The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 43: A Strategic Or Lousy Alpha?



"Are you sure about this, Rukiya? This is dangerous, what you're about to do. Are you sure, child?" Luna Razia asked her daughter as she watched Rukiya gear up. She looked a little too pissed and her determination was scary, even for her mother.

With her proclamation of war, Rukiya and her warriors were ready to teach a lesson to Sicario. It wasn't just about the fact that the wolves had breached the code of conduct, but more about what it was about Awuor that had gotten wolves risking their lives for her.

If she had been a terrible alpha, and one who was so cruel as her father and mate had made her out to be, then no one in their right mind would have started a revolution, and even more, gone to attack Greyson, knowing so well they would definitely be killed on sight.

Rukiya Greyson was the mother of ruthlessness and she had no conscience when it came to protecting her people. The fact that she had been breached had triggered her in the worst of ways. It reminded her of her father and how everything had gone downhill then.

She didn't want that for her people, which was why she was going to Sicario and she was going to make sure no one was ever going to think of crossing the Greyson borders without her approval. She had to send the message otherwise she would prove the others right.

She was not just an alpha because she was born into royalty, but she was an alpha, because she had fought to keep her people sane. She had cleaned up the mess her father had created, and she had done it singlehandedly, with her team.

Rukiya Greyson had made the wolves believe again, and this time, she knew some were scared. If Greyson was open to attacks then what was the point in staying there, right? Rukiya didn't want her people living in fear of the Sicarios.

"They started it first, besides, this will also give me the chance to get into Sicario and see for myself if she really is dead or not," Rukiya said to her mother before adding, "don't worry too much mother. Besides, the worst that could happen to me, is me dying, right?"

Luna Razia looked at her daughter, the kid she had watched grow up in the midst of chaos; the child she had tried to keep away from war as far as possible, and also the kid she had always wanted the best for. It was hard to understand that her child, that child was now a grown woman.

Maybe this time, she just had to put her trust in her daughter and their armies, after all, the Scario and the Greyson armies were among the strongest armies in the supernatural world. Their going against each other was dangerous.

"But Rukiya—," the luna tried, but her daughter wasn't having any of it.

"You know the rules mother. If I die, you will have to take over and groom the next alpha. If I don't, then I'll definitely come back home. I'll see you soon, hopefully," Rukiya casually responded, as she kissed her mother on the forehead.

Never in her life would have Rukiya thought she would ever go to war with ulterior motives. Granted, she was going to Sicario because her people had been attacked and as retaliation, but she also wanted to see how everyone was acting.

If the wolves in Sicario seemed okay, then it meant that their rejected alpha hadn't died, but if otherwise, then it would mean that she really was dead, and Rukiya would have to give up, but would she?

Would Rukiya stop fighting for justice, and clearing Awuor's name if the woman was dead? That was something Adolf had suspected her of, and while it was absurd, it seemed really likely that Rukiya Greyson would find justice for Awuor, even if it was just for fun.

And that, made it even weirder.

"Be careful, child. Please don't leave me childless," Luna Razia said, whispering the last bit, even though Rukiya heard her loud and clear. She wanted to think her mother was being dramatic, but with all that had happened in the past three years, Rukiya understood her so well.

She would try and come back home, but there were no promises and she was okay with that. After all, her home was okay, and for some reason, her desire to look for the banished alpha seemed to be growing with every passing day.

Rukiya knew it was not a good idea to be going after Awuor, but then she couldn't help it. She thought of the woman even when she didn't need to. She worried for Awuor, even though everyone had assumed she was dead.

The woman was a rejected alpha, and yet, Rukiya was still determined to see everything through. It was dangerous and could cause even more chaos between Greyson and Sicario, but the woman didn't mind.

Maybe that made her a terrible alpha, but what if she was fighting for her life? What if she was fighting for a better future? Would it ever really count when the sun went down and they were assessing their spoils of war? Would it?

Despite all the red signs, Rukiya was not going to let Awuor go with ease, and maybe she needed to take a step back, but what else could she do this time other than satisfy her curious desires, especially in a territory she was going to battle with?

"Are they ready out there?" Rukiya asked her beta, who had been a little too silent for someone who always voiced his opinions. Maybe because he knew that this time, there was no calling back Rukiya. He just had to let her be herself and he would simply show up if she needed him.

"Yes, alpha. We're just waiting for you," Adolf said, his worried tone making as how. He wasn't worried that they would lose the battle no. He knew they would win, it was a given especially with how relaxed the new Sicario alpha had been over the past ten weeks.

However, just like Luna Razia, he was worried about Rukiya's newfound obsession with the banished alpha. Or maybe it was because Awuor was a white wolf, but then what were the odds of Awuor showing up, even if she was alive?

"Great. Let's go, we don't have time. Besides, the sun is already going down, and I want us by the Sicario borders before nightfall," Rukiya said like she was talking about the weather. Defeatedly, Adolf just nodded and followed her to the gates where the warriors were waiting for her.

"Good evening Greysons, today we are going into Sicario. They took some of us and we have to retaliate. We are not in the position for peace talks because the assets their people slaughtered, were, by far, too valuable.

"When we get there, stick to the mission, and that is to grab the alpha, Jeremiah. That is your mission today. However, let it be known that if they strike at you, strike ten times harder. Do whatever it takes, to get me the bastard who let his wolves come at us with magic.

"Any questions?" Rukiya said, after her brief yet precise briefing.

"Alpha, are you okay?" one of the warriors asked worriedly, and Rukiya instinctively stared at herself, wondering if there was any reason that the warrior ad to ask her how she was feeling. It was too sudden a question and certainly one that was unexpected.

"Yes, I am. Let's go get me the Sicario alpha okay?" Rukiya said to her warriors who cheered on. She knew they were worried about her and the more she thought about it, the more she figured there had to be something that could have led her mother and warriors to the conclusion.

Maybe she was changing but she didn't know it. If anything, Rukiya was feeling fine, but then fine wasn't what she was parading before them.

And just like every other thing that didn't involve Awuor, Rukiya Greyson pushed her health and her people's concerns about her to the side.

'What if they are right?' Rukiya asked herself as she led her warriors out of Greyson, watching as the gates to their home closed and they had to walk in the direction of Sicario.

She knew the Sicario wolves were expecting an attack, and yet here she was, leading her people to kidnap the reigning alpha.

If that wasn't unhinged, then what else was it?

'Oh the things I would do for the Greyson pack,' Rukiya sighed as she went with her warriors.

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