Tyrant of the Ruined Sun

Chapter 63: A Talk Not for Mortal Ears 2

The air was charged with a silent tension that, much like a taught rope, threatened to snap at any moment as the conflicting pride of two demi gods continued their suffocating stand off.

On and on it went until seconds gave the illusion of years in Korra's mind, despite her skill and prowess as a fourth rank martial artist.

And even though she wished to extradite herself from this situation she couldn't, as suddenly the once steadily growing pressure spiked, as tongues of molten fire etched themselves on her husband's flesh in intricate and indiscernible glyphs and runes, while his eyes blazed with a forge's light.

A scene mirrored simultaneously on the other end of the table, as similar but far less complicated black drawings marred the emperor's once pristine white skin.

Yet in spite of her husband's very obvious superiority of power, him having already unlocked his fifth gate, while the emperor having opened only one, she still couldn't ignore the menacing chill running up her spine whenever she glanced at the young emperor before her, nor could she silence the blaring screeches of sirens her instincts constantly sounded in her head.

But what truly frightened her even more was the fact that it wasn't her instincts as the High Lady of Qayan, or as a mother, or even as a warrior that were warning her at this moment. No, what truly scared her was that it was her instincts as a mere human that were screaming at her.

This went on for a short while longer until Valdour turned his flaming eyes towards her and said with his usual gentle voice "Can you give us the room my dear? It won't take long."

Stiffly nodding her head, Korra quickly made her way out, when the sudden realization hit her, that whatever words were about to be exchanged between the two behind her, it won't be under their mundane identities of lord and emperor, but as their true selves; as the offsprings of Gods!

Hearing the booming sound of the doors closing behind her, Valdour curiously asked "So, what do you wish to tell me that requires so much caution."

But instead of answering his query immediately, I turn my silverish white eyes to Valduor's side, where the massive hoe he has carried still resided and asked "That was a gift from the God of the Forge, correct?"

The flames in his eyes flickered for but a moment, before he asked in apparent confusion "What are you talking about?"

"Don't try and play coy with me, Valdour." I said, as my eyes locked with his own once again.

Seeing the seriousness in my eyes, he seemed to ponder his options for a brief second, before he suddenly reached out his hand and strongly gripped it's handle, when it suddenly burst into flames of gold with ivory veins running through them.

And though it was only for an instant, it was enough to momentarily rob me of my sight!

A few seconds later, when my vision slowly recovered, I beheld a glistening golden hammer, that matched Valdour in height, with enchanting etchings and mesmerizing illustrations of pale white running along it's entire length, while the rhythmic and soothing clangs of a hammer beating against an anvil reverberated around it.

"How did you know?" Valdour questioned.

"Did you think yourself special Valdour? All of us were given something, besides your eyes betrayed your secret the instant I asked you about it." I smirkingly replied.

Widening his eyes for a moment, before slumping back down against his chair, Valdour sighed and said "I thought as much." But as soon as the words left his mouth he shot back up again and asked "What do you mean by all of us?"

"Exactly what it sounds like. Every single one who has god blood in their veins has been gifted by his or her ancestor. Whether it be more divine blood, legendary equipment or weapons, or even maybe a rare resource in their lands." I calmly replied.

"...And how is it that you've come to know all this?" He asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because that was my gift." I confidently said.

"The Lord of the Underworld gifted you with knowledge?" He asked once again, but with a hint of disappointment in his voice this time.

"Knowledge? Oh no, he gave me far more than that. He gave me a second chance to undo all my wrongs and regain what was cheated from me." I replied with a wide smirk.

"What do you mean by a sec..." He paused as realization struck him with a blow so hard it knocked all other thought from his mind, before he exclaimed in disbelief "Impossible! The Lord of the Underworld has no such power or authority!

Such an act would transgress upon the dominion of the God of Time."

"Indeed." I affirmed, then quickly explained "But I was told that they struck a deal. Though what was agreed upon I don't know, so don't ask."

Valdour slumped back in his seat as his thoughts consumed him, while throwing his head back and releasing a weary sigh, as his eyes constantly darted between mine and the ceiling above, trying to gage the truthfulness of my words.

This continued on for several minutes, before he sighed yet again and uttered another question while still staring above him "Why are you telling me all this?"

"Because I need you Valdour." I honestly answered.

"Me? For what?" He asked wearily.

"Because a war is coming. One the likes of which haven't been seen, and will never be seen again.

One that would make the legendary age of Tarnished Steel our forefathers built seem like nothing more than a school yard's brawl." I halted for a second to control my rising wrath, as I growled with a tone that dripped with venomous malevolence "A war I lost."

"...I see." He said after a few seconds hesitation, before continuing "But you still haven't answered, why me? As I remember, your ancestors have subjugated houses with more battle oriented abilities than mine, such as the descendants of the Gods of fire and poison."

Snorting, I rebuke him saying with ever increasing intensity "I thought I told you to not play coy with me Valdour. You and I both know that these ancient and once formidable houses are barely even shells of their former selves.

The Lords of Flames, as they still call themselves, are content by doing nothing but wasting their days feasting in their decrepit halls until they rival wagons in their girth.

While the children of the God of Poison, or the Serpent Sovereigns as they proclaimed themselves as, who once struck fear to all who even mentioned their names, and nearly toppled the Eclipse Kingdom many millennia ago, now do nothing but use their horrifying gifts to create mere aphrodisiacs to ensnare all they want, whether they be man or woman, to satisfy their hedonistic desires.

No Valdour, I will not entrust my back to corrupt, greedy, cowardly halfwits who fancy themselves as demi gods, like you or I, but act no different than swine!"

I halted momentarily to regain control of my emotions, while the light from the various windows surrounding the hall continued it's retreat, plunging it into ever increasing darkness "No Valdour, you are the only one among my vassals who is strong enough and trust worthy enough to claim this position."

Valdour did not reply, but simply stood up and walked to one of the many windows of the hall, and stood before it with his hands behind his back, as he stared motionlessly into the horizon, seeming as if he's searching for the answer there.

After a few minutes of this, he softly uttered "And if I refuse?"

Hearing this my eyes change back to their normal shades and so does my skin, allowing the light to finally recede into the hall, as I calmly say "Nothing. I require Qayan's forges and smiths as much as I require you, if not more so.

And fortunately for you, you are beloved by the people, so if I harm you I would have a full blown rebellion on my hands."

Valdour nodded at this, before asking again "Tell me something, what became of me and my city in your previous life?"

For a moment I stared at his wide back, and considered whether or not to answer his question before saying "Qayan shared the same fate as all the other cities within my realm. It's buildings razed and all it's inhabitants exterminated, down to the rats in the sewers."

Valdour turned on his heal and loudly exclaimed with widened eyes "WHY?!"

Shrugging my shoulders, I nonchalantly reply "That was just how things were back then, or I should say will be. Honor and humanity were things of the past, and children were raised not knowing the meaning of the words mercy and peace.

Victory was no longer judged by the amount of Darr you plundered and nor were they measured by the stretch of lands you conquered, but only weighed by the amount of skulls you towered." Then a small, sadistic smile appeared on my lips as I said "People even began to jokingly refer to walled settlements as 'The Slaughtering Pens', though it wasn't as if it were any better in the rural villages either."

Valdour shuddered as he imagined such a world, then he shuddered again as he realized that he was talking to not just a survivor, but a champion and contender to the throne of said world. A defeated one, yes. But that didn't diminish it's greatness in his eyes.

Walking up to me, so that he could loom over me, he said in his booming voice "Is this war truly... inevitable?"

"As inevitable as the sun rising in the morning and setting in the evening." I replied calmly.

"And do you have the confidence to win it this time?" He questioned with a grim undertone.

"Absolutely." I answered without hesitation.

Dropping to one knee, Valdour says with his head lowered "Today I have bowed to you many times, all of which I did out of duties obligation, but now I do so out of my own volition, as I pledge my whole being to your cause, my liege. But I humbly ask; no beg of you one thing in return."

"And what is it?" I ask with surprise and curiousity.

"That no matter what happens, you will safeguard what I hold most dear." He replied, as he raised his head to meet my own, with unfathomable eyes. Eyes I still had to look up to, since even kneeling, he still stood high above me.

"Very well then, Valdour. You have my word." I said with a small, satisfied smile as I continued "Welcome into the fold."

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