forgive him.

"What's more, the next day, that person acted like nothing happened and continued dragging me around as usual, as if the events from the previous day never occurred."

That's when I realized the extent of their twisted nature.

"That person, you know, believes the first words they hear and refuses to believe the words of the victim. And when presented with evidence by a third party, instead of understanding their mistake, they pretend like the mistake never happened and continue their usual behavior. That applies to their parents as well. They think it's normal and fail to recognize that it's a bad thing. Moreover, they firmly believe that even worse things are justifiable."

"Even worse things?"

Conrad seemed taken aback, likely due to Yuusuke's outward charm and the impression he gives to others.

That's why I ended up believing in the wrong way to interact with him.

"No matter where we go or what we do, it's always what I want."

I could tell Conrad was taken aback by the words that went beyond common sense. It's only natural to find it unbelievable.

Because of that belief, he takes me to dangerous places without considering my well-being. He drags me along whenever he comes up with an idea, without considering my convenience. But his impression on others is favorable, and he attracts people. So, the misunderstandings grew, and before I knew it, I was left alone. Maybe that's when I started doing everything on my own."

At this point, only malice was directed towards me.

No matter what I said, no one believed me.

Only my family believed me.

"Did you ever think about cutting ties with him?"

Conrad's question was reasonable.

It's something everyone would think about.

However, it's not that simple.

"Of course, I tried to cut ties. But before I learned about the abnormality of my childhood friend, my mother had made a promise with her aunt."

Until the incident with the flowerbed, she was someone who had a certain level of naivety. When I heard about this, both my father and brother, and of course, I myself, couldn't believe it.

"I don't want to talk about the details. It just makes me angry every time I remember."

"I understand."

Conrad noticed the change in my tone and refrained from asking about the details.

"To nullify that promise and cut ties, my father and I went to meet the parents of that childhood friend. The two of them realized my father's abnormal behavior and tried to escape. But my father is the kind of person who won't let his intended target get away, and he immediately caught them, reducing them to trembling figures on the ground, dragging them back."

"That's... impressive. (The boss must resemble his father.)"

"My father and brother are something to be proud of. So, while dragging the two of them, we entered a cafe where my father knew the owner and he told us, 'Wait at the counter seat.' The three of us went into a private room. The cafe manager seemed to know the circumstances and brought us juice and cake while we waited. After an hour of chatting with the manager while waiting, my father called me and I entered the private room. The two of them looked so drained and exhausted that it made me wonder if their souls had left their bodies. According to my father..."

"I just spoke the truth and common sense, giving them a sermon."

That's what he said. From that point on, the two of them became more reasonable."

"Indeed, the boss's father is something. (I wonder what he said...?)"

Oh no, if you compliment my father, I, his daughter, will feel embarrassed.

Huh? The seriousness from earlier just disappeared?

Well, whatever.

"And finally, they demanded to cut ties with our family and break the promise with my mother. However, despite their exhaustion, they held on and asked us not to cut ties at least until we graduate from high school. When I asked, 'Why?' they said they might realize their mistake during that time and they wanted some leeway. I thought it was presumptuous of them, but since our mothers were close friends and had a good relationship, both my father and I showed a little mercy, considering my mother's feelings. However, this agreement expires now that I'm nineteen, and it's certain that our ties will be cut."

Until we defeat the Demon Lord, we'll reluctantly have to be involved due to the extension, but other than that, it's none of our concern.

"This is the reason why I developed a habit of doing everything on my own and why I continued to associate with my childhood friend. Oh, and of course, the promise between our mothers was broken when we made the agreement."

I stood up and looked at Conrad.

Alright, thanks for listening to this story. I've never told anyone else about it before, so I feel relieved!

As I expressed my gratitude, Conrad shook his head.

No, I'm the one who's grateful to have gotten to know the leader.

He said with a smile.

Ah, Conrad is cool after all.

Well then, it's about time.

Why don't we come out already, Claude and Alice?


Conrad tilted his head in response to my words directed towards the bushes.

Rustling sounds could be heard.

Tch, so you found out, huh?

"I apologize, Black Knight-sama, Onii-sama."

What emerged were Claude with a frustrated expression and Alice looking apologetic.

"You two!"

"Oh my, eavesdropping is such a bad hobby."

"What are you talking about? You knew we were here and still started the conversation."

Conrad was surprised by their presence and Claude retorted with a sulky tone in response to my words.

Indeed, I couldn't have brought up the earlier conversation without being cautious of our surroundings. I could have easily given away that I'm a woman. That's why I continued the conversation with just the two of them.

"Well then, I'll go back to my room and get some rest. We need to prepare for tomorrow. Conrad, I'll leave it to you for a while."

"Yes! Good night, Leader."

I bid Conrad good night and informed the two of them to handle things from tomorrow onwards. Then, I returned to my room.

Perhaps because all three of them listened to the story, I was able to sleep with a refreshed feeling that night.

Alright, let's face tomorrow's mission with a focused mind.


After making sure that the Leader had returned to his room, the two of us remained in the garden.

"Onii-sama, based on the conversation just now, it's safe to say that the childhood friend is indeed a man. He mentioned the word 'son'."

"From the content of the conversation, he seems to be an extraordinary guy. And the type he prefers is most likely a reliable man who resembles his father and older brother, someone who can protect him without fail."

Alice and Claude analyzed the Leader's preferences based on the previous conversation.

First, you two should develop your own relationship.

However, what they say is certainly true.

After hearing the Leader's story, I understood how amazing his father and brother were.

I respect them as men.

If possible, I would like to meet them.

"Conrad-san, please make up your mind while we're away from Claude and the castle. He should be the one you support."

"I'm fine. I have hope as long as it's Onii-sama. I'm convinced that there's no one else who can match him, besides the Black Knight-sama."

It seems that the two of them, who hadn't made much progress in confessing their feelings until now, had a change of heart after hearing the conversation.

Certainly, the childhood friend of the Leader mentioned in the story is the worst.

I once again believe that the Leader should be a happy person.

What kind of guy is he, anyway?

It makes me furious to think that such a despicable man was close to the Leader.

If I ever meet him, I must ensure that he never gets near the Leader again.

Well, that's assuming we ever meet.

After hearing the story, my desire to protect the Leader has grown stronger.

I will crush anyone who brings unhappiness to the Leader.

I love him so much that I don't want to hand him over to anyone else, and I've reaffirmed that.

"I've made up my mind after hearing the story. I'll think about the words and the place for confessing before the Leader returns. So, during the mission, Your Highness, please take care of the Leader in my place."

When I said those words with determination, the two of them laughed.


"Leave it to us!"

They responded with a reassuring reply.

Leader, please prepare yourself when you return from the mission!

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