The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 99: A Small God.


"Oraaaaaahh!" Sol roared as he and Union gaged in an exchange of swift attacks -each doing no damage to the other as they blocked and parried every one of their opponts' strikes and swings, by this point Sol was just being careless and stubborn, he wanted to overpower this prideful god who had still yet to make a peep, but he wanted to do it without laying his weapons down.

They clashed and separated and th rushed in and clashed again sding large sparks flying in every direction wh their greatswords broke upon impact.

"Fuck it!" Sol grabbed Union's hand before he could retreat and dragged him into a headbutt, causing both their helmets to shatter into pieces as he spun the handle of his sword and brought down the piece of blade intt on bedding it into the head of the god.

Union seemed to have the same idea because as soon as his eyes had focused again his brok sword came from the side aiming for Sol's neck.

Union sacrificed his palm to stop Sol's strike while Sol turned and grabbed the brok blade with his teeth, clamping down on it so hard it cracked as the two of them stopped moving and started growling in a stalemate.

Sol huffed though, he had worked hard for this one momt where he could get the quick bastard to stopoving.


He released the blade in his grasp and summoned a shortsword next to it, pressing it by the handle toward Union's face, but the emeral-eyed god still managed to lean his head out of the way and grab the blade with his teeth mimicking Sol.

"Ev wh you're stuck like this!?" Sol released his hand and used Union's leg like a platform to wid the gap betwe them, spinning several times and throwing small blades at him, but now with his hands freed Union easily deflected them with his bare hand.

"What am I doing wrong here?" Sol set foot on the g and had to activate [godspeed] again wh Union came swinging with a mace at his head dodging and summoning a spear from his palm like a projectile that the god of weapons also easily avoided.

"It doesn't matter if I'm hiding it or using it oply, he's avoiding everything, that healed scar on his hand and his brok helmet are the only evidces that he's be foghting me, he isn't fatigued, he's not showing any signs of slowing down... Meanwhile." Sol stared at his status window.

[Mana: 48%]

"I'm going to lose if this machine doesn't show any sign of... " He paused and stared at Union with wide eyes as he approached again, he had said it as an insult because of his perfect responses, but as they traded swings at each other something started becoming clear to him.

Union was in fact fighting perfectly, his movemts were so precise and controlled it felt like he was watching a robody carrying out tasks.

"Let's gamble on that!" Sol summoned a greatsword which was heavy for ev him and spun with it, and th activated [clockwork] the momt his back was turned, sure ough upon looking a again Union had tak his lapse in sight as an opportunity to attack him, and as a result had be caught in the technique.

Once again to everyone who was watching it happed instantaneously, Sol spun, union attacked and th a second later Sol's sword was falling and he was standing where Union had be, while the god of weapons was on a fast crash across the dimsion making holes through every cone he hit.

the only ones who knew what had happed were Saat and Sorath, and while the goddess of the sun had avoided revealing the fact that she had be froz in place by a strange technique, Saat was in no condition to speak at all.

After her fight with Sol she had imprisoned herself in her own throne room and cut off all communications, not ev Dr'ul had be able to summon her.

"Haha." Sol clched his fist and huffed wh his blood dripped through the armour. "You crazy bastard," He looked at his feet where Union's leg still stood, staring at electrical sparks coming from it.

[My beautiful leg!] Union exclaimed as soon as he stopped crashing. He sounded like a child.

"You're not an imposing god at all, you're a midget, so to compsate for your small body you created a whole other one to live inside of; the Union I have be facing before, it wasn't that he was strong..." Sol picked up the dismembered leg and started laughing at himself for being fooled as he stared at the small leg-space within it.

"I was fighting a weapon made by the god of weapons, this is hilarious, I'd have never won!" He continued laughing.

[The pantheon has erupted into laughter at your discovery]

[The god of creation is impressed by Union's intricate handiwork]

[You!] Union squeaked. Stepping out of his puppet armour and snapping his fingers, summoning another one that knelt as he quickly fitted himself into it. [How dare you mock my magnifict self, I will make you pay!!] He snapped his fingers again and three more android unions appeared in a flash. [I am the god of weaponry, you will learn to respect me!]

Sol had gone silt, he never expected the tables to turn so drastically in the blink of an eye. Now there was a pissed off union as well as three more foes to worry about.

[Mana: 47%]

"Sol might be a bit late today." Ikaris looked up at the mountains after they had finally reached.

"He's already late, it's about to be nightfall, this is ev longer than his fight against Sorath," Dina whispered back at her.

"Yes, appartly he made fun of a ssitive god and is about to suffer the consequce." Ikaris chuckled.

"You don't seem worried," Dina raised a brow.

"I am just amused."


[Mana 0%]

"Could you please stop telling me every single perctage drop!?" Sol snapped at the system parrying several swords consecutively as the god-androids reltlessly attacked him with strike after strike, to his merit he had withstood their attacks and be unharmed, but the sheer power and speed these things possessed had made him strain himself to the absolute limits of his speed and agility, any faster and he would start losing.

And th there was Union; he flanked Sol and came at him with arrows from his great longbow trying to slow him down and cripple his movemt so his weapons could deliver a decisive blow a d d the fight in flashy fashion.

[Th what of every five perct?] The system asked Sol out of the blue and he sunk to his knees, stopping wh all three androids attacked downward at once.

"Fine!" Sol screeched and sucked in his stomach just before Union's arrow tore through the abdom of his armour leaving a slash across his flesh.

He used this momt and parried all three swords out of the android's hands but immediately was beseeched by an onslaught of punches and kicks as the mechanisms began a gang beating he couldn't resist.

[Clockw- ugh!] His chest caved and his ribcage shattered.



His thoughts continued getting interrupted as he was subjected to a series of bone breaking pain and stabsbas the android's had managed to properly corner him while Union joined in on the beating.








Ikaris's op eye wided and her smile grew bright as she clched her fists and stood all of a sudd, giddy with excitemt. "Do it, do it!!" She screamed in anticipation.

Sol's grunts of pain subsided and he released a war-cry.

"That's ough!!"

"What!?" An explosion of mana blasted everything a him away, and before Union could gather himself he was subjected to a punch that blew him straight out of his suit sding him crashing into one of the spikes and tearing through it and several others behind that before another summoned android caught him, but was th smashed by his momtum as he hit one more spike and caused a crater.

The androids attacked him again but the sheer violce and dsity of his mana tore them apart before they could ev touch him.

"Is this how the god of weapons fights, do you expect me to succumb to these cheap tricks, where is your dignity!!?" Sol crushed one head of an android beath his heel as his eyes glazed over with and veins popped up across his arms, neck and forehead.

He was overcome with a boost of strgth that rdered the speed and attacks of his emy useless in an instant.

"If you wanted a brawl all you needed to do was say so, I'll crush your bones and break you into pieces you little imp!" Sol smashed his fist into his palm, scowling.

[You have tered berserker, your strgth is being multiplied while your sse of reason deteriorates]

"There he is~!" Ikaris sat and blushed travelling back to the momt Sol had looked down on her as a lowly woman undeserving of his affection or atttion; a few momts after he had defeated the demon-god and was still cooling down from his berserker state.

It was not as cruel as his demon-god transformation, but it was in her opinion more raw, and far more violt, everyone who saw Sol's wild expression knew in that momt;

"This fight is about to come to a brutal climax."

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