The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 42: Ruin Without Killing


"Rukiya?" Adolf managed out slowly, the shock of seeing his alpha's face and body drenched in blood something that hadn't been on his bucket list today. He wanted to say something that would make her feel better but there was nothing that could do that.

Her assets were slaughtered, her greatest source of intel had been dismantled and that too, because of Sicario wolves who couldn't understand the difference between their territories. Oh, but she was mad and she hadn't even started yet.

"Take them to the clear chambers, we have work to do," Rukiya said with a sweet toothy smile that creeped Adolf out. However, he knew what he had to do. The two Sicario wolves who hadn't been murdered in cold blood stood there shaking like they hadn't expected this.

Maybe they had expected that Rukiya would call their alpha for a meeting and then talk shit out. But that always worked but only if no one was murdered. The only thing Rukiya Greyson had done today was to make sure no one messed with his people and lived to tell the story.

Of course, she was pissed that she had intruders in her home who had managed to get access to the high-profile dungeon. But that was something she would deal with later. After she dealt with the annoying rats that had shown up to disturb her peace

"You, clean this place up, and prepare a good explanation for what happened, because I need to know how the fuck my security was breached and these idiots managed to get into the dungeons. Find me a traitor if there's one, otherwise, the Greyson warriors won't sleep today.

"Your choice," Rukiya said as she walked out to get some air. She couldn't believe that had happened. She wanted to understand that these people were justifying their alpha, but she couldn't give two shits about that.

They had come to her home.

They had breached her borders with magic so potent that even her warriors hadn't sensed. They knew what they were doing and if Rukiya had to get more heads rolling, then she would. She didn't care what the reason was, because no one was allowed to screw her over.

"I say you get comfortable, it's about to be a long long evening for you," Adolf said to the two Sicario wolves who were yet to snap out of the shock.

They had clearly never imagined that they would watch their friends be butchered by Rukiya before them and that too in less than three minutes. It was almost like she had been needing something to let her anger out, and she had found the perfect avenue for it.

"Will she kill us?" one of them asked, and Adolf scoffed, wondering if the Sicario wolf was just plain stupid, or the shock had made him a little too dumb.

"For an idiot who managed to come to Sicario and mess with Rukiya, you really have no clue what you've got yourself into. Anyway, don't think you've been spared because you're special.

"You can as well start making your last prayers, because tomorrow, may never be promised, but your tomorrow, is certainly not," Adolf said with a smile, even though the wolves could what the anger in his voice he hadn't expected that this would happen to, but hey what else could he do, right?

"Hello, you two. My apologies for not introducing myself earlier. Hi, I'm Rukiya. Rukiya Greyson and you're my visitors. Please feel at home, and ask for anything you need," Rukiya said ten minutes later as she walked in, making Adolf almost snicker.

Oh, he knew this wasn't good news for these wolves. They could have as well offered to die earlier instead of surviving. Because this was the beginning of a different kind of pain and torture.

"Get me my tools, Adolf."

"Yes, alpha," Adolf responded, knowing so well that Rukiya's tools were not just common tools. They were tools that even Adolf was scared of.

He was never scared of shit, but Rukiya Greyson was the only person who made him want to curl up into a ball and slowly roll away without saying a word. And right now, the woman was fueled by the Sicario's banished alpha, who conveniently disappeared.

"Now that you have my attention and name, would you tell me why you came knocking at my door?" Rukiya asked politely as she picked up the scalpel from the tools that Adolf had gotten her.

She hadn't tied the Sicario wolves up, but the sight of Rukiya was enough to freeze them up. No one could tell what she would do with them, but it was obvious they were never going to see the light of day again.

"For Awuor. Only you can get her back," one of the wolves said and Rukiya glared at him in disbelief. This idiot didn't have audacity, but he was also dumb too.

"Yeah right, because I go around doing charity cases, yeah? And why the fuck would I even care about your so-called banished alpha? Last I checked, she killed her mother.

"She deserves worse than a banishment too, don't you think?" Rukiya said to the wolves and one of them even dared to growl at her, something that she found interesting.

Adolf looked at the wolf who had growled, surprise on his face, before he threw a hammer to his feet, and boy didn't he miss, because no one had ever growled at Rukiya. And these two here, were strangers, strangers who had no business storming into their home.

"You fight for justice, you believe in it. Since our wolves don't believe it anymore, well, it was easier triggering you than talking sense into them," the wolf said, wincing at the pain in his feet, his voice trembling as Rukiya advanced towards him with her scalpel.

"What do you want from me?" Ruiya asked and this time, she wasn't playing around. Her voice had gone from the smiley relaxed one, to one so cold that everyone in the room felt the temperature change.

She was done bluffing; right now, she was an alpha who needed answers, an alpha who demanded payback and an alpha who was certainly going to declare war on Sicario whether these people talked or not. She had made up her mind.

"Help us find justice for Alpha Awuor—" the man began but his statement was cut short when he felt a knife stab his thigh, while the other wolf got his arms broken by Adolf who was having a lot of fun.

"I said, I'm not a charity centre. Why couldn't you get to them? If you so believed that the rejected alpha was innocent, why wouldn't you tell your people?

You realize how much you screwed me over?" Rukiya asked with a laugh, chuckling like this was the best part of her day, when all she wanted was to run her fingers in their chest and rip their hearts out. She was pissed.

"You didn't kill the two of us, so that should be a start for your foundation, yeah?" the other wolf who had been silent all this while said and that was all Rukiya needed to command Adolf to do the torturing.

She knew these people were stalling, something else was going on and Rukiya needed to figure that out, before more of her wolves fell dead.

"Do not give them a break even in the slightest way. You can rip them apart, but one more thing Adolf, don't kill them."

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