The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

Chapter 12: The Demons Attack!

"Sol, calm down, he didn't mean it like that," Bruce tried intervening again, but Sol had passed his limits of patience with Han, he was turning out to be a thorn in his quest for a peaceful life and they had only been there for an hour.

"Killing is prohibited within the castle grounds, any act of killing will be deemed a severe crime against Her Majesty's rule, the punishment is death," The black armoured guard stomped his spear on the ground, and Sol turned his attention to the man.

[ Name- Grim

Race- Human

Level- 180

Title- Queen's General

Skills- Indomitable Will (passive), Berserker, Tundra, Frostbite

Class- Spear, Sword, Shield

Buffs- Ice resistance

Blessing- Queen's Blessing

Curse- None

Special- Ice elemental spirit summons.]

"Why is the queen's general standing guard over the bathroom?" Sol asked, shocking everyone with the revelation that he was able to read their statuses.

"I thought you weren't a hero, how can you read statuses?" Usami asked surprised, but Sol ignored her a second time in favour of the General.

"Her majesty, the princess had asked me to personally oversee you runts for the same reason as this, it would be a waste for the heroes to be executed because they have no control over themselves, but I never imagined that the one causing trouble would be the outsider that came with the heroes," He answered.

"Well, don't mind me, I'll just wander around until everyone is done, and then I'll come back whenever," Sol stuck his hands in his pockets and walked off.

"My-" Ikaris started but went silent when Sol kept walking with his hand waving at her. "If that is what you wish, then I will ask no more," Ikaris sighed and looked at the general again. "We will be going in then," She announced and walked into the large spacious spring-like bathroom followed by the other female heroes while the men stood at the side idly waiting.

"Keep an eye on that troublemaker," The general spoke, and from behind him, seemingly out of nowhere a maid walked by bowing to the heroes and nodding to the general as she chased after Sol.

By the time she turned the corner though, Sol was nowhere to be found, it was a long brick hallway with large stained glass windows that couldn't be opened, but somehow Sol had disappeared into thin air, the woman stood there for several seconds in disbelief, but eventually she started searching for him.

Sol in the meantime was on the very highest point of the castle, the regular hood, pants and shoes that he was wearing were gone, and in their place, he was wearing a long black coat that covered down to his legs where he was wearing boots while he crouched and looked across the horizon.

"To the East, there are demons, to the West more demons, from the North there are innumerable portals, and from the South more demons again, they're surrounded with nowhere else to go, how pitiful, if I wanted to become the god of this world, it would be an easy matter to destroy everything and save them, but I don't even want to be here, I have been wanting to watch my favourite anime (Three Piece), for over ten years, but as soon as I come back I'm dragged here," Sol complained.

"If Ikaris hadn't volunteered I'd have probably gone out and killed everything overnight, but she wants to play hero, so I can just relax and see what happens," He smiled to himself, then looked at the northern mountains in the distance again.

"There's just no way they'd be able to beat that monster, even with ten years of experience and their levels maxed out, she would still kill them," He spoke out, using his enhanced vision to peek at the status of the Demon Lord of this dimension and remembering the one he had faced.

"That thing might be another Demon god, aside from myself, only Ikaris can fight her, well, only Ikaris I guess, since I won't lift a finger to save..." Sol paused when a cold wind brushed him from the side and he heard the sound of screams. "Ugh,"


[Activating enhanced vision x100]

Sol stared at the village at the far side of the kingdom, being attacked by level 80 demons, with the strongest fighter being only level 45.


[Activating telepathy, range, limitless].

"Those demons are stronger than you, you stand no chance, get the villagers to the back of the village and hide inside of the temple," He spoke calmly and watched the village's champion freak out after hearing a voice inside of his head.

[ Name- Gordo Hurkson

Race- Human (special)

Level- 45

Title- Chieftain

Skills- Strike, quick attack

Class- Spear

Buffs- Strong leader (anyone who follows him receives a 10% strength buff)

Blessing- Warrior

Curse- Poverty

Special- Limitless Potent flame magic].

"Who said that!?" The man shrieked.

"Never mind who said it, just do as I say, within the next three minutes, all the demons and anyone else outside of that temple will be killed,"

"Oh!" The man grabbed the closest old woman and started obeying the voice in his head. "Everyone! Into the temple now, the voice of God has instructed me, quickly, destruction is coming!" The man shouted, and the entire village became rampant as the people stopped running around like ants and turned into a stampede toward the temple.

"Good job," Sol stood and held out his hand, summoning a spear in his grasp. "The weapon I have gifted you, will help you kill demons many times stronger than yourself, use it wisely, but mark my words, if you turn it against an innocent, the spear will kill you," Sol warned the man as he locked the doors of the temple and started leading everyone to an underground crypt.

"After tonight, wait a whole day, and then seek the spear, and head to the capital, there will be no habitable land for miles, lead your people to safety.

"U-Understood!" The man shrieked again.

Sol cleared his throat. "Destroy everything," He whispered to the spear as it began glowing in his grasp, and then he tilted his arm back and threw it with a light huff watching it burst into white flames and disappear in the clear night sky.


[Activating, absolute barrier]

Sol opened his palm and clasped it shut, and the temple in the village shook when a shield the shape of a pyramid appeared around it, blocking the demons from entering just as the sky above them became as bright as midday.


[Activating telepathy, range, limitless].

"Demons of Arkadia, mark this moment where the night became day, and your night star trembled, your time is coming to an end," Sol spoke in a frightening voice that sounded nothing like himself, as much as he hated to admit it, he wouldn't see someone needing help and not help, and he hated demons more than anything else that existed.

The demons stopped and looked to the sky, staring as the spear crashed into their army like a meteor, and from where he stood, Sol watched the horizon light up as a giant ball of fire arose from the ground and annihilated everything for miles in every direction.

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