Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 135: Chapter 135: Controlling the village

That evening, as the stars twinkled overhead and the elves retreated into their homes, Aric's mind was abuzz with thoughts of domination. The peaceful village of Eldoria was ripe for manipulation, and he had no intention of leaving without planting his influence here.

After all, power was his ultimate pursuit.

His hut, nestled at the village's edge, provided him the perfect cover to make his move. Cloaked in the shadows of night, Aric stepped outside, his every movement silent and calculated. Using his Celestial Veil Technique, he became a ghost, slipping through the village unnoticed, bypassing the few guards patrolling the area with ease.

Aric's destination was the village's water reservoir—a large, clear pool in the heart of the settlement that served as the elves' primary source of drinking water. The reservoir glistened under the moonlight, untouched and serene. Aric approached it with a sly smirk tugging at his lips.

"This will do nicely," Aric whispered, retrieving a small vial from within his robes. It was filled with his blood that would allow him to slowly bend the minds of those who consumed it to his will.

Uncorking the vial, Aric let a few drops of his blood fall into the water. The dark liquid spread out in tendrils, dissolving into the reservoir with faint ripples. For a moment, the water shimmered under a faint glow, but soon it returned to its calm, undisturbed state.

Aric straightened, satisfied. "Once they drink from this... they'll all be mine." He smirked as he pictured the entire village, including the elders and the guards, falling under his subtle control. "And from here, I'll build my base of power."

But his ambitions didn't stop at the village. Aric's gaze wandered toward the direction of Elara's hut. She had been an interesting discovery, and not just because of her beauty. The system hadn't yet fully revealed her background, but Aric could sense that she was more than just a simple elf. Her bloodline, her strength—it all hinted at something more.

"Perhaps she's the lost daughter of some royal lineage, or a key to an ancient elven kingdom," Aric mused, his mind racing with possibilities. "If I control her... I may control her legacy too."

The next morning, the village awoke unaware of the changes that had already begun to take hold. Elves went about their daily routines, filling their jugs with water from the reservoir, blissfully ignorant that their fates were already being sealed with every sip.

Suddenly, a soft chime echoed in his mind, followed by the cold, mechanical voice of the system.

[Ding! A new target has been detected. Do you want to use the Absolute Mind Control Skill?]

Aric's grin widened as he leaned back in his chair. "Yes, system. Use the skill," he said softly, savoring the moment.

[Ding! Absolute Mind Control activated. Target's will has been overwritten.]

Another chime followed immediately after.

[Ding! A new target has been detected. Do you want to use the Absolute Mind Control Skill?]

"Yes, continue," Aric ordered, his voice low but filled with anticipation.

The notifications came faster now, each one signaling a new mind that had fallen under his sway. As more and more villagers drank from the reservoir, Aric's control over them tightened. The once independent elves, proud and distrustful of outsiders, were now unknowingly becoming his puppets, all without a single spell or visible confrontation.

The time had come for him to move on, just as the elders had decided, but Aric had no intention of leaving without securing before completely making this village as his own. As he moved towards the center of the village, he spotted Elara tending to some tasks, her delicate features brightening when she saw him approach.

"Leaving already, Aric?" Elara asked with a warm smile, brushing a few strands of her golden hair behind her pointed ears.

"Yes, Elara," Aric replied smoothly, though a flicker of mischief danced in his eyes. "But before I go, I was hoping to have a brief word with the village elders."

Elara tilted her head slightly, her curiosity piqued. "The elders? Why do you wish to meet them?"

"I feel it would be good to formally thank them for their hospitality and for allowing me to stay here, even if for just a short time," Aric said, his tone sincere. "And perhaps discuss a potential future alliance, should I ever return. I want to ensure your village is protected from... unforeseen dangers."

Her eyes softened at his words, her trust in him already solidified after the events of the past few days. "I'll see if the elders will grant you an audience."

Aric nodded graciously. "Thank you, Elara."

As she walked off to speak with the elders, Aric's lips curled into a sly smile. Everything was falling into place perfectly. Unknown to the village, many of the elders were already under his mind control, and their loyalties lay solely with him.

Within moments, Elara returned. "The elders will see you now," she said. "They're in the meeting hall."

Aric followed Elara through the village, his steps deliberate and confident. As they approached the hall, he caught a glimpse of the large, ornate wooden doors that led into the sacred meeting chamber. The aura of age and wisdom surrounded the place, but Aric knew that much of that "wisdom" now belonged to him.

The doors creaked open, and Aric stepped inside. His eyes immediately took in the sight of the village elders seated around a large, circular table. What struck him was the beauty of these women.

They looked like they could easily be mistaken for young maidens or alluring milfs—each one radiating a kind of gentle, ethereal beauty that was unique to elves.

Aric mentally activated his system.

[Ding! Checking status of targets…]

The status panels for each of the elders appeared before him. Most were at the Nascent Soul realm, their power considerable but far below his own.

Despite their beauty and strength, Aric had already subverted their wills with his Absolute Mind Control. To most of these elders, he was the center of their affections—their beloved, the man they adored more than anything else.

Aric smirked inwardly. It was almost too easy.

"Aric, you are here to speak with us?" one of the elders, a tall elf woman with soft eyes and a motherly aura, asked as she stood. Her tone was formal, but the gleam in her eyes revealed the underlying feelings he had implanted within her.

"Yes, respected elders," Aric said, his voice smooth and respectful. "I wanted to personally thank you all for your hospitality. You have shown me great kindness, and I would be honored to further cultivate our relationship in the future. If I could be of any assistance to your village, please don't hesitate to ask."

The elders exchanged glances, their expressions softening. They were already predisposed to him, and Aric's words only cemented their belief that he was the man they trusted.

"You are always welcome in our village, Aric," another elder said, her voice filled with warmth. Her eyes lingered on him, and Aric could feel the pull of her affection. "We have discussed among ourselves and decided that you will be allowed to stay longer."

"Indeed," another elder, with silvery hair and an air of authority, added. "You have proven yourself worthy, and we believe your presence would be a great benefit to us."

Aric nodded graciously, hiding his victorious grin. "I am honored by your trust. I assure you, I will do everything in my power to protect and assist this village."

The elder with the motherly aura smiled warmly, her eyes gleaming with an affection that no normal villager would understand. "We have already prepared the guest house for you, in the heart of our village. You may rest there for as long as you wish."

Aric bowed his head slightly, sealing his position within the village. "Thank you, elders. Your trust means everything to me."

The meeting ended shortly after, and as Aric exited the hall. Now he decided to quickly leave this place and discover the portal.

He summoned his Heavenly Jade Sword, a sleek and powerful weapon that had carried him through many journeys.

Stepping onto it, he felt the familiar hum of energy beneath his feet as the sword lifted off the ground, hovering for just a moment before shooting into the sky.

With his Celestial Veil Technique concealing his movements, Aric darted through the forest like a phantom, leaving no trace of his departure.

The cool morning air whipped past him as he soared above the trees, his eyes scanning the landscape below. The dense forest stretched out in every direction, but he knew exactly where he was headed—the ancient waterfall that held the key to theupper world. Using the general information he had gathered from System andLi Chengfeng'smemories, he focused on reaching the area.

Aric landed softly on a nearby ledge, taking in the scene before him. The waterfall itself was impressive, but to a casual observer, it looked like nothing more than a beautiful landmark.

Aric, however, knew better. Drawing on his previous experiences as a reader and a cultivator, he was familiar with how these things worked. Ancient locations often hid their entrances behind seemingly mundane or intimidating features—like a waterfall.

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