Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 133: Chapter 133: Eldoria

Aric lounged comfortably on the deck of his flying boat as the notifications from the system chimed in his mind. The satisfying ping of rewards echoed through his consciousness, confirming his recent success.

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! You have gained 10,000 Villain Halo and 100,000 Villain Points for successfully stealing the Celestial Dragon's Heart from the protagonist, Li Yuan!]

[The Ultimate Villain System]

[Name - Aric Lei (Ethan)]

[Age - 20]

[Cultivation Level - Divine Transformation Realm (7th Stage)]

[Strength - 155]

[Agility - 160]

[Intelligence - 290]

[Charm - 130]

[Physique - Celestial Shadow Physique ]

[Bloodline - Draconic Asura Bloodline ]

[Cultivation Techniques - Iron Body Technique, Void Soul Assimilation Technique, Celestial Harmony Dual Cultivation Technique, Primordial Chaos Scripture]

[Skills - Eclipsing Shadow Blade (Master, Subskills: Shadow Slice, Phantom Strike, Eclipse Barrage), Tengzhi Fusion Fist (Beginner), Mystic Wind Movement, Essence of the Doppelganger, Mental Suggestion,Nine Tails Illusion Art]

[Items - Heavenly Jade Sword, Shadowbane Amulet, Shadow Veil Cloak, Supreme Bone, The Heart of the Primordial Titan, Demonic Requiem,Secrets of the Divine Path, Heavenly Fox Essence]

[Villain Halo - 340,000]

[Villain Points - 1,089,500]

"One million points already?" Aric raised an eyebrow in surprise. "This is... even faster than I thought." His lips curled into a grin. "Villain points... over a million... Heh, the perks of being a villain indeed."

He admired the numbers for a moment longer before closing the panel and focusing on his next task. "It's time to take things up a notch," he murmured. "System, I want to upgrade my cultivation level to the peak of Divine Transformation. How many Villain Points will it take?"

[Ding! Host! 200,000 Villain Points are required for the upgrade.]

"Two hundred thousand?" Aric scowled. "That's expensive."

[Ding! The higher your cultivation level, the more costly the upgrades become.]

"Of course," Aric sighed, though a smirk quickly replaced his irritation. "But it's worth it. Let's see what this next level brings."

Without hesitation, he authorized the deduction of points, feeling the sudden surge of power coursing through his body. The energy was overwhelming, pushing his muscles to their limits, his dantian expanding as his cultivation skyrocketed.

His body trembled as the peak stage of Divine Transformation became his reality. The power of the Celestial Dragon's Heart intertwined with his being, augmenting his already immense strength. He exhaled sharply, his breath coming out as mist as his aura darkened.

Aric exhaled, watching as the world seemed to slow around him. His senses had sharpened to an extraordinary degree, his power magnified manyfold.

"Now this is what true power feels like," Aric whispered to himself, flexing his hands as his entire body pulsed with energy. "No one in the lower realms can stand in my way now."

Satisfied with his progress, Aric turned his thoughts to his next goal—the portal to the upper world.

Aric knew that he could technically use his family's resources to reach the Upper World. After all, he was from one of the most powerful families on the continent of Azoria, the Lei Family, which had deep connections to the Upper World.

But that came with its own set of restrictions. His family only allowed cultivators who had reached the peak of the Divine Transformation Realm to ascend, and even then, only a select few were given permission to use the family's method.

"Even though I'm already strong enough," Aric mused aloud, "The family members of the upper world wouldn't allow my women to come with me. Only a chosen few are granted access to the upper realms."

His eyes narrowed. "That's why I need this portal. A backdoor to the Upper World... One where I set the rules."

With his goal set, he prepared to journey to the portal's location. According to Li Chengfeng's memories, the portal was hidden deep within the Eldoria Continent.

This was no ordinary portal; it had been crafted during the era when travel between the upper and lower worlds was common. But it had been lost to time, buried beneath layers of history, known only to a select few.

He turned his flying boat toward the distant continent of Eldoria. According to Li Chengfeng's memories, Eldoria was a mystical land dominated by the monster race, home to beings like elves, beastfolk, and other creatures of ancient origin.

"Elves," he whispered, a wicked grin spreading across his face. "Graceful, beautiful, obedient... imagine them serving me."

The thought of elven maidens, with their striking features and flowing silver hair, waiting on him, catering to his every whim, excited him more than he cared to admit.

"Perhaps I'll have an entire harem of elven beauties," he mused, his mind drifting to the possibilities. "Servants, bedwarmers, warriors... they'll all be mine."

The more he thought about it, the more his excitement grew. Eldoria was not just a place of opportunity—it was a land of possibilities. And Aric intended to seize every one of them.

"It's a place filled with opportunities, but first, I need to get there."

But there was one problem—the continent of Eldoria was millions of kilometers away from his current location.

The distance from Azoria to Eldoria was immense. Traveling by flying boat would take months, and Aric had no intention of wasting that much time.

"System, show me teleportation talismans," Aric commanded.

The system immediately displayed a list of teleportation talismans on his interface, each with brief descriptions of their uses and costs.

[Instant Teleportation Talisman – 5,000 Villain Points]

[Instantly teleports the user up to 10,000 kilometers. One-time use.]

[Long-Distance Teleportation Talisman – 8,000 Villain Points]

[Allows instant teleportation up to 50,000 kilometers. One-time use.]

[Continent Traverser Teleportation Talisman – 10,000 Villain Points]

[Allows instant teleportation to any continent within the lower realm, bypassing all natural and man-made barriers. One-time use.]

"Perfect." Aric grinned. "This will do nicely."

Aric grinned as he selected the Continent Traverser Teleportation Talisman.

Without hesitation, he purchased the talisman. His Villain Points dipped slightly, but it was a small price to pay for such convenience. Holding the talisman in his hand, he admired the intricate runes carved into its surface.

"Let's see how this works."

As soon as aric crushed the Talisman and said "Eldoria", an energy enveloped him.

The energy within the talisman surged, enveloping him in a cocoon of light. The world around him blurred, shifting and distorting as space bent to the talisman's power.

In the blink of an eye, Aric felt himself pulled through space, traveling millions of kilometers in an instant. When the light faded, he opened his eyes to find himself standing in the middle of a dense, ancient forest.

Aric stood amidst the towering trees of Eldoria, the teleportation talisman having brought him deep into the heart of an unfamiliar forest. The thick canopy overhead cast deep shadows, and the air was rich with the scent of damp earth and moss. He glanced around, his sharp eyes scanning the dense foliage.

"I don't recognize this place," he muttered to himself, frowning slightly. "System, give me some insight. Where exactly am I?"

The system, ever loyal and responsive, chimed in.

The system, ever loyal and responsive, chimed in.

[Ding! Analyzing location... Villain Points required: 2,000. Proceed?]

"2,000 Villain Points?" Aric scoffed, though he quickly waved his hand dismissively. "Fine, just take them. I need the information."

There was a brief pause as the system worked, and then it responded.

[Ding! You are currently in the southern region of the Eldoria Continent, within the Twilight Grove. The portal you seek is located approximately 150 kilometers northeast of your current position.]

"150 kilometers..." Aric mused aloud, his eyes narrowing in thought. "That's not too far."

Aric nodded, mentally noting the direction. He extended his divine sense outward, scanning the forest. His intention was clear: locate the portal, extract whatever benefits he could, and continue his journey toward ultimate power.

"Let's get this over with," he muttered, preparing to move.

But before he could make a move toward the portal, something unexpected happened.

[Ding! New notification... A Daughter of Destiny has been detected nearby.]

Aric's eyes flickered in interest. "A Daughter of Destiny?" he muttered to himself, his voice dripping with intrigue. "Well, this could be more entertaining than I thought."

His divine sense expanded further, searching for this so-called Daughter of Destiny. As he scouted the area, his attention was drawn to a commotion not far from his current position. There was a fight—a chase, more accurately. Several beasts were in pursuit of someone.

"Well, well," Aric mused, a sly grin forming on his face. "Let's see who fate has brought to my doorstep."

He activated his Mystic Wind Movement Technique and shot through the forest with blinding speed, heading straight toward the source of the disturbance. Within moments, he reached a small clearing and quickly hid his presence, cloaking himself with his Celestial Veil Technique.

In mere moments, he reached the scene.

Before him, a group of ferocious beasts were relentlessly chasing a young girl. She was indeed an elf, her delicate features and pointed ears unmistakable. Her long silver hair streamed behind her as she desperately fled from the creatures.

The beasts—massive, muscular creatures with glowing eyes and sharp claws—were closing in fast. Aric recognized them instantly: Shadowclaw Panthers, beasts known for their speed and deadly precision. There were three of them, each one far stronger than an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The girl stumbled, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she tried to push herself forward. But it was clear she wouldn't last much longer.

Aric watched the scene unfold, a smirk tugging at his lips. "So, this is the so-called Daughter of Destiny," he murmured to himself, his gaze fixed on the girl. "Let's see just how much luck fate has given her."

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