The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 34: A threat to the gods

"Something to eat...?" Renia repeated Sol's words confused.

"Yeah, I don't know what you expected, but it's not like you're gonna see me fight anytime soon, Ikaris is my guardian, and this war against demons is not mine, if all you're here for is observation then you're gonna have a lot of free time on your hands." Sol gestured to her and seemingly from the shadows, Sara showed up, with a small serving of the same food everyone was eating earlier.

"Milady," Sara lowered her head respectfully as the goddess took the food from her hands.

"Uh, thank you..." Renia looked at the food slightly taken aback.

"Isn't that his personal maid, how did she get here?" One soldier asked surprised while Sara took a seat on the opposite side of Sol, providing a backrest for him and closed her eyes with a straight and flawless posture.

Aside from very few people in the castle, nobody knew that Sara had a rare type of shadow magic, she could go wherever she pleased, whenever she pleased, so long as there was darkness; she could walk through shadows, for this reason she did not need to travel with the group, she was also a part of the demon subjugation army, but more like Sol she was a back-liner, nobody expected her to raise a finger to fight unless ordered to by Sol himself.

"I have questions, Sol Vestic," Renia looked at him after tasting the food and disliking it.

"You get three," Sol leaned on Sara and closed his eyes.

"Why is he like this?" Dina stared at Sol from the other side of the fire again, In his lap was Ikaris, the beautiful battle goddess, on his back was Sara, the perfect handmaid who sometimes seemed to show even more loyalty than Ikaris, and now this new beautiful and mysterious woman, they made it impossible for Sol to have free time, he was always with one or the other.

Renia looked at Sara on his back, and Sol waved at her. "Don't worry, she can't hear a thing either of us say," He assured her. "A conversation with a god is bound to create some controversy if a single word is leaked, so the only ones that can hear us are Ikaris and the other gods."

"Then pardon me," Renia laid her bowl to the side and gave him her full attention. "How did you come to possess such a tremendous power while still remaining human?" She asked.

"I have heard of other species selling their existences and souls to otherworldly dimensional creatures in exchange for power, but I can see your soul intact, you are yourself, and yet the power within you is your own,"

"I don't plan on telling the gods of Arkadia that," Sol raised a brow. "All I'd say is that I was blessed," Sol shrugged. "Next question."

"How did you end up on Arkadia, I doubt you would force your way here, and even on your arrival none of us were the wiser, and yet it has exploded into a catastrophic event," She gestured to him with a more comfortable smile now that she felt no hostility from him.

"The queen summoned heroes, I was summoned with Ikaris who chose to remain by my side," He answered honestly again. "I'd rather have stayed in my world, these people and those other heroes hardly mean a thing to me, ironically, all I want is peace." Sol added, and Renia furrowed her brows, it sounded like Ikaris's presence was an unintended variable, and Sol was the target of the summons. "Next."

"Ah-yes!" Renia slapped her fist in her palm. "How in the blazes did you manage to make a slave of your goddess, this is impossible, this is unheard of, it is too bizarre to make sense, the pantheon has been in constant disarray trying to figure it out!" She looked at him bright-eyed and hopeful that her question would get through.

"On that matter, I chose to serve master because in my eyes, he is perfection," Ikaris turned in his lap and looked up at the goddess of chaos. "There is none and will never be another like him, had I not taken these steps, he would have never allowed me to remain by his side," Ikaris admitted and Sol agreed to this with a nod.

"You see, because of me, Master has a very deep and rooted hatred towards gods," Ikaris sat up and turned to them.

"Hatred... But you are his-"

"Yes, she is mine, and mine alone, Ikaris is the only god that I have no hate for," Sol rested his hand on Ikaris's head and slowly pet her, causing the goddess of chaos to grow confused and curious as she saw the look of pleasure at simply being touched from Sol.

"You, and all the other gods of Arkadia, I can't blame you all for hating me, I've done nothing but antagonise your existences with my presence, and I have to say, it's been rather fun," Sol finally smiled at the goddess, and it sent a shiver down her spine.

"That's why I made Ikaris stay out of it, even if this somehow kills me, I'm not gonna stop until one of two things happens, the first is that we are sent back, and the second is that I put every last one of you in your places, and to be precise, that place is under my feet."

"Presumptuous," Renia thought. "This presumptuous little bastard!"

"For disrupting my peace, and then having the gall to take spite toward me I'll make you all grovel at my feet or die trying; and there's no way I'm dying here, so that really only leaves one outcome to all this,"

[The goddess of war is estatic]

[The god of destruction is fascinated]

"I may not have been pleased about getting summoned here, especially after I realised that there's no peace in this damned world where I could avoid any war and live with Ikaris like I planned to." Sol grit his teeth as a vein ran across his forehead.

"I had a whole plan of living a happy and unbothered life, and yet," he shook his fist at her. "I'm here of all places!"

"Master, calm down," Ikaris chuckled at his passion for unattainable peace.

"I'm taking my frustrations out on you guys who allowed a demon god to enter your dimension and then did nothing to stop her from wiping out almost everybody," Sol turned his stare to Ikaris who shrunk at the double-edged accusation.

"You turned out to be a lot more talkative than I imagined." Renia chuckled.

"Ah you're right, I went off track there," Sol cleared his throat and leaned on the immobile Sara again, allowing Ikaris to lay in his lap with his finger hooked in her mouth as she began breathing heavily against his other hand that rested on and slowly massaged the crest on her lower abdomen.

"I'm saying you should all form up and stop sending me haphazard challenges, I'm taking you all on, every last one, I'm gonna crush your pantheon and beat you off your high horses!" Sol grinned maniacally revealing lengthened canines and bright blue eyes as his divinity passively activated.

"I swear it!"

"My-my, such a bold declaration," Renia stood looming over Sol with a grin that alerted him of her taking his threat seriously.

[The goddess of war is in awe]

[The goddess of chaos is riled up]

[The god of destruction finds this encounter hilarious]

[The god of goats laments his fate as fodder]

"Do you honestly believe you have the power on your own to defeat me, the goddess that embodies and personifies primordial Chaos?" Renia asked Sol, and in response he stood from his seat to stare back down at her.

"Renia, goddess of chaos, are you trying to say I have empty words?" Sol asked, incline closer until their noses were touching as she stared up at him defiantly, everyone else saw this and saw how Ikaris seemed to not mind at all, causing confusion especially amongst Arla, who had previously tried to court Sol but almost had her soul extinguished as a consequence.

"Could she be stronger than Ikaris?" Arla asked aloud, and then held her mouth and took a seat again. "I need to learn to mind my own business."

"Is this a vacation or a war unit?" Han stared off at them displeased beyond what any more words could portray. "How does that weakling gain so much attention?"

"Master you are drawing attention to yourself again," Ikaris sat with a blush on her face as she watched him stare down at Renia as if she was no more than a piece of cloth he could wipe his hands with.

"It can't be helped, this woman knows how to push my buttons," Sol grinned at Renia while she did the same.

"I am not just some woman you-"

"She was silenced when Sol gently clasped his hands around her neck and pressed his forehead against hers, to everyone else it almost seemed like a kiss, but Renia felt hesitation through her entire body, and Ikaris let out a laugh of pure fascination when she saw what Sol actually did.

"M-my legs," Renia turned her face and looked away. "Please release me, I have to sit," She held on to his hand when Sol suddenly simulated her chaos magic impressing her to the point where her cheeks reddened and her eyes held admiration for his talent to mimic omnipotence.

"Admit it first," Sol held on to her arm when she tried to leave the sphere of his influence.


"Who am I?" Sol stared her in her eyes, constantly raising the influence of his magic, forcing Ikaris to create a secondary barrier around them so he did not hurt anyone else with his recklessness. "Say it,"


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