Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 40

Finally, it's the day of His Highness' "Pilgrimage Journey" departure.

Instead of my usual red cloak, I am wearing a deep green cloak with a hood that conceals my entire body.

Surrounding us are soldiers, including His Majesty, Her Majesty, the princess, the prime minister, and Conrad, who came to see us off, as well as several nobles and onlookers from the shopping district.

Amidst all of this, I say, "Captain, I've said it many times, but please leave the matters of the castle to us. Captain, you have the duty of guarding His Highness, but in a sense, this is also your vacation. Please rest properly. That's why Alice and Claude are here as well."

"A vacation... Are you saying that so boldly? It's the duty of guarding His Highness, you know?"

Conrad told me not to worry and to enjoy my vacation to the fullest.

However, even though it is a guarding duty, I think it's a bit much to treat it as a vacation.

"No, I can't allow that. You work too hard on a daily basis. You know that I've tried many times to give you a vacation as the captain, but I've failed. Besides, His Majesty also said that this is a vacation."

"Your Majesty..."

Even His Majesty said such a thing.

Well, it's pointless for me to say anything anymore.

Conrad is the type who, once he decides on something, will follow through with it no matter what I say. That's why anything I say from the beginning is futile.

But that's also one of Conrad's charms, so I don't mind.

"Got it, got it. I'll definitely enjoy my vacation. But remember, guarding His Highness is the top priority! You understand that, right?"

"Of course, I understand that very well. It's fine to relax and stretch our wings moderately."

Conrad understands my work and me properly.

It's a thoughtful statement, so I can accept his words sincerely.

That's what makes me think he's older, in a way.

Why I, a young girl like me, have become subordinate, I still don't understand after two years of being together.

I think Conrad is fully capable of being the captain, but he himself says he's not suited for it, so I've decided not to mention this matter.

"Well then, I'll take you up on your offer."

In response to my words, a gentle voice replied, "Yes."

Even though it's a mission this time, shall we forget about our duties at the castle during the journey?

"That guy, he always listens obediently to what Conrad-san says."

As I loaded the luggage onto the horse, I listened to the conversation between Chie and Conrad-san.

"My brother has never wavered once he decides on something. The Black Knight also understands that, so he nods to my brother's words."

Alice, who was working next to me, answered.

I see, so that's how it is.

I tried various things to somehow give Chie a break, but I failed every time. Finally, even though it's a mission, she has been freed from her intense workload.

For Conrad-san, who sticks to his decisions no matter what, there are things that he absolutely cannot compromise on.

"By the way, Alice, you seem happier than usual."

Alice, with a smile on her face, replied, "Yes, my brother has finally made up his mind. As his sister and as someone who serves our respected lord, there is nothing more joyful than this."

I understood and agreed with Alice's words.

Conrad-san, who decided to confess to Chie last night.

While we are on our journey, he will think about the words and the place to make his declaration.

"Now, it's up to Claude to see how he feels about Conrad-san."

"There, my brother, you have to give it your all. Even if it means sacrificing yourself, you must show the resilience to persistently woo and win her over. Otherwise, you won't be a true man."

He says ruthless things, whether he's my brother or not.

That strong-willed aspect is also one of the things I admire about him.

But wooing someone...

"I've seen him wooing Conrad-san," Chie said in one breath.

I often witness Conrad-san blushing in response to Chie's words.

"No, he's not just 'like' wooing him, he's actually doing it. The Black Knight is unaware, though," Alice said, smiling with a troubled expression.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of resignation, thinking, "As I suspected."

Chie has a way of casually saying incredible things to Conrad-san.

"Even the other day, she said things like 'You're cool,' 'People around here have no taste,' and 'I've never seen a man as wonderful as Conrad.' She said those things directly to my brother," Alice continued.

"Wow, she can say that without feeling embarrassed in front of him."

I can picture Conrad-san blushing.

Chie herself believes she's simply stating the truth and doesn't consider it as wooing.

"In hindsight, on the second day we met, she said to my brother, 'Saying "I" instead of "me" is cooler.' Since then, he has continued to woo her, and she fell for him," Alice added.

That's not something you say to someone you just met two days ago!

Once again, I was astonished by my best friend's words and actions.

Normally, even with someone you've known for years, it would be too embarrassing to say such things.

And isn't it usually men who woo and women who are wooed?

"...Am I the only one who thinks it's the opposite when I see those two?"

"No, Mr. Claude, you're absolutely right. It's definitely the opposite," Alice answered, also holding her head in her hands.

Can Conrad-san confess properly?

I'm starting to worry about what lies ahead.


"Then, I shall take my leave."

His Highness spoke to His Majesty and the Queen while standing beside his horse.

Currently, His Highness is adorned in a magnificent silver plate mail and carries a bastard sword at his waist. Like me, he is also clad in a deep green cloak with a hood that conceals his entire body.

As for the cloak, all of us accompanying him are wearing the same one.

Claude is in his usual battle attire, while Alice wears her usual maid outfit along with gauntlets and metal boots.

"Very well, take care."

"Make sure to listen to what the Black Knights say."

His Highness's words were answered by His Majesty and the Queen.

Looking at their faces, it seems they are indeed very worried.

Well, that's understandable. Normally, he would be accompanied by a larger number of guards, but this time there are only three escorts.

There is no problem in terms of military strength, but it is natural for parents to worry.

"Brother! When you come back, please tell us many stories!"

Amidst that, the princess said to His Highness in a cheerful voice.

To which His Highness replied with a beaming smile, saying, "Oh, I will prepare plenty of stories that can't be told in just a day or two!"

"That's something to look forward to! Father, mother, let's listen together as a family!"

The princess said happily to His Majesty and the Queen.

She seemed to have let go of some of her tension, showing a relieved expression.

I see, I understand.

"Black Knight!"

"Princess, that's improper!"

The head maid shouted as she ran over to me, calling the princess.

Despite having turned fifteen and reached adulthood this year, the princess is still as tomboyish as ever.

"Princess, it's dangerous to run."

I am wearing high-heeled shoes, after all. I could sprain my ankle if I'm not careful.

"It's fine. Running is easier than dancing, you know!"

That's not the issue here.

I chuckled at the princess's somewhat offbeat remark.

"Anyway, please take care of my brother. I will keep an eye on father and mother."

"Ah, as expected."

I nodded in agreement with the princess's words, and she winked back at me.

The princess's actions earlier were just a casual family conversation, but it was her way of showing concern.

"You're amazing, Princess."

"It's not that big of a deal. If we leave it as it is, father and mother will worry too much and get tired."

She said it as if it were nothing, but it's actually quite difficult to lighten the mood.

Princess easily accomplishes that.

She may be tomboyish, but she has grown into a splendid princess, and I am proud to have such a capable person.

If I were to voice my desires, I would like her to excel not only in archery, which she recently started practicing, but also in dancing and studying.

"Black Knight! Let's depart soon."

It seems the pre-departure greetings are over, and His Highness called out to me.


I replied to His Highness and turned towards the princess.

"Well then, we shall take our leave."

"Yes, be careful on the journey."

As I lightly placed my right hand on my chest and bowed, the princess lightly lifted her skirt and returned the bow.

I admired how the princess has become quite graceful in her manners and spoke to Conrat, who was nearby.

"Conrat, I'm leaving everything to you in my absence."

"Yes! Leave it to me. Take care, Captain."

I nodded in response to Conrat's affirmation and approached His Majesty and the Queen.

"We will depart. Please entrust the protection of His Highness on the journey to me."

"I entrust it to you, Black Knight."

"And you, take care and don't push yourself."

"I appreciate your concern."

After exchanging greetings and bowing, I mounted Hayate.

Confirming that the three of us were mounted on our horses,

"Now, let's go!"

At His Highness's signal, we urged Hayate and the other horses forward.

From behind, various people called out, "Take care," and we waved as we moved forward.

His Highness's "Pilgrimage Journey" has now begun in this very moment.

On a certain road

We departed from the capital around noon.

Several hours have passed since then.

"It's about time we secure a camping spot."

"Huh? Already?"

His Highness wonders, still surprised by the daylight.

Yes, I thought so.

"It's precisely because it's still bright. We need to secure a spot and gather firewood before it gets dark. It becomes more dangerous in the dark. We need to prepare before that happens."

His Highness understands as I explain.

"I see. Then let's find a spot before the sun sets."

Saying so, His Highness enthusiastically starts searching for a location.

"You seem quite eager, Your Highness."

Claude approaches me and strikes up a conversation.

"Actually, Your Highness seemed to be looking forward to camping. They seemed restless for a few days now."

I quietly inform Claude about His Highness.

For His Highness, this journey is filled with first-time experiences and unknowns.

Although he appears elegant, the Crown Prince is quite curious and interested in various things.

Normally, he keeps it in check, but it seems that he has no intention of suppressing that curiosity on this occasion.

That's just how the princess's older brother is.

The siblings resemble each other quite a lot.

For a while, the three of us watched His Highness enthusiastically searching for a spot with smiles on our faces.

A certain camping spot

"Well then, Your Highness, Claude and I will gather firewood. Your Highness, please take a break. Alice, I leave His Highness's protection to you."

"I understand."

"Is that okay? I'll help too."

His Highness seems resistant to taking a break and offers to help.

But well...

"Your Highness, I appreciate your intention... but your legs are wobbly, you know? There's no need to hide your fatigue."

His Highness himself didn't seem to realize until he dismounted that he had been using up his stamina through long hours of horseback riding. I can tell just by looking at him.

We're used to physically demanding tasks, so we still have plenty of energy, but His Highness, who is not accustomed to physical exertion, is fundamentally different.

Even if he builds stamina through sword training, his stamina is still at an average level for a regular person.

Swordsmanship and physical stamina are two different things.

Starting from tomorrow, let's take regular breaks.

"I-I'm sorry..."

His Highness quickly withdraws, as expected.

His expression was downcast.

I'm sorry, there were various things I wanted to do during the camping.

Starting from tomorrow, His Highness will participate as well, so please cheer up.

"T-Then, shall we go, Claude?"


With a strange sense of guilt, Claude and I head towards gathering firewood.

"How about over there, Claude?"

"It's fine. There are no bandit hideouts, and the holy water keeps the monsters away."

Currently, while gathering firewood, Claude and I are searching for any potential dangers in the surroundings.

Fortunately, it seems safe for now.

"Then let's head back soon."

"Yeah, with this amount of firewood, it should last us for the night."

Having gathered enough firewood, we decide to return to the camping site.

Upon returning to the camping site, I see His Majesty and Alice sitting and chatting.

"Welcome back. I'll prepare dinner right away."

Saying so, Alice stands up and ignites the few logs of firewood we gathered.

It seems she finished the preparations while Claude and I were gathering firewood.

Now, since we have confirmed that there is nothing around, it's about time.

"Your Highness, there is an important matter I need to discuss."

"Hmm? What is it? Speak formally."

When I address His Highness with a formal tone, he tilts his head and looks at me.

Claude, sitting next to him, tightens his expression.

"I have been considering it for a while now, and it seems appropriate to talk about it with Your Highness during this journey. It concerns the Empire's secrets, and I will explain them to you."

"The Empire's secrets?"

Wrinkles form on His Highness' forehead.

It's understandable that he would make that expression when he hears about the Empire's secrets.

"Yes, there is actually a lone existence within the Imperial Army called the 'Imperial Secret Agent.' This individual infiltrates scenes where investigations cannot be conducted openly and gathers information in utmost secrecy. The only ones who know about this person are myself, Conrad, Alice, and His Majesty."

"Wait a moment! If only those four know about it, then this Claude person...!!"

It seems His Highness has grasped the situation from my explanation.

"Yes, that's right. This man here is the Empire's one and only 'Imperial Secret Agent,' Claude Orgren. He is an authentic soldier belonging to the Imperial Army. In essence, he is my direct subordinate."

His Highness is shocked, his mouth opening and closing.

Facing the stunned His Highness, Claude kneels down.

"Nice to meet you again. I am 'Imperial Secret Agent' Claude Orgren. I apologize for the delayed formal introduction due to the secrecy of my existence."

"No! Since it is a secret, I cannot blame you. On the contrary, I should be grateful to you, who has silently supported the Empire."

While flustered, His Highness places his hand on Claude's shoulder.

"You have worked for the Empire so diligently even without my knowledge. I rely on you from now on as well."

Saying that, His Highness smiles.

"Hah! It's an overwhelming honor."

Upon hearing His Highness' words, Claude swears once again to work for the Empire.

With this, they can continue their journey and act without any secrets, even after His Highness ascends to the throne.

One of the objectives of this journey has been accomplished.

"Well then, let's have a chat to deepen our friendship. I'll assist Alice."

Saying that, His Highness stands up and heads towards Alice.

"Seems like the introduction of Claude-san is complete."

"Well, there's nothing left but for the two of them to deepen their friendship."

"So you're leaving them alone together?"


Alice and I watch the two of them from a distance.

They seem to be enjoying their conversation, and they seem to be getting along well.

After finishing the meal, we discuss future plans and engage in small talk while remaining alert to our surroundings.

Such peaceful time passes by.

"Well, let's rest soon. Please make sure to get a good rest today."

"Huh? Shouldn't we take turns keeping watch?"

"It's too much to ask of His Highness today. He must be tired from the long horseback ride. We'll take regular breaks tomorrow. Please handle the night watch starting from tomorrow."

"I-I'm sorry."

His Highness obediently agrees.

However, we have no intention of actually making His Highness take the night watch.

We want him to stay awake with Alice.

Leaving it to a beginner at wilderness camping would be the most dangerous.

I apologize to His Highness, but please bear with us, thinking that you're on duty.

His Highness takes off his armor, enters his sleeping bag, and falls asleep with gentle snores after a few minutes.

"You must have been exhausted from doing something unfamiliar."

Alice says while looking at His Highness' sleeping face.

I stroke Hayate, who came closer, and observe His Highness' sleeping face.

As Alice said, he seems quite tired.

We are planning to camp one more night until the next town.

Encountering monsters or bandits is highly possible until then.

The current challenge is to continue the journey without tiring His Highness too much.

"Both of you, please rest as well. After three hours, Claude-san, you'll take over, right?"

"That's right. Claude, wake me up and take over when it's time."

Confirming the predetermined order.

For the sake of our future, we have allotted a total of six hours for sleep.

If we fall ill during His Highness' escort duty, it would be counterproductive.

"If anything happens, wake me up immediately."

Claude says to Alice with a worried expression.

Alice loosens her cheeks at his words and answers, "Yes."

It's hard to tell in the dim light of the fire, but her cheeks must be blushing.

Hurry up and get along.

Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to leave them alone together on this journey.

As I ponder over such thoughts, I embrace Sakuya and sit cross-legged.

Hayate folds his knees behind me and snuggles up to me in a sleeping position.

Claude, like me, sits cross-legged and wraps himself in a cloak, leaning against a nearby tree.

We can't afford to sleep defenselessly.

Only His Highness and Alice sleep inside sleeping bags, while Claude and I sleep sitting up.

Depending on the circumstances, whether it's in a town or a village, we will sleep in this position.

We are used to it due to our work, so there is no problem.

"The Pilgrimage Journey" has only just begun.

When we have the chance to sleep, let's make sure to rest properly.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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