The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 98: Sol Vs Union 2.

For the first five minutes neither Sol or Union made a single move, the air charged with mana seemed to slightly tremor as they both stood metres away from each other gauging each others' strgths and weaknesses

'This is the first god that hasn't said a single word to me, I accepted his request out of pure interest but he's remained silt and watchful' Sol thought to him self slowly breathing before him and Union slowly wt into two differt fighting stances. 'Union; god of weapons...

It's such an interesting concept that I can't help it, he and Dr'ul probably go hand in hand!' Sol made the first move, lowering his shoulder before stepping forward.

His shock hit the roof in a millisecond wh the god of weapons appeared before him already in the motion of swinging his hammer.

'!! -faster than Sorath... No it's not ev a contest, she'd never be able to achieve this speed!!' Sol snapped to the side and dodged the hammer as his eyes inverted and his hair turned whole he fell into a crouch.

Union was already staring at him, Sol saw his crimson eyes through the small slits in the armour and felt his heart skip a beat wh their eyes made four, before Union could attack again Sol vanished from beath him and appeared several metres away, landing with his hand outstretched summoning the hammer back into his grasp.

"Ar't you going to say anything?" Sol asked, and Union just righted his posture and held out his hammer with one hand again.

'This is kinda annoying, honestly,' Sol huffed, but giving in to the silce betwe challger's he held his hand to his face summoning the helmet of his armour and dragging his hand down with a slight growl.

"Fine, let's do this!"

Union nodded, and the two of them vanished again clashing with their hammers and causing a destructive wave of shock that blew several of the cone-rock formations away and st them flying as well, but again, Union showed a strange boost of speed wh he just barely touched the g and immediately closed the gap betwe them while Sol had barely ev righted himself.

'How is he doing that?' Sol raised the staff of his hammer to his chest and clched his teeth wh Union supun above him and dropped the hammer, pressing him into the g and knocking the wind out of his lungs as he came to a halt from the force of the swing.

"Gah...!" Sol's eyes wt wide in surprise wh he found the hammer right before his head descding again, he wanted to use clockwork to prevt himself from getting directly hit this soon into the fight, but in a twist of decisions he raised his helmet into the hammer challging the force and nullifying the attack while Union watched his hammer fly off after being knocked from his grasp.

"I just have this strange feeling of being underestimated." Sol arose from the crater his body had made after crashing twice, taking his dted helmet off and summoning another one that had a drastically differt; almost creature-like appearance.

"I don't like it, I don't like that there are so many people who are stronger than me all of a sudd, so forgive me Union, but you'll have to put your life on the line from now on." Sol's voice distorted and the mouth of the helmet creepily oped as his breath escaped coated in indigo mana while his hair began wildly flying a. "It's okay, right? You look like you can take a bloody beating!"

[Goodness...] Dr'ul had be rather relaxed at the start of their fight, but with Sol's new appearance and him wearing a helmet for the first time, and th that helmet seemingly changing his tire personality after coming alive.

[Maybe another trump card better left unused?] She wondered, remembering his conversation with the heroes and Arla about some skills he had but didn't like or died their existce altogether.

"This is new," Ikaris commted with her left eye closed as they made their way across the crater she had made.

"Is something happing?" Dina looked at her immediately and she nodded and th oped her eye, cutting off the feed from the system and looking at the mage.

"A rather strange skill I have never se him use before," Ikaris answered and Arla's ears flickered at the sound of something interesting. "He is taking it seriously." She commted, lowering her gaze and closing her eye again.

"What are they talking about?" Usami asked.

Her, Sara, Bruce and Eris had grouped together and remained in the back of the party while Ikaris, Dina and Arla lead them.

"I don't really care y'know, the last person who got interested in their affairs is now in some kind of hell, remember?" Bruce pointed out and saw Usami's curiosity dry up and die wh she looked at him with a bead of sweat running down her forehead at the thought.

"That's differt though-"

"Did he scare you that badly?" Bruce looked at Eris who had ris to Sol's defce, and the healer pursed her lips and kept her gaze ahead at the others.

"I... He didn't scare me, at least not on purpose, I was exposed to a portion of the truth that oped my eyes to the situation we're in, that's why I'm stressing on the fact that we need to get stronger, we need to keep pace with Han, at the very least."

"Yeah, that's just not possible." Bruce countered again, this time with obvious bitterness in his tone. "The only way I could keep up with that monster is if I wt somewhere like him, and I don't feel like drowning is gonna help me level up."

"Well, you don't actually need to Bruce, look at Ikaris-"

"What about her?" He snapped at Usami with a raised brow and a growl in his throat.

"Hey man, chill." Eris put a bit of distance betwe herself and Bruce wh she noticed his increasing hostility.

"...She gained a crap-load of levels earlier, didn't she?" Usami defiantly stared at him. "I'm saying what you lack is determination, make a hard decision, make some kind of sacrifice...

At least stick your neck on the line once, I used to think you were brave but the more I see you now the more I realise that you were feeding off your mtor's bravery, without Kris guiding you, you barely want to do anything at all!"

"..." Bruce wanted to retort again, but in the depths of his heart he agreed with her. "Kris was a well ed man, chivalrous and brave, a skilled fighter and a reltless soldier; the only thing he lacked was the hero's blessing, with that he would have be far stronger but appartly Arkadians who had tried recieving it in the past died soon after from some kind of mana poisoning.

Kris would have made a far better Hero than himself.

"She isn't like us though," Eris interjected once more. "Ikaris has always be stronger, I mean look at this place; at the destruction she is capable of, how can we compare ourselves with that?"

"You idiot -" Usami's eye twitched and she oped her mouth to insult them again but held her peace and stared ahead. "Ugh, nevermind."

'There's no point here, you have to figure it out on your own, you could ev use me as an example; I was the weakest after Dina achieved her cosmic mana, I was left in the dirt, and yet now I am the fourth strongest behind her, Ikaris and Han and that's only because they've achieved a strgth that puts them close to the status of gods each.'

'I'm not saying you try to be them, of course that's impossible we have differt skills, weaknesses and strgths, what I'm saying is we ought to lead by their example and strive for constant growth, greater power, who knows, with ough power we might one day reach a point of evolution like Sol.' Usami thought to herself holding a depressed expression.

'You're both so weak you can barely fight mid-level demons, I'm pretty sure I could take on a high-level demonkin by myself, but you'd die in a flash if you ev tried, get a fucking clue.'

Once again she had spok this all in her head, she didn't want the drama of explaining it or dealing with either of them wh they were so negative.



A violt arc made of gold mana sliced diagonally through the terrain, eating up at the cone-spikes and turning them to dust before vanishing wh it collided with the edge of the dimsion and ripped it apart.

"That's cheating," Sol had a seriously damaged broadsword held before him while he looked at the destruction behind him, had it not be for sacrificing his blade he probably would have had serious or ev life-threating injuries.

Union simply did not speak, the two of them had be fighting for hours now, the dimsion had several healing cracks inside of it and most of the terrain was also being regerated by the system to maintain stability as they fought, while the fight itself was nowhere near as destructive as his fight with Sorath, which he had now set the bar for a challge, he was being pushed to his limits because of the intsity and the fact that Union was faster, and on top of that he was still the only one who had tak any damage.

The god of weapons remained untouched.

'I keep compsating for his speed but he just keeps gaining more!' Sol huffed out another puff of mana and released his broadsword, summoning a large curved greatsword shped like a kitch knife with the handle wrapped and the tourniquet dangling from the edge of it while the blade was silver on one half and black on the other.

He had personally designed this blade on Atla after being a fan of an anime called 'Detergt' where the main character 'Strawberry hair guy' became a death god and fought awesome villains with cool sword techniques.

'I need to figure out how he's doing that, ev after using [godspeed] he still managed to keep up with me, I'm not saying it's impossible but [godspeed] is supposed to be a growth-related skill; the stronger I get, the faster it gets, so how is he keeping up with me so easily?'

'Maybe I just need a differt approach...'


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