The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 14: Contract Of A Submissive Goddess

"Goddess of battle?" Eris asked.

"Legend tells of a great hero who would come to Arkadia, the champion of another world, one who has killed gods before and seen loss comparable to death itself, a god of war and battle, an absolute power uncontested by anything on Arkadia," The maid shook her head while another maid helped her to her feet.

"That's ridiculous," Dina scoffed. "There's no way that woman is any kind of goddess of war or whatever, she's nothing where we come from, I've never even seen or heard of her,"

"And yet, she holds the appearance of the one who is heralded as the greatest," The maid pointed to the roof, and all three heroes were shocked when they saw that the ceiling was a giant mural painting of the very same legend they were talking about.

There were drawings of demons from one side to the other, filling up every corner, and in the midst of it there stood two figures, one male and the other female, the male stood still, safe in the chaos, and next to him was a black haired woman with a flaming sword and large white wings just like Ikaris's.

"Wow," Usami took the blouse from the maid and covered her naked self, the others seemed to not mind, but she was too shy to be brazenly parading around without clothes like that. "If someone like that came, then what is the point of us as heroes?"

"Obviously, if she's this hero, then we're her support, just think, she's already amazing but maybe she can't use healing magic like I can, we don't know what she can do, but if she can get me home faster if I help then I'm gonna give it my all too!" Eris pumped her fists.

"You're all crazy, do you think that bitch cares about anything other than that weakling of a man she's so obsessed over?" Dina scoffed again, and everyone looked at her, maybe she was right too.

Outside on the rooftop of the castle Sol was lying on a beach bench and bathing in the light of Arkadia's three massive moons in the sky when Ikaris crashed through the window and flew up to him, landing and falling to her knees at his side.

"My lord, you called?" She took a submissive role immediately, relaxing with her hands in her lap and her head slightly lowered beneath his gaze. "Do with me as you please," She scooted closer to him, unable to hide the blush that revealed her true nature.

"Come closer," Sol sat up extending his hand to her.

Ikaris did not hesitate, she reached for his hand with her eyes glimmering like stars as he helped her to her feet. "If I may, my lord, how exactly will you be testing the hnn!?" Her curiosity was rewarded when Sol suddenly grabbed her hip and placed her to sit next to him.

"Try to keep your voice down this time," Sol ordered her and watched fascinated as the goddess nodded and slightly leaned toward him with her eyes closed in anticipation.

"So, I remember there was one here," Sol placed his hand firmly against her breast, but paused and shook his head, and then with a scoff he snapped his finger and the hoodie she was wearing vanished out of sight, leaving only her fishnet blouse and her bra beneath it, and then her groped her again, and watched as the slave crest on her skin lit up at his touch.


"Keep it down," Sol sensually guided his other hand across her other breast and rested it on her abdomen, just above her hip, and watched as several small crests lit up down there as well. "You said this heightened sensation, right?" Sol asked curiously, as his hands began moving on their own and Ikaris began breathing heavily.

"Ah-yes, M'Lord," she answered.

"Then the more pressure and force I use..."

"The stronger the sensation-aah!" Ikaris failed to keep her voice down when Sol suddenly sunk his finger into her soft skin grabbing both of them and raising them with an amused and childish excitement.

Ikaris shook from the sudden rough manhandling, her arms grabbed onto Sol's, and her legs crossed as she looked up at him.

"M-my lord, did you just use more magic on my magic?" She asked as a bead of sweat rolled down her neck and into her bosom.

"I did," Sol nodded, taking her hoodie and slowly draping it around her shoulders and then taking her cheeks in his palms. "I don't know why I'm thinking of Atlas now, it might be nostalgia after spending ten years there, but...

If I think of it as home, then I think you're the remedy for my homesickness, so I'll be taking advantage of that," Sol pulled her in and slowly placed a kiss on her forehead, and then another on her nose.

"M-m-m-mmm~!" Ikaris started melting in his grasp when all the crests on her body started lighting up one after another because of his actions.

"Master~" Ikaris opened her mouth and welcomed Sol's kiss, and as he kissed her, he felt the familiar magic of her home dimension multiply and invade his body in massive quantities.

The longer he kissed her, the more magic he could feel, like a drug, it was addictive, and she showed no signs of wanting to stop either, after a few minutes kissing the goddess and allowing himself to do as he pleased, she was pudding in his arms.

"Okay, that's enough, I guess I understand how it works on a better level now than I did before," Sol ended the kiss, but Ikaris was completely out of it, for him it was a simple exchange of gaining magic in the most perverted way he'd ever seen.

But for Ikaris, it was more personal, she had been groped to stimulate her magic, and then kissed and had that magic absorbed from her erogenous zones where the crests were meticulously placed, for her it felt like she had just been pushed over an edge and was still riding it out, and it showed with the way her eyes barely focused on him even as he spoke to her.


Sol snapped his fingers in front of her, barely waking her up.

"Yes, Master?" Ikaris slumped on his chest and took a deep breath of his scent. "You smell divine, Master~" she blushed.


[Warning, divine magic detected]

"Hm, someone's trying to spy on me?" Sol looked toward the sky where a single star was brighter than the rest all of a sudden. "You're just realising our presence now?"


[You are being observed by a god]

[A god shows disdain at divinity mixing with mortality]

"You're lazier than even Ikaris was." Sol set her to lie down on the bench and summoned another spear staring at the skies. "Don't pry in my business, I can forgive my goddess, but how dare you peek your filthy eyes in another man's private affairs?"

[A god is disgusted]

Sol pointed his spear to the stars, "Disgusting, who the hell are you calling disgusting, you want a fight, you bastard?" He leaned his head like a gangster.

[Warning a god has shown animosity]

[Warning, a god is staring at you]

[Warning a god is approaching]

[Warning a god is approaching]

[Warning!] ...

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