Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 61: Arriving to our Destination

The journey took us a whole ten days before we could finally see the faintest glimpses of Qayan slowly poking out of the horizon. A sight Nizam was absolutely enthralled to see, as he glued himself to the windows as soon as it came into view.

And though the infamous city couldn't hold a candle to the sheer size and majesty of the capital city of Ekleposus, it still held it's own unique charm, as I beheld miles upon miles of fertile green fields extending in all directions, carefully tended to by thousands of hard working farmers, while the occasional childish laughs echoed loudly in the air, as dozens of small children ran around their parents in jubilation.

And this heartwarming sight was only interrupted by a thin river that slithered through the landscape like a silent serpent, quietly delivering life to the fields through a network of well built canals, before it eventually joined the mighty Vitar river in the distance.

But the center piece of this beautiful canvas of peace and prosperity was a single tall mountain that constantly belched out a never ending string of dark poisonous ash clouds into the clear skies, where a haunting city of black and bronze laid silently upon it's slope.

A city that is the physical embodiment of brutal industrialism, as an uncountable number of black gaseous pillars of smoke rose from every corner of it's massive structures, while the grotesque howls of machines churning, the mighty roars of fires burning and the booming echoes of steal beating steal rung thunderously in the air, even from miles away.

"Sire, a procession of Brimstone Knights have arrived." Hearing Abraham's voice I break out of my contemplative state, as I prepare to exit Ardaanin.

"Brimstone Knights?" Nizam who rushed to my side asks curiously, since he's never heard of this order before.

"The personal guard of the Forge Lords of Qayan. And an ancient remnant of their glorious past." I calmly replied.

Hearing my words he nods his head in understanding, but before he could say anything I grimly continue "As soon as we step out of this door, you must harden your heart so much so that no matter what you see or hear you will not so much as flinch. Do you understand me brother?"

"What? But why?" He asked in confusion with a hint of worry lacing his words.

"It is said that the only thing harder than arguing with people of Qayan, is gaining their respect in the first place and there are only two things that they revere above all else; a man's hammer and metal, as in a one's skill in the forge and his bravery in battle.

And if they judge our metal to be brittle or of low quality then no amount of effort, riches and flattery will ever be enough to change their stubborn minds. So no matter what happens little brother, you must not bend or bow before anyone or anything.

And if it gets too hard for you just remember that you're not only an Imperial prince of the Eclipse Empire, but also MY brother! Am I clear?" I assured him as I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"Yes, brother." Nizam replied with a steely look in his eyes.

Nodding my head in satisfaction, I finally step out of the enormous mobile structure only to be met with the kneeling figures of Horus and Abraham along with my one hundred guards, split to my right and left, leaving a corridor between them where I could spot the squadron of twenty Brimstone Knights awaiting me on the other end.

Equipped with nothing but an absolutely enormous, blood red war hammer the size of large crates that were only equaled in size to the gargantuan men carrying them, each measuring at least two and a half meters tall, and clad in extremely heavy bright red armor that covered every single inch of their flesh, except their eyes that shone with an intense crimson light ladened with a river's worth of killing intent, while a heavy and suffocating stench of iron and ash lingered upon them like vengeful and bitter ghosts!

These men, who all seemed to be in the third rank of martial arts, truly lived up to their legend, so much so that even Nizam loudly swallowed to wet his parched throat, but a single meaningful glance from me was enough to calm him down and allow him to regain his composure.

Stopping only a couple of meters away from the armored giants, I begin to intently stare at them, eagerly awaiting their next move.

Which didn't take long, as within a few seconds one of the red giants, whose entire body was confidently radiating with the might of a sixth rank martial artist stepped forward and nonchalantly asked "So which one of you is the emperor?"

A momentary silence passed as everyone, including the other Brimstone Knights, took a moment to completely comprehend the words that had been spoken, since the infamous Bloody Emperor has gained world wide renown and by this point you can ask any passer by and they would at least be able to tell you some basic information about the new ferocious master of the south.

So how come a high ranking member of the Brimstone Knights from Qayan, a city a mere ten days away from where that monster ruled not know?!

As the silence began to stretch towards awkwardness the Brimstone Knights and the surrounding peasantry, who stopped their work to look upon us in curiosity, abruptly felt a subtle change in the winds not due to a powerful martial artists aura or divine abilities only that it did, as the cool breeze seemed to grow in intensity, while it's once soothing cool that gently kissed their skin became to sting like frigid needles ruthlessly piercing their flesh.

And at that moment the Brimstone Knights suddenly took a step backwards as their battle instincts, who'd been honed for decades through ruthless training began to blare wildly through every single inch of their bodies, a feeling they've never felt before even when they occasionally faced their respected lord during their sparring sessions.

But what truly baffled them was that this horrific feeling was coming from nonother than from the newly crowned emperor, the very same man they'd been tasked of testing!

"Go fetch your master." Alexander calmly spoke to the sixth rank martial artist.

Hearing his words only heightened the men's apprehension, as they stared frozen before the enigmatic eyes of this mad dragon veiled as a human, and all they wished for was a miracle to release them from this abomination's glare.

And if a miracle they asked for then a miracle would the God of the Forge deliver, as a mighty and booming voice sounded out from their flank "There's no need for that, your majesty."

Turning their heads towards the voice, they saw the largest man any of them had ever witnessed in their lives, easily standing not one, not wo, but a full three heads over even the gigantic Brimstone Knights!

The bald man was bare chested, only wearing loose fitting green pants, with a massive hoe over his shoulder in a relaxed manner, looking as if he's just finished tending to his field like any common peasant.

But the most eye catching thing about this colossus wasn't his eccentricity or even his size, but his eyes and skin tone, which were as dark as a stormy night.

Gazing calmly at the man I say "It seems your hosting skills needs to be polished, Forge Lord."

"Whatever do you mean, sire?" He replied with a large, friendly smile.

Drawing Dark Majesty from it's scabbard, a wave of divine power erupted from me, as my eyes transformed and an incomprehensible collection of lines and drawings etched themselves upon my skin, causing the sun itself to slightly loose it's luster, while I darkly growled "I have not come here to play these games with you."

For a moment his pitch black eyes glowed with a forge's flame, turning them into two beaming red orbs, before swiftly returning to their original color, as he stabbed his hoe in the ground next to him and respectfully bent his knee and said with a small smile "Welcome to Qayan, your imperial majesty."

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