The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 100: A Terrible Sensation.

Another tire day had passed, in an unbelievably violt turn of evts the god of weapons was fused with Sol's unrelting fists for over 30 hours.

Dr'ul winced, Ikaris winced, the system had gone silt, the pantheon continued to wince and make faces as if they could feel the agony of Union as he was beset by what any of them could easily say was Sol's worst beating yet.

He took no pause, he didn't ev seem to breathe as he clobbered the little god with his bare fists into the g causing crater after crater that expanded with each hit.

There were thousands of smashed up androids littered and choking up the vironmt of the dimsion.

[At this rate the oppont will die soon]

The system suddly notified Sol, but he grabbed the window and started beating Union with that too until it shattered and vanished from his grasp.

"It'd be fine if it was anyone else, I'd have understood their need or want to use such a method!" Sol picked him up out of the most rect crater, releasing him midair and delivering several doz punches in an instant before punching him down into the crater again only for him to bounce back up and get kicked like a football into the closest spike ripping a hole straight through it.

On the other side Sol grabbed him by his face and started slamming him into the g like a caveman with a stubborn coconut.

"Your values as the god of weapons; where are they? You're tiny so you made a fitting body to compsate, that's fine, hell it was ev funny, I admire that kind of creativity!" Sol released him and punched him with all his might shattering the dimsion and sding the little man soaring into the air and catching fire from the speed he ascded with.

"I get that!" Sol caught up and grabbed his face again, aiming downwards.

[Fire-bolt Maximum output]

A blast of gold fire exploded point-blank in unions face growing like a fourth moon in the night sky and he was st on a other fiery spinning trip down toward an isolated lake.

"But as the god who creates and perfects weapons, he who is supposed to know all and be a true master of all violt tools, you've still done nothing but let your machines fight for you, I'm disappointed!!" Sol caught up again and punched him ev harder than before.

Causing a tear to op up in the air and dark matter to roar outward as Union hit the lake and created an instant tsunami while the system scrambled to undo his reality-shattering punch.

"It might have only be t years, but I fought, I fucking fought like hell, I mastered every weapon that ever touched my hand, and you... You lazy bastard!!" Sol crashed into his face with his fist again causing the tsunami and the lake in its tirety to vanish in an instant from the impact that st Union cratering through the crust of Arkadia toward the core.




Sol landed with a roar above the small hole the god of weapons' body had made staring down into it while his eyes slowly reverted back to normal and heat rushed up at him.

"I made my body into a weapon, I achieved lightmt on the battlefield, I may hate others, but you have my scorn, Union god of weapons who turned his back on using them, that is something I am expericing for the first time, as a warrior you are pathetic, and as a god ev more so..." Sol took a deep breath and th released one last breath of raw mana before the bulging veins across his face, chest and arms started subsiding and his pounding heart started calming down.

"Let this sink in for the rest of your eternity," Sol crouched over the hole watching as a faint fiery colour and more heat came towards him.

"If you lose sight of your purpose you're better off not existing at all."

[The winner of this challge by brutal knockout is The Tarnished: Sol Vestic]

The system announced, and the tire cosmos simultaneously let out a sigh of relief that Union hadn't be killed since there was no rule against it.

[You have regained all your stamina]

[You have be rewarded .6x increase in strgth (that's 60%) so he's almost twice as strong as before now).]

[Your mana has increased by 80%]


[You' have levelled up, you are now Level Divinity]

"Brilliant..." Sitri sat on her throne with a smile. "Absolutely brilliant."

"Whew~" Ikaris sighed and sat up. "It is finally over!"

"He won?" Dina asked from next to her after Ikaris had spok aloud wh everyone else was asleep.

"Yes, yes, he should be arriving very soon." Ikaris laid down again and turned to face Dina. "I have be very distracted because of this fight..."

"Well, it's fine, we know how important he is to you." Dina rested her head and faced her with a smile. "You gained a lot of levels yesterday too so resting while the rest of us do the fighting was probably a fair choice."

"Mhm," Ikaris smiled and th rested her hand on Dina's cheek. "I will be sleeping on his bed tonight, thank you for allowing me to sleep with you."

"I'm still surprised that you've never slept by yourself." Dina blushed. "What about before you met him?"

"I can tell you more on that in the morrow, I must first greet him." Ikaris quietly stood and skipped across the tt to her side and th excitedly ran outside without waking anyone else.

A few seconds later Sol appeared several metres away from the large tt before her and was immediately tackled with a hug.

"Ouff! Ikaris-"

"Welcome back!" Her tight hug softed and she looked up at him with a radiant smile, staring at his weightless hair and his eyes which still burned with the aftereffects of berserker. "Would you ask anything of me, my love?" She asked him and he sighed at her sweetness and shook his head.

"I already have everything I could have asked for in you, Ikaris," Sol held her cheeks and kissed her forehead, "a hot bath though would be great." He looked a and held out his hand to the flattest bit of unoccupied g.

[Earth manipulation: crater]

[Water manipulation: spring]

[Heat manipulation]

[Magic combination achieved, new creation skill unlocked]

[Creation magic: hot spring]

[The god of creation is baffled and slack-jawed at this skill]

Ikaris started laughing as she saw a small hot spring form in the g right before her eyes, she watched fascinated as the steam from the water rushed up toward them and the mould a the crater form and th more rocks form a the edges, she th yelped in surprise wh he picked her up and fell in the water with a loud *splash.

"With this much noise you will wake the others, they have be working hard, you know." Ikaris stood in the waist deep water and splashed some at him, but Sol paid no heed to that warning as he spread his arms and took a seat on the shallow d of the pool inviting her to join him, and she swiftly did so, resting her hands on his shoulders and sitting behind him.

"I missed you,"

"You have be watching the whole time though-" Sol turned to look at her, but was met with a finger poking his cheek instructing him to keep his gaze ahead.

"I was without your touch and presce for an tire day, I missed you, Sol." Ikaris stubbornly began massaging his shoulders while he relaxed with his arms rested on her legs.

"Yeah, me too."

"I saw it for the second time-" Ikaris reached down his torso, running her hands gtly across his chest and abdom and th dragging them up again. "-but I must ask; what is it like?" She finished her question.

"What's what like?" Sol dropped his head in her lap, and she pushed his forehead.

"What is it like using that berserker, your mana goes wild multiplying on itself hundredfold and lasting much longer than it usually does, it seems so convit but you only use it in certain situations, why?" She leaned her breasts on his forehead and reached for his abdom again.

"Well..." Sol spoke from his little bit of heav.

"Image for a momt if your limiter broke, everything before you became an irritation you had to destroy, everyone a you, emy or ally, morality, mercy, everything that binds you and feels ev remotely like a hindrance is released from your thoughts and care and your sole goal becomes power and victory, but slowly, your sses are deprived and you become numb and lose yourself to that power, it makes you feel like you could commit terrible barbarities; like you'd want to."

At the mtion of these contrasts Ikaris wt still, it sounded familiar, it felt familiar, she had expericed blackouts in the past, the momt wh she tore the gates of heav op was one such momt, she was going to commit atrocities beyond what she believed she was capable of, it also reminded her of a darker time.

"That... sounds awful." She sobered up and started washing his hair carefully.

"I hate the feeling; it's a terrible ssation, my teacher on Atla had a lot of inner demons to have personally developed a skill so cruel and full of hate." Sol admitted.

"It's a lot like the demon-god transformation to me." He closed his eyes and sighed as her fingers dragged across his scalp; ev with his fatigue cured by levelling up, he still felt the strain of fighting for two days straight, Ikaris was slowly easing his mtal fatigue.

"It was an accidt using that power, ev if I won thanks to it... I hate losing control of my impulses like that."

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