Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 38

"Taku, so you were involved too, Claude," I said with a grimace to my best friend sitting across from me in casual attire.

I am currently in a private room inside "Breath's Tavern." This room is used for confidential discussions, essentially a place for secret meetings. However, it is not a place for illicit activities as only individuals trusted by the owner can use it. It is mainly used for legitimate business transactions. After all, if it were otherwise, we soldiers would have to take action, and the establishment would be shut down.

As the name suggests, the room has no windows, and soundproofing measures are in place. That's why I'm currently wearing armor while Claude has taken off his helmet. The reason I rented this place and met with Claude is not only for work-related matters.

"Well, secret investigations are my specialty when it comes to work. Usually, Conrad-san takes care of monitoring, and I handle the finer details," Claude said.

"What do you mean by 'finer details'!?" I shouted, unable to ignore those words.

A few days ago, I heard that His Majesty ordered Conrad to keep an eye on me, and since Prime Minister-sama and Crown Prince-dono were present at that time, I couldn't discuss it there. So, I called upon another collaborator to confirm it here, in this secret location.

As I suspected, it was a bingo.

"Don't shout like that. It wasn't just His Majesty who was worried. Conrad-san, in particular, was very concerned. He tried various things behind the scenes to give you a proper break. But in the end, urgent missions would come up on the days he tried to give you time off, or he would have to attend meetings, so it didn't work out," Claude explained.

"Huh, really? I didn't notice at all."

"If you were in top form, you would have noticed. It just means you're exhausted," Claude said, causing me to press my forehead and look up at the ceiling, muttering, "Perhaps."

I had been multitasking, keeping an eye on my own work while paying attention to other things, but apparently, I had become dull due to fatigue.

"Hey, is the captain's job really that busy?" Claude asked, resting his chin on his hand.

Busy? Well...

"I have to review and make adjustments to the soldiers' training regimen every month. I have to come up with training scenarios that simulate real combat on short notice. I have to prepare documents explaining the current security and military situation for the parliament and attend their sessions. I have to go through the massive amount of reports sent by the soldiers deployed to various villages and towns and, if there are any issues, gather the captains to discuss countermeasures. I have to review reports from the soldiers returning from missions and sign documents as both the Knight Commander of the Imperial Knights and the Commander of the Imperial Army. And then, I have to fulfill my duties as a knight exclusively serving His Majesty and the Queen, and... well, the list goes on," I explained.

"Enough!" Claude interrupted, his face gradually contorting with each passing sentence. He covered his face with one hand, signaling me to stop as I tried to continue.

"Phew... By the way, you also had other responsibilities besides being the captain," Claude suddenly recalled, sighing.

"Well, I delegate any tasks that I don't have to do personally to my subordinates, so I only handle the ones that are absolutely necessary," I replied.

"With that workload, it's amazing that you're still managing to reduce it..." Claude remarked.

"Well, yeah," I sighed deeply this time.

Considering everything I've been doing, it's a wonder I haven't collapsed from exhaustion.

"It might be a good opportunity indeed, even though it's a mission, being freed from paperwork is appealing," I said.

"Why only paperwork? Aren't there other troublesome tasks?" Claude asked, looking puzzled.

Ah, right. He doesn't deal with paperwork, so he probably thinks it's an easy job where you can just sit around.

"Don't underestimate paperwork. It may seem like a simple task of reading through papers filled with text and signing them, but you have to comprehend the content, organize them by type, and there's a massive volume to go through every day. It becomes increasingly blurry to read, and sitting in the same position for hours makes your whole body stiff. Honestly, moving around is more enjoyable!" I exclaimed, raising my voice as I explained.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean any offense," Claude quickly apologized, taken aback by my sudden outburst.

Seeing Claude's reaction, I snapped back to my senses, coughed to cover up my embarrassment, and decided to change the subject.

"Let's leave the personal talk aside and get to the main point," I said, and Claude's expression changed accordingly.

"For the escort mission of His Highness this time, you'll accompany us, Claude."

"I had a feeling it would be like that, but tell me the reason, just to be sure," Claude requested, seeking the reason behind my straightforward words as we switched to work mode.

If this were our usual conversation as friends, he would make a grand retort, but not this time.

I provided him with the reason.

"First, this mission will be conducted with a small group. His Highness, myself, you, and one more person, making a total of four. It's publicly presented as a pilgrimage to the cathedral, but the actual purpose is to help His Highness grow as the future emperor. Therefore, the journey will be devoid of luxury. Of course, if there's combat, His Highness will also participate. That's why we're keeping the group small, not large."

"Understood, that's the first reason," Claude acknowledged.

"Second, it's because you know my true face. For regular missions lasting two or three days, it's not an issue, but this time it's a long-term assignment. Although there will come a time when my true face will be revealed publicly, it's not the right time yet. For now, only those who know my true face are allowed to be involved."

"Even the Prime Minister-sama and the captains?" Claude asked.

I nodded in response to Claude's question.

"I can't discuss the details right now, but there's a reason we have to do it this way," I said, then frowned.

Ideally, I would want to tell him.

That I was summoned as a hero from another world and brought to this world.

I have received direct blessings from the gods of my original world.

In two years, a hero will be summoned.

There are many things I truly want to talk about.

But I can't.

Because I don't know where or when things might happen.

What if it's revealed now that I'm from another world without any preparation?

What if it's discovered that my appearance is drastically different from the people in this world?

It would undoubtedly cause trouble in this empire.

There might be an invasion by the demon race before the hero, Yuusuke, arrives.

I'm already being viewed as a threat by the demon race; I don't want to give them any more reason to target me.

There was silence for a while.

A few seconds later, Claude, sitting across from me, sighed.

"Second point understood. There are things I haven't told you either. No need to pry. Besides, when the time comes to talk, it doesn't mean we'll keep it a secret forever. I'll patiently wait, and at that time, I'll tell you about myself."

"Huh? You'll tell me?"

After he acknowledged that I won't talk about it, I was surprised by his unexpected statement.

"Of course, isn't it obvious? If you're not talking about it, it must be something significant. When the time comes to reveal that secret, it means you've made quite a decision, right? Well then, I'll also tell you about myself. We'll celebrate with drinks."

Claude said with a grin.

Hearing those words and seeing his expression, I felt relieved.

"You know I can't drink, right? But yeah, I feel like I can drink just on that occasion."

"Oh, when you're in the mood, the drink you have tastes great!"

We laughed in anticipation.

"Now, let's put an end to the gloomy talk. Sorry, Claude, please continue."

"Don't worry about it. So, what's the next reason?"

Switching gears, I continued.

"The third reason is that we need capable individuals who can reliably accomplish the mission when acting in small groups. However, among the soldiers who know about me, it's difficult to form small teams. Conrad needs to take command of the army when I'm absent as the captain. I want Kyle to handle the knight squad. The other soldiers are not lacking in skill, but compared to Conrad and Kyle, they still have a long way to go. I know it's not a fair comparison, but when it comes to deciding the prince's escort, I still prefer someone of a captain's caliber."

"Third point understood. I see, so that's why you chose me?"

After I finished explaining the third point, Claude realized why he was chosen as a companion.

"That's right. Your skills are unquestionable, Claude. Since the incident a year and a half ago, the military has trusted you as a general collaborator, and you've been officially recognized with a medal by His Majesty. And with you by my side, the efficiency of the missions will greatly improve."

Since the battles fought in cooperation with Claude were witnessed by many civilians and soldiers, the soldiers should understand and accept it.

Some of the politicians may oppose it, but I've already obtained approval from His Majesty and the Prime Minister.

Once permission is granted by these two, it's as good as ours.

"Lastly, there's one more thing."

"Hm? Is there more?"

Claude, who thought the discussion ended with the third point, looked at me with a surprised expression.

The last reason is something I've been considering for our future.

"In this mission, I will introduce you to His Highness as an 'Imperial Covert Investigator.'"

His eyes widened in surprise, and he asked, "What do you mean?"

"This journey ending means I'll be ready to ascend to the throne at any time. For that reason, it's necessary to make His Highness aware of your existence. Since His Highness and I are close in age, we will have a long association. This mission is also a good opportunity for His Highness and you to interact."

"Is it to get Prince and me to know each other and build a relationship of trust?"

I nodded in agreement with Claude's words.

"I've been thinking about when to facilitate interaction between His Highness and you. But I couldn't find the right opportunity. This mission is a perfect chance for His Highness, me, and you."

Looking back, this mission is a series of fortunate events.

His Highness will have temporary refuge, I'll get a break from the castle, and Claude will have the chance to bond with His Highness.

We have everything we need at this moment.

"Well then, let's conclude the work discussion."

After finishing the discussion related to our work, I placed a glass in front of Claude and poured wine.

I held a glass with a non-alcoholic cocktail.

Smiling at me, Claude also held his glass.

"Then, let's toast for the success of the mission."


We clinked our glasses and drank in one gulp.

"Ah, delicious!"

"You sound like an old man."

I laughed, and Claude replied with a teasing smile.

And so, a pleasant drinking party began.

"By the way, who is the other companion?"

"It's Alice."


Crown Prince's Chambers

"Conrad, when are you going to confess to Chie?"

"Wha?! Cough!"

Upon hearing those words from the Crown Prince, the tea brought by a maid went down the wrong way, causing Conrad to choke.

Why was he in the Crown Prince's chambers? Well, simply because he was summoned.

He thought it might be something to discuss, but he never expected to be asked that.

"Why...why so suddenly?"

As his coughing subsided and he was finally able to speak, Conrad asked with a strained expression.

"It's not sudden. It's been a year since you realized you have feelings for Chie, right? I know both of you are busy, but it's about time for some progress."

Conrad fell silent at the Crown Prince's words.

A year ago, Conrad was called by the Crown Prince and the Princess.

"Conrad, you're in love with Chie, aren't you?"

The Princess suddenly said.

At first, he didn't understand what she meant.

But she pointed out various things: his expression when looking at Chie, the obvious difference in his attitude towards others, how his gaze was always fixed on Chie. She gave several examples.

And then the Princess said:

"When you look at Chie, have you ever thought she's cute, or that being with her makes you feel comfortable, or that you want to be by her side forever?"

Conrad froze upon hearing those words.

He had thought all of those things.

Seeing Conrad's reaction, the Crown Prince spoke:

"Conrad, do you know what your face looks like when you're watching Chie and the young ladies approaching her? You furrow your brow and wear an expression of obvious displeasure. And from your reaction to the example Elena mentioned earlier, I can tell you remember it. Those aren't the kind of emotions you'd normally have toward a superior, right?"

Told to think back, Conrad pondered on the spot.

The captain was his idol, a superior he respected.

But was that all?

As the Crown Prince said, even if you respected a superior, would you think they were cute or want to be by their side?

Would you become displeased when you saw the young ladies sending passionate looks at the captain?

What were these emotions?

It would be strange to have such emotions toward a superior, right?!

What had happened to him?

Seeing Conrad's confusion, the Crown Prince spoke to calm him down and uttered the words that made him realize.

"Conrad, even if you say you respect him, the emotions I mentioned earlier are not what you'd feel toward a mere superior. It's not normal to become displeased when you see someone you're giving passionate looks to, and yet you don't. Such emotions are reserved for someone you're in love with."

(The next following I's are from the pov of Conrad)

I was shocked by the Crown Prince's words, and as soon as I understood that these emotions I had been feeling all along were from love, my face grew hot.

It was the first time I, who had never experienced romantic feelings before, knew what love was.

Whenever I saw those who had their eyes on the captain, I felt uncomfortable.

It was jealousy.

When the captain was nearby, my heart felt at ease, and I found him both reliable and adorable at the same time.

I had never felt this way about any of the women I had been involved with before.

I was in love with the captain.

The Crown Prince and the Princess, who understood and realized it, looked at me with a mix of exasperation.

After returning home, I told Alice.

"Ah, so you finally realized it, older brother."

She sighed and said with relief.

Next, when I reported it to Claude...

"What?! Conrad-san, you didn't realize it before!?"

He was genuinely surprised from the bottom of his heart.

It seems that everyone around me had noticed, except for myself.

Recalling my actions since realizing it, I held my head in frustration at how slow I was.

I realized I had feelings for the captain a year ago.

But even after realizing it, not much had changed.

At first, I struggled with how to face the captain, but since he usually wore a helmet, not revealing his true face, I could maintain a calm demeanor more easily than I expected.

When he showed his true face, I would certainly feel a flutter, but I interacted with him normally without showing it.

That's how it had been for a year.

Seems like the Crown Prince had finally grown impatient and summoned me today.

"Conrad, Chie and I will be away from the castle together for a while next week. Claude and Alice will accompany us. Alice aside, I've heard that there's another man who is often with Chie. I know Chie is a woman, but aren't you worried?"

The Crown Prince said with a concerned expression, but I am absolutely certain.

It seems that the Crown Prince has misunderstood a little.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, that is absolutely not the case. It's a misunderstanding."

I said with a wry smile, furrowing my eyebrows and tilting my head in response.

"A misunderstanding?"

"Yes, that man is the captain's best friend, and the personhe has feelings for is my sister, Alice."

The Crown Prince seemed surprised, his eyes blinking rapidly.

"I-Is that so?"

"Yes, so there's no need to worry about that," I replied.

Understanding the misunderstanding, the Crown Prince muttered, "Oh, I see."

But then, he furrowed his brows for a moment and looked at me.

"Conrad, you were able to see other people's love, but you completely failed to notice your own?"

Upon hearing the Crown Prince's words, I instinctively turned my face away.

"Well, um, until that time, I couldn't comprehend the concept of romantic feelings..."

As I said that, he looked at me with a bewildered expression.

Letting out a deep sigh, the Crown Prince spoke.

"Both Erene and I see Chie as a sister-like figure, and we want her to be happy. We believe that only you can make that happen. Father and Mother are also considering an engagement between you in the future. However, if Conrad himself doesn't take action, the matter cannot progress. If we, the royal family, intervene, it will become forced. Therefore, confess your feelings and become a couple as soon as possible."

Crossing his arms, the Crown Prince urged me to take action.

The Crown Prince's argument was valid.

This is about me, and I have to make a move.

However, what does engagement mean?

"About that engagement..."

"It's exactly what it sounds like. You're turning 26 this year, right? It's about time you start thinking about marriage. But as I mentioned earlier, we won't approach Chie with this unless Conrad takes action. We don't want to force our sister into something she doesn't want."

The Crown Prince stated it as a matter of course.

It's hard to explain, but the imperial family doesn't see the captain as a retainer.

It's something only I know, but they think of the captain as a daughter or a sister.

His Majesty and the Queen are trying to create time for the captain to return to being a woman, and the Crown Prince and the Princess apparently refer to him as "elder sister" or "big sister" when they are alone together.

It's something that can't be done openly, so even the captain is unaware of it.

The reason I know is because when the Crown Prince was with me, he accidentally called the captain "elder sister" and explained it to me while blushing.

According to the Crown Prince...

"I've always admired a reliable 'elder sister' or 'elder brother' like Chie."

That's what he said.

The Crown Prince looked childish at that moment, and it was quite endearing.

It was only natural for the imperial family, who saw the captain in that light, to wish for his happiness.

When I heard that I would be accompanying them on the trip and panicked due to a misunderstanding, that's why I was summoned today, to confess my feelings before they set off.

However, even if I were to confess...

"Your Highness, even if I confess, it won't mean anything if the captain doesn't reciprocate the feelings."

"I agree. I've been considering how the captain feels about Conrad."

"...Your Highness, it's fine if it's just between us, but you've been calling him 'elder sister.'"

When I pointed it out, he blushed slightly, cleared his throat, and continued speaking.

"But still, shouldn't you express your feelings? If you don't take action, it will ultimately be the same, won't it?"

I completely agreed with the Crown Prince's words.

To be pointed out by the Crown Prince, who is only a year younger than my sister Alice...

This is the first time in my life that I've been so troubled.

Love is such a difficult thing, isn't it?

"...Forgive me for asking, but does Alice and Claude, the two mentioned, know about the feelings Conrad has for Chie?"

The Crown Prince asked with a thoughtful gesture.

"Yes, I informed Alice on the day I realized it, and I told Claude the next day."

When I said that they both looked exasperated, the Crown Prince responded with "I thought so."

(If that's the case, it might be a chance to ask Alice and Claude about Conrad and the captain. Since it seems like they've noticed, I might be able to get their cooperation.)

"Um, Your Highness?"

I called out to the Crown Prince, who had fallen into deep thought, wondering what was going on.

The Crown Prince smiled and said, "No, it's nothing. Sorry for that. It seems like my concerns were unfounded. Let's discuss this another time. (I might be able to replenish our forces unexpectedly.)"

I was told that I could leave, and I exited the room.

The last thing I saw was the Crown Prince's smile.

That smile was the one he had when he had come up with a "good idea" or when there was an unexpected harvest.

What do you plan to do, Your Highness...?

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