The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 33: Creator of Chaos

"Are you sure?" Sol asked Ikaris.

"Yes, please, if she acts inappropriately I will take full responsibility," Ikaris answered, unlike the superior and carefree attitude he had seen her take on for the last two months, and even before then; Sol witnessed her being extremely humble, and not just because he was humbling her. "I am also curious about this goddess,"

"Very well then," Sol looked at Renia and unhooked her hands from himself. "If Ikaris has taken an interest in you then I suppose it's fine, but don't touch or talk to anyone without my permission." Sol warned her and began walking. "Let's go, goddess,"

"Yes," She quickly kept pace as her entire form solidified into the physical.

She did not like his tone, but she was too invested and too far in it to simply back out, she wanted to see what came next just as much as anyone else.

[The goddess of war is appalled at your sudden submission to the Tarnished, but admits it is interesting]

[The pantheon is shocked beyond words]

[The god of destruction has taken more interest in the Tarnished]

Renia saw the windows and scoffed, brushing them out of her way just as Sol had been doing.

Her human appearance was the same as her divine appearance, she only hid her extra arms and made her eyes look normal, while the chaos that followed her turned into her dress while she walked.

"Master," Ikaris greeted Sol with a small bow and then looked behind him at the woman who appeared to be shy as she hid from the gaze of others in his shadow.

"Who is this?" Bruce asked first, thanking Eris who had healed his arm with a bow and standing with the intention of approaching them. "I don't recall seeing anyone like this in our presence when we left Argom's capital," He stated matter-of-factly, and Sol scoffed at the scrutiny, even if he disliked the gods, he had no incline toward answering to any human either.

"Bad enough he's an imposter, but now he's inviting them into our midst too?" Dina after reviving her confidence turned her head with an accusing glare. "Are you seriously that dense, Vestic?"

Sol would have answered, but he kept his peace when Renia stepped into the light and took hold of his hand and rested her cheek on his arm with a smile toward the woman, and everyone went speechless for two reasons, the first that Ikaris didn't outright attack or kill her for touching him, and the second is because of how beautiful she was.

She wasn't Ikaris, but she was far above the appearance of everyone else there, Eris clapped her hands with a nod and looked at Dina.

"She came all the way from Argom after us right, look at how endearing she seems toward Sol, and he doesn't even seem to mind her all that much, and Ikaris hasn't said a word about it, could it be...

that this woman has fallen hopelessly in love to the point of chasing after him into demon lands?" She asked, and Dina's cheeks reddened as she realised why Sol was always so cold and dismissive to her.

With women like this stranger and Ikaris in his life doting on and chasing him, she in comparison seemed like the most normal and plain woman in the world, especially with her lack of talent in magic, Ikaris was talented beyond reason, and she even calls him master and declares herself his slave whenever she gets the chance, and now this exptic beauty was chasing after him as well.

Dina bit her lip and approached Sol directly staring into his face. "Carrying a civilian on a mission is prohibited, this is wrong, send her back." She ordered him, and Sol's expression went to amusement as he smiled and rested his hand on her shoulder making this the first time he physically interacted with her.

"What do you..."

"Move," Sol smiled gently at Dina, and her jaws dropped at his tone, she could immediately tell that there was no room for a debate, if she didn't move he was going to move her himself, and she was no fool; Ikaris was leagues stronger than they were, and she also found out through Sara's fellow maids that unlike them who just trained for two months, Sol had snuck out several times and crossed borders overnight to engage in actual fights, he was probably as strong as Ikaris already, or maybe even stronger.

"Master, you have repeatedly told me not to bully them," Ikaris approached, taking Sol's free arm and pulling him away while he was still being nice. "You should follow your own gospel," She chastised him with a cheeky grin, but her eyes quickly averted to the other goddess holding on to his other arm.

"Renia," Ikaris greeted her with a stare.

"I am honoured to meet the god subjugated by the Tarnished," Renia smiled at Ikaris and held out her hand for a proper greeting and waited patiently while Ikaris stared at her outstretched hand.

"What do you want from my master?" Ikaris answered, talking Renia's hand and smiling back at her.

"I have already made a promise to not set foot amongst you lesser gods, but I have to warn you..." Ikaris forcefully dragged Rania into her soul, exposing her to the vastness of her infinitely greater power and took glee in watching the goddess of chaos break into sweat and slightly shudder after she released her hand.

"On the occasion that you try anything underhanded, or if any of you dare curse him again," Ikaris leaned her head sideways and stared directly at Dr'ul, causing the goddess of war to shudder as well when she felt the threat on her existence. "If any of you lot break your promise you will feel my wrath, billionfold."

"Haha..." Renia chuckled nervously at the threat.

{The goddess of chaos is utterly terrified of this existence!}

Dr'ul saw the message and almost choked as she sat forward.

[Surely, she is not that much stronger than we are] Dr'ul countered.

{If we all fight her, even if we manage to win by some miracle, there will be nothing left to celebrate, if I embody the chaos, then it is fair to assume she is the one who created it, she is utterly Inconceivable} Renia answered and then took a deep breath and looked at Ikaris again. {The mother of Cosmic Chaos itself}

"-Incidentally, I have also made a vow with Master," Ikaris continued, and Renia looked at Sol with newfound fascination.

"How in the cosmos did this human manage to seduce such a being into being his slave, is he secretly her true master or creator?" She thought.

"In the occurrence of his death by the hand of a god through a duel, I will abandon any plans of revenge and continue my human life here until I am able to return to my home," Ikaris spoke with bile and bitterness inside of her. "I hate it, I would want nothing more than to extinguish the fire that is your existence if you killed this man," Ikaris grit her teeth and hissed out steam.

"Every last one of you,"

"But, I will not disobey or undermine his wishes," Ikaris stared into the eyes of chaos. "You have my word, as long as it is a fair death by duel, I will not retaliate," Ikaris placed her hand on her chest seriously.

"Ah... Th-thank you, then," Renia gave Ikaris a respectful bow and then looked at Sol again.

"How long are you going to squeeze my arm like this?" Sol raised a brow, and Renia released him with a low shriek.

Arla who watched their interaction from the other side of the fire dared not listen to what they were saying, but she could tell that this red-haired woman was nobody normal, Sol treated her with some level of respect unlike any other being she had ever seen him interact with, and he seemed to be mediating some kind of meeting between the two, not to mention when he left earlier he clearly intended to fight someone seriously, and she is the only one that returned with him.

When she saw the way the woman looked at Ikaris Arla let out a timid chuckle, knowing all too well what had just happened.

"She saw," Arla sighed to herself, but gained the stares of Ikaris, Sol, and this unknown woman as soon as she said it, and then it all made sense, she was indeed not normal, she was not even human, if nothing else this most certainly was one of the seven great gods that had come to meet with them in the flesh.

Instead of angering either of them by creating a spectacle, Arla clasped her hands and raised them to her chin and then gave Renia a bow, not enough to be noticed, but enough that Renia was aware who it was directed at.

"That mage is quite perceptive," Renia folded her arms and a coat grew over her shoulders, hiding her skin from the light and followed Sol and Ikaris's example by taking a seat.

"Now that we have gotten that bit out of the way," Sol looked at Renia again while Ikaris rested her head in his lap, seemingly ignoring the rest of the conversation.

"Would you like something to eat?"


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