Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 62: A Talk Not for Mortal Ears 1

After finally ending the spectacle, we quickly made our way into the city itself, where we marveled and shuddered before the stark duality before us.

The air was rich with the blistering heat of furnaces and the deafening noise of relentless industry.

Tens of thousands of carts carrying tools, metal and stone from the countless mines of Qayan sped by us in a flash, as they made their way down the labyrinthine, yet efficient streets of the bleak city that seemed to abandon all color but black and bronze, so much so that even the cerulean sky itself, now gazed down at us with a poisoned mix of brown and yellow.

Yet despite the dreadful appearance of the city, the people didn't seem affected by it what so ever, as a satisfied smile and a serious look dominated the faces of all we saw, regardless of the currents of sweat streaming down their brows.

But all this immediately faded into the background of our thoughts the instant we laid eyes on the heart of this ancient city; the Stygian Palace of Qayan, and home to the descendants of the Forge God.

The palace, which would be more accurately described as a fortress, was nearly a kilometer wide and so tall it nearly reached the crater of the volcano it was carved into, while a few steaming valves and pipes littered it's outer shell, showcasing that even in the home of the Forge Lords themselves, metal work did not halt.

While it's mighty walls, which were nearly forty meters thick of hard black rock and coated with a layer of glistening steal and bronze, displayed a variety of war engines, from cannons to catapults and ballistae, protruded from atop it like the bristling quills of a porcupine, menacingly threatening all who would dare approach it.

Meanwhile, as we slowly approached, the great iron gate that barred all intruders entry into these hollowed grounds, began to creak open with the sound of grinding gears, struggling against the weight and stubbornness of the gate, that was so large it easily accommodated Ardaanin's titanic frame.

'Even with all my centuries worth of memories of war and experience in the art of siege craft, I would still find it hard to break through these walls with normal means.' I thought as I quietly scrutinized the defenses.

Swiftly descending from Ardaanin, I took a moment to once again appreciate the grandeur of Qayan's Palace, which I had to admit gave off a much more intimidating aura than my own Imperial Palace which was built for the sole purpose of showcasing the Empire's opulence and prosperity.

Quickly invited in by Forge Lord Valdour, my retinue and I made our way into the outer part of the castle, which held the same foreboding air as you'd expect, but the instant we entered the inner parts, where the Qayan royal family stayed, the change was simply jarring.

Cold, black coble stone was replaced with marvelous polished marble. Pitch dark walls that were only interrupted by the occasional lit torch, were now large tainted glass windows with velvet curtains, showering us in rays of beautiful prismatic light.

Squadrons of patrolling soldiers, were now graceful maids gently swaying from task to task, diligently tending to the masterfully crafted furniture and statues that occupied the space around us.

Sadly we couldn't stay to admire the sight before us for long, as we were quickly ushered into the dining hall, where a large table full of every delicacy one could desire, professionally displayed upon it and before it stood a woman whose height rivaled Abraham and a slightly pudgy boy next to her.

Gently smiling, Valdour, who not only still carried his hoe over his shoulder, but hadn't even bothered to change his clothes, simply opting to put on a loose fitting green robe that barely did anything to obscure his large muscles, stepped forward and perched himself beside the duo as he said "Your majesty, allow me to introduce my darling wife Korra and son Va'lin."

Korra was an olive skinned beauty, with long wavey raven black hair and enchanting brown eyes, and despite her unusual height, it did nothing to dampen her feminine beauty, especially in the current green dress she was wearing, which greatly emphasized her generous bosom and wide hips.

As for Va'lin, who seemed to be around Nizam's age, was the spitting image of his father, only he still retained his hair, as well as not having his father's intimidating physique and aura, while also being on the heavier side of the scale.

But there was something else I realized as soon as I saw this boy, something my senses did not tell me, but my blood.

'Qayan's heir! How come Isaac didn't notify me of his existence before? Looks like I'll have to tell him to replace some of the incompetent trash he stationed here. How the hell did they miss the birth of a demi god?!

Absolute fools.' I mused to myself in my thoughts, as I perceived the feintest hints of divinity from him.

"Welcome, your Imperial majesty. I hope you find our humble reception to your satisfaction." Korra's voice broke me out of my thoughts, as she elegantly curtsied in perfect form.

This was shortly followed by Va'lin's own attempt to do the same, only to completely stumble through the whole thing, almost as if he's not used to his own body, as he stutteringly said "W-Wercum your magesty."

A look of absolute confusion took over everyone's faces as they questioned the identity of this boy, who seemed so simple minded for his age, which was impossible if he was a demi god, since not once in the countless millennia of recorded history has their ever been even a single offspring with the divine blood of the gods who suffered from any form of disability, whether it be physical or mental.

'An act?

But why would he do that?' I silently questioned, before deciding to deal with this later, as we all sat down at the dining table, with me, Nizam, Orhan and his son occupying one side, while the Qayan royal family sat opposite us, with the Brimstone Knights and Palace Guard standing behind their masters respectively with their weapons held in a ceremonial stance.

"I hope your majesty, takes delight in all of Qayan's finest produce. I assure you that you would find no better in the whole of the empire." Valdour grandly said with a large grin, as his hands opened wide.

"Bold words." I smirkingly replied, as I began to fill my plate, not refusing his offer.

But before the banquette could truly start in full, another sight caught everyone's gaze. It was the sight of Va'lin, sitting with a silly smile upon his lips as his mother cut his food in front of him in the shapes of different animals.

No longer able to hold my curiosity, I shot an inquisitive glance towards Valdour seeking an explanation.

Instantly understanding the meaning behind my stare, he showed a half knowing, half awkward smile, as he explained "My apologies, your majesty, my son has only recently celebrated his third birthday and still has much to learn."

A shock, like a tidal wave that flattened all that stood in it's path struck our minds as everyone stared wide eyed at the supposed toddler, who slowly began to shrink in his seat under our intense and disbelieving eyes.

Noticing her child's discomfort, Korra cleared her throat and said with kind smile "Please begin before it gets cold." She then gestured to the maids standing to the side, who began offering some food to both my guards and the Brimstone Knights, who hesitated for a brief moment before both me and Valdour nodded our heads in silence.

And so the feast commenced in silence with only the sound of clanking utensils echoing in the massive hall with the occasional exclamation of surprise and joy from either Orhan or Junior when they tasted a new dish.

This hour long rhythm was finally broken, when Valdour calmly said while his eyes shone with a yearning light, as he kept his gaze locked on the his plate "I must say, I never imagined I would ever lay eyes on my grandfather's dearest creation in my life time.

I wonder if your majesty would allow me to take a closer look at it sometime?"

"Do with it as you wish. After all, it's no longer mine." I simply replied as I seriously looked at Valdour's eyes that snapped up from his food the moment he heard my words, as a surprised gasp echoed across the hall.

"Does that mean that you're... returning Ardaanin back to us?" Valdour unsurely asked.

I nod and reply "That's exactly what I mean."

Another astonished gasp rung in the hall, while everyone suddenly realized the significance of this supposedly ordinary meal, as a sudden collective thought emerged in all their minds 'Are the sons of the forge and the sons of the underworld finally settling their ancient grudge?!'

Taking a long, deep breathe, Valdour closed his eyes for a moment before slowly lowering his head and saying in a tone full of sincerity "In Qayan, each of us treats every single creation of ours as if it were our own children, and so I truly thank you for returning it once again to our fold and allowing my grandfather's tired soul to finally rest in peace."

And as if on que all the maids, Brimstone Knights and even Korra and Va'lin lowered their heads as well and simultaneously said "Thank you, your majesty."

Slouching comfortably on my seat, I nonchalantly wave my hand as I say "It's fine. After all, it has done nothing but collect dust in the Imperial capital for the last millennia now."

"And yet non of the previous emperors bothered to return it to us. This gesture will not be easily forgotten, my liege." Valdour said with unbreakable conviction.

Revealing a small smile as my plan slowly comes to fruition, I calmly ask "Then does that mean that I can assume the previous conflict between our two houses to be erased from hence forth?"

"Not only have you returned Ardaanin to us, and finally allowed my grandfather's troubled soul to pass into our ancestors arms without anymore regrets, but you have also shown your metal to be not only strong but also malleable, a trait that one would encounter once in a life time, if at all.

I would be a fool to hold on to old grudges after all that." He said with a serene and kind look in his eyes.

"Excellent!" I exclaimed as I directed a look to Orhan, who was still gorging himself upon the delicious foods before him non stop since he sat down.

Understanding my meaning, he immediately stopped all he was doing and rushed, with a speed that made us question his age, to the Forge Lord with his darling's schematics in hand.

Not bothering with Orhan's odd behavior, Valdour unfurled the plans in front of him and began to carefully inspect them, with each second his eyes growing wider and wider, before finally snapping his head towards Orhan and exclaimed like a child who'd found his new favorite toy "Were you the one who designed these?"

"Sure am. What d'ya think? That any old schmuck could'ver dream 'bout my precious darlings?" Orhan smugly replied.

"Fascinating! But how did you even come up with such a radical idea in the first place?" Vadour asked in absolute curiosity.

"Hmm? Don't know, just did." Orhan replied nonchalantly, while scratching his beard.

"I see. But why did you decide to make the hinges for the Hydra out of iron, and not some form of allow, which would be far more cost effective?" Valdour pointed out.

"Huh? Where?" Orhan's eyes snapped to the location where he had pointed out, which caused the mad Orhan to immediately slap his own head, as he wailed in frustration "By the gods names! How'd I not think of that?!"

"You could also change..." Valdour began to give his suggestions to various parts he thought of improvements for, while Orhan's eyes continued to become more and more deranged and obsessed with every exchanged idea between the two.

But after fifteen minutes passed of this constant back and forth, and seeing no end in sight as both men continued to spiral further and further down the road of their mutually shared passion, I decided to interrupt by saying "I have something else to discuss with the Forge Lord. Privately."

Though Orhan seemed reluctant at first, he understood he could continue this later and so he replied with a defeated mutter "Alright, boss."

And with that all the maids quickly cleared the table in front of us from any leftovers, while the guards on both sides quickly made their way out along with everyone else, except for Korra who remained in her place.

Seeing this I calmly say "My words stand for you too, noble lady."

"With all due respect, your majesty, whether my wife hears what you have to say from you now, or from me later it matters not, she will know regardless." Valdour quickly said, as a small, barely perceptible happy smile emerged on her face.

"My words are not for mortal ears." I declared as my pupils involuntarily shifted to a haunting silverish hue, while my sclera became painted with an abyssal black.

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