The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 32: Goddess Of Chaos

"Uninvited guest?" Arla looked to where Sol was staring, but she saw nothing, and sensed nothing, not until several guards started running in that same direction while Sol himself stood with his food and started paying attention, he was usually relaxed in appearance, but this time the half-elf was shocked to see Sol paying such keen attention to the darkness.

"You," Arla gestured to one of the men from the mage corps. "Go and find out what is happening over there." She ordered him, and with a nod thean picked up his staff and went off with the other soldiers who were leaving.

"Master," Ikaris approached Sol with a warm smile, taking the bowl from his hand and resting her hand seductively on his shoulder. "May I?" She asked, her tone was suggestive, but Sol saw a burning desire for violence in her eyes and knew exactly what she was intending to do.

"Absolutely not."


"It's out of the question, Ikaris," Sol closed his eyes and brushed her hand off his shoulder. "You can't ever intervene, not unless you plan to completely purge everything again," He stared at her, and she hesitated to respond to that.

"But, how can I simply watch it all unfold?" She took a step back and away from everyone else. "I am supposed to be the one protecting you, but these days it feels like I'm being protected by you... I feel..."

"Ikaris," Sol placed both hands on her shoulders and then hugged her from behind. "Thank you, for turning a blind eye and allowing me to have this much fun, after all I have been through its a great feeling being able to relax as much as I have, even after we've been dragged here."


"You've made me strong, stronger than I ever thought possible, and even now..." Sol's hands raised and cupped the base of her breasts just slightly. "You continue to give me strength,"

"T-this is not what I meant... Master," Ikaris admitted, and Sol smiled and released her. "I hate not being able to fight with you,"

"We both know what happens if you raise a finger against them, nobody, not me, not you, not them and most definitely not anyone else on Arkadia is ready for what that would cause," Sol turned her to face him. "So leave it to me, leave it up to your master," He gave her a chaste kiss on her forehead and turned, summoning a sword and walking toward the intruder.

"It's, just a woman?" One soldier asked to the other, but as she approached, the air around her seemed to distort, and the ground felt like it would rupt into flames and devour everything. "I-I don't understand what is happening!" The man shook his head as sweat poured down his forehead and his arms.

"Move aside extras," Sol walked past the soldiers approaching with a speedy walk. "Take cover somewhere behind me, or run away, I don't care, but if you're in my path don't expect to not get cleaved in half!" He exclaimed when nobody moved. "And you, why are you here?"

"You have no authority over divinity, human, how dare you order and put me on a back seat?" The woman in the coming shadows reached toward Sol, and he felt a pressure seize his arm and prevent him from moving a step closer as she too came to a halt, standing several metres away but folded within a darkness that never revealed her appearance other than her figure as female.

"It doesn't matter if I am mortal, immortal, or undead," Sol grit his teeth and took another step forward causing the Goddess of Chaos to raise her obscured brow in surprise. "I don't care if you're almighty or an ant beneath my heel, I take orders from none," He broke her restraints and raised his sword. "Now make a choice, Renia, Goddess of Chaos," Sol stared at her Name above her head.

"What?" She asked shocked at his resolution even in her physical presence.

"You made the effort to come all the way here, and I already told you that I'm not interested in a meeting, so obviously that means you want to fight me so badly that you even ignored the formalities set up by your own system."

To Renia, Sol looked more threatening up close than the windows ever showed him, he was not a large man, he did not come off as imposing in any way or form, but his body itself felt like a weapon designed to kill a god, he did not speak lies to them, and his conviction showed with every action, he was truly ready to fight her; one of the most powerful deities on the Arkadian pantheon on a whim because she approached him without his consent.

"If I fight you, everything and everyone will die, I am the embodiment of Primordial Chaos," She replied, but Sol's hand never lowered, and his stance never showed any sign of relaxation.

"I'm aware; I'm well aware of your power, but I don't care," Sol's pupils shrunk when he stared directly into her eyes. "I'm buzzing with excitement, I'm looking forward to it, so draw your weapon, or come at me directly, since I don't feel like attacking you first, I at least want to give you the opportunity to flee with your tail between your legs or attack me of your own volition."

[How dare-]

[Divine skill Rupture has been activated]

[Come on!] Sol countered her divinity with his own, reminding her that in spite of his status as a human, he was still by definition a divine being simply because of the amount of power he possessed as an individual, plus his hidden divine magic.

[I dare you,] His sword caught aflame, and that fire turned purple and began reaching for the sky like a violent tornado, passing the clouds and breaking out of the Arkadian atmosphere into the cosmos. [If you want to talk so bad then do it while we fight, otherwise fuck off!] Sol snapped whilst easily controlling the apocalyptic flame with his sword alone.

"T-then..." Renia lowered her hand and folded them into the darkness, the encampment was only several hundred metres away, and yet nobody was able to see, feel, or sense the conflict just next to them thanks to Ikaris blocking it all after the soldiers returned.

"I... humbly request to accompany you, for only a little while," She slightly lowered her head as the darkness began fading away from her, and Sol in response cancelled his attack and stood there staring at the goddess confused.

"Of course, you can also disagree with my proposal, but if it is that you do not trust me because of my status as a god, then I will shed my divinity and walk amongst you as your familiar, it is purely a request out of curiosity, I do not mean any harm to you nor your existence in this world.

"There's absolutely no way I can accept this," Sol turned his back to leave but paused when his hand was grabbed by the goddess, he would have attacked her but Ikaris intervened.

"Master, please let her through,"

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