The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 13: Goddess of battle

Inside the castle in the bathhouse, Ikaris smiled and looked at the ceiling, she could feel Sol's otherworldly magic in the atmosphere, she could see it everywhere like a fog, and she had witnessed him being a brilliant hero, despite hating the job and constantly claiming he was not.

"What's up with those weird tattoos?" The last unnamed hero amongst the girls asked, staring at Ikaris's back and how the chains on her slave crests connected with each other. "The way you behave gives me the impression that you're some kind of noble at least, but with tattoos like that it's more like you're the daughter of some kind of gang member, or a gangster's daughter or something,"

"Frankly speaking, I do not like the lot of you looking at me either, especially you who have remained quiet all this time, Dina Levina, mage hero," Ikaris sunk into the large bath leaving only her head exposed.

"You are all too weak to survive here on any level, I suggest you stop treating this as a normal summoning and see the facts as they are, you have been summoned to another world as the last hope of humanity, if you do not grow your strength you will meet gruesome deaths by the hand of demons, or, maybe even fates worse than death awaits those who fail," Ikaris shuddered, remembering with a disgusted expression how vile the demons of her home had treated the human women.

"Are you seriously believing this bull?" Dina asked with a smirk, relaxing on the edge of the bath and boldly exposing her cleavage to the other women.

"There's no way demons and magic exist, this is all just some long and thought out-prank, I can't even complain too much because classes were killing me, I'm taking this as a retreat and enjoying their stupid fetishes as much as I can, I can even get laid and really relax myself~" Dina stretched.

"I do not think that's the case at all," Usami shook her head, moving her short black hair from her eyes to look at Dina. "If this is a prank then how do you explain the levels, and this-" She held out her hand and thought 'spear come', and just as she thought it, light appeared in her grasp and turned into a spear, just as Han had summoned his sword earlier.

"I think we should properly immerse ourselves and learn about everything we can in order to survive, you heard the Queen right, if we don't fight they're gonna kill us, there's no room here for doubt or mistakes, or disbelief," Eris spoke up, looking at Dina who was staring at Dina's name, and the fact that unlike the rest of them who had gained ten levels from the queen's [hero] blessing and Ikaris who had gained fifteen, Dina had only gained five levels, she was the weakest.

"I am Eris Schneider, Level 11, my class is Healer, so I guess I can do things like heal injuries and add buffs and so on."

"Are you serious right now-"

"I'm Usami Takae, level 11, my class is Spear Hero, as you can see," Usami slowly waved her spear in the water after interrupting Dina.

"Well... I'm Dina Levina, and I guess I'm supposed to be the Mage or something," Dina had an embarrassed blush as she was stared at by everyone else.

"What?" Ikaris asked with her eyes closed.

"What about you, the only thing we know is your name," Eris tried approaching Ikaris but was promised pain as the goddess glared at her from the far corner of the large bathpool.

"Did you not hear my Sol speak for me earlier?" Ikaris huffed and turned her back to them again. "I am a goddess, there is nothing else I wish to reveal to you peasants," She leaned on the edge of the pool, using her divine sight to stare through the ceilings at Sol who was relaxing on the roof.

"How do you expect anyone to take you seriously when that's all you have to say, and who the hell are you calling a peasant?" Dina shook her fist, but Ikaris ignored her completely.

"Pardon the intrusion!" A maid announced herself as she approached from a side door, carrying with her a large cart full of fine clothes and minimalist jewellery. "Her majesty has ordered a change of your garments from your foreign world, these may seem like normal clothing, but they have all been blessed and have several buffs to their properties, they provide armour and-"

"I will pass on getting any of that," Ikaris looked around at the cart. "I don't want it."


"My dresses are far superior, and what I was wearing before was handpicked by Sol himself, why would I ever wear that dribble over the Clothes chosen by him?" Ikaris asked with her nose upturned.

"But the queen-"

"The queen can kiss my ass, I'll wear whatever I want, I'm not her subject nor her servant for her to order me around, I answer to only one, and his law is the only law I will obey," Ikaris chuckled to herself.

"God, all she talks about is that imposter bastard, he wasn't even supposed to be here," Dina scowled, and Ikaris took a serious expression, indeed, they would have been separated last minute if she wasn't holding on to Sol's arm, he would have been the only one summoned to Arkadia and she would have been stranded on earth because of the slave contract she placed on herself that limits her power to whenever he touches her improperly.

"If I lose him, nothing else matters, he is my master, and I am his property," Ikaris sighed sadly. "My existence would be incomplete."

"Hey... hey, what the hell, she's a fucking delusional submissive!" Dina laughed out loud.

[Activating Telepathy, range, individual infinite]

"Ikaris," She heard Sol's voice in her head.

"Yes!" She looked upward, causing everyone to stop and stare at her as she rushed out of the bath and her clothes vanished from the maid's grasp and appeared on her.

[Come to me right now, I want to test out the contract,] She heard his voice again and took off toward the windows.

"Hey what are you doing!?" Eris shrieked when Ikaris jumped out the window without hesitation.

"She's lost her mind!" Usami summoned her spear and started running toward the window, but she was suddenly blown off her feet when Ikaris flew upwards past her with a pair of white wings covered in light. "Waaah?!"

"She has mastery over her magic after only an hour!?" One of the maids gasped and covered her mouth, falling to her knees with tears in her eyes. "The legends, the legends were true, the chosen one, the goddess of battle has finally come to Arkadia, she is our long-awaited hero of legend!"

"Goddess of battle?"

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