Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 134: Chapter 134: Elara

The girl stumbled, barely managing to dodge a swipe from one of the wolves. Her hands were shaking as she gripped the dagger at her side, clearly no match for the three beasts that were quickly closing the distance.

One of the wolves lunged at her, claws outstretched.

Without hesitation, Aric acted. With a simple flick of his wrist, a wave of dark energy shot forth from his hand, striking the wolf mid-air and sending it crashing into a nearby tree with a sickening crack. The beast let out a pained howl before falling silent.

The girl's eyes widened in shock, her gaze darting around in confusion, searching for her unseen savior.

Aric stepped forward from his concealed spot, finally revealing himself. "I must say, you seem to have terrible luck with these beasts," he said smoothly, his voice carrying an almost mocking tone. "But don't worry. Today is your lucky day."

The remaining wolves snarled and turned their attention to Aric, recognizing him as the greater threat. With a low growl, they leapt toward him, their jaws snapping.

Aric smirked. "Foolish creatures."

With a quick, effortless motion, he raised his hand and unleashed a blast of energy. The second wolf was vaporized on the spot, leaving only the final beast, which hesitated, clearly unsure of its next move.

"I don't have all day," Aric muttered, his eyes narrowing. He pointed his finger toward the last wolf, and with a flicker of energy, the beast was sent flying, crashing into the ground, motionless.

The clearing fell silent once more.

The girl, still wide-eyed and breathing heavily, looked at Aric with a mix of awe and fear. She cautiously took a step back, her hand gripping the dagger as if it could somehow protect her from this mysterious stranger.

"Who... who are you?" she asked, her voice trembling.

Aric smiled coldly, taking a slow step toward her. "Someone far beyond your understanding," he said cryptically, his eyes scanning her from head to toe. "But you can call me your savior, for now."

She swallowed nervously, her gaze flicking between the dead wolves and the enigmatic man standing before her. "Why did you save me?"

Aric chuckled softly. "Let's just say... I have a habit of being in the right place at the right time."

He could see the fear in her eyes, but also the faint glimmer of hope. He had no interest in harming her—yet. After all, she was a Daughter of Destiny, and there were benefits to be gained from manipulating someone like her.

"What's your name?" Aric asked, his tone gentler now, though the underlying menace remained.

The girl hesitated before responding. "Elara... My name is Elara."

"Elara..." Aric repeated, as if testing the name on his tongue. "You're quite lucky, Elara. If I hadn't shown up, those wolves would have torn you apart." He paused, watching her carefully. "Tell me, what are you doing out here, all alone?"

"Tell me, Elara," Aric began, his voice smooth as they ventured through the forest, "why were you so far from your village alone? A young elf like yourself, wandering deep into dangerous territory?"

Elara glanced at him, then quickly averted her gaze. "I... I was out collecting rare fruits for our village. They're used in rituals and ceremonies, and the elders sent me out to gather them. I thought I could handle it on my own, but I didn't expect those beasts to chase me."

Aric nodded, masking his inner amusement.How foolish—sending a mere Qi Refining cultivator into the wilderness alone. "You're lucky I was nearby," Aric said, his tone dripping with hidden intent. "I can't imagine what would have happened had I not intervened."

She gave a small, grateful smile. "I am thankful. You saved my life. I don't know how I can repay you."

He knew there was more to her story than she was letting on, but for now, he would play along. After all, she might lead him to yet another opportunity.

"Very well, Elara," Aric said, his tone softening. "Consider this your lucky day. I'll escort you... but you'll owe me for it later."

Elara hesitated, but she nodded. She didn't have a choice.

Aric's gaze shifted to Elara, the girl he had just saved from the beasts, and without hesitation, he mentally commanded the system to display her status.

[Ding! Displaying status of Daughter of Destiny...]

[Name: Elara Fynrir]

[Age: 18]

[Cultivation Level: Qi Refining Realm (9th Stage)]

[Strength: 45]

[Agility: 55]

[Intelligence: 70]

[Charm: 85]

[Bloodline: Elven Royal Bloodline]

[Physique: Silvermoon Physique]

[Cultivation Techniques: Moonlit Blossom Arts, Silvermoon Shield]

[Skills: Bow of the Silvermoon, Forest Affinity, Healing Touch]

[Fate Value: 92,000]

"Interesting," Aric murmured to himself, a faint smile crossing his lips. "An elven royal bloodline... and a Daughter of Destiny. Seems like I've stumbled upon something valuable after all."

Elara winced as she clutched her arm, still bruised from the earlier encounter with the wolves. Aric, noticing her discomfort, pulled out a small vial of healing medicine from his storage ring. With a flick of his wrist, he handed it to her.

"Drink this," he said, his voice smooth yet commanding. "It will help."

Elara hesitated, her eyes flickering with distrust, but the pain in her arm won out. She took the vial and drank its contents, immediately feeling a soothing warmth spread through her body. The pain dulled, and the bruises started to fade away.

"T-Thank you," she muttered, still cautious of him.

Without waiting for her response, Aric motioned for her to lead the way. They traveled in silence, Elara occasionally glancing back at him, still unsure of his motives. But Aric's focus was elsewhere—he was already thinking about how to manipulate this situation to his advantage.

As they ventured closer to Elara's village, Aric took note of the surroundings. The village was well hidden, nestled deep within the Eldoria forest, with large trees forming a natural barrier around it. Each home seemed to be carved from the living wood of the trees, intertwined with vines and flowering plants that gave the settlement a harmonious blend with nature.

For a moment, Aric admired the craftsmanship, but his thoughts quickly returned to more pressing matters—his entry into the village and, ultimately, his control over it.

When they approached the village's entrance, Aric immediately sensed the hostility. Elves emerged from the shadows of the trees and huts, their gazes cold and untrusting. It was clear that outsiders were not welcome here, and the fact that Elara, one of their own, was with him did little to ease their wariness.

From the edge of the village, a group of elven guards quickly approached. The leader, a tall elf with sharp, angular features and a hardened gaze, stepped forward, his hand resting on the hilt of his sword. His eyes fixed on Aric as if trying to gauge whether he was a threat.

"Who is this outsider, Elara?" the guard asked, his voice harsh and unwelcoming.

Elara, sensing the tension, quickly moved to stand between Aric and the guard. "He saved my life, Leiros," she explained earnestly. "I was attacked by wolves in the forest, and he came to my aid."

Leiros, the elven guard, did not seem impressed. His eyes flicked between Aric and Elara, his suspicion evident. "And why should we trust him?" he asked. "Outsiders bring trouble, Elara. You know this."

Aric maintained his calm exterior, though internally, he was analyzing the situation. Typical elves, always wary of anyone not of their own kind. He offered a slight bow of his head, his tone respectful but firm. "I have no intention of causing harm. I merely acted to save her from danger. Now, I only seek shelter for the night.

By dawn, I will be on my way."

Leiros's hand tightened on the hilt of his blade as he scrutinized Aric further. He clearly didn't trust him, and Aric could see the elf's mind turning, wondering if there was some hidden agenda behind the outsider's calm demeanor.

Another guard, a younger elf with a curious but wary expression, leaned in toward Leiros. "If he helped Elara, perhaps we should show some hospitality," he whispered, though his eyes never left Aric. "The elders would want to know if an outsider is in our midst."

Leiros considered the suggestion, but his gaze remained hard. He looked at Elara. "You vouch for this man?"

"I do," Elara said firmly, standing her ground. "He saved me, and I owe him my life."

A long silence followed as Leiros deliberated. Finally, he stepped aside, though the tension in his stance remained. "Fine. You may enter," he said grudgingly. "But know this, outsider: if you cause trouble, we'll deal with you swiftly."

Aric gave a faint smile, nodding his thanks. "I understand. I'm merely a traveler, nothing more. I just want to rest for the night."

Leiros gestured for another guard to accompany them. "Take him to a guest house at the village's edge. He will leave at first light."

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