The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 41: Rukiya's Unspoken Promise


As the rogues disappeared into the forest, Adolf knew he had to step up. Rukiya Greyson was in denial and that wasn't good for them, at least not for the Greyson pack.

If news spread about their alpha being disgruntled because of the banished alpha then questions would be raised and he didn't want that.

"We have to go, Rukiya. She's dead," Adolf spelled out slowly, knowing that there was a high chance that Rukiya would snap at him.

"You're right, let's go home. She's not dead. The first white wolf in centuries can't be taken out by a rejection. I'll find her, even if it's the last thing I do," Rukiya said and for a moment, Adolf stood there, confused about what was happening to his alpha.

He knew Rukiya was fond of Awuor, even though the woman had been nothing but chaotic and crazy. That was probably why Rukiya found her interesting.

The alpha female was without anyone, the helpless girl, and even then Awuor Hawi had still remained the girl who refused to take shit from anyone just because she was helpless.

Awuor believed she would always rise up from the ashes, no matter how bruised she was, and right now, Rukiya Greyson seemed to believe the same. She refused to believe that Awuor was dead, and until she saw a body, she was never going to believe it.

Without even waiting for Adolf to comprehend what she had just said, Rukiya got on her horse and saddled back home. She was going to come up with a plan to help Awuor get the justice she deserved, especially now that she had apparently gone into hiding.

"She's crazy," Adolf said to himself as he followed his alpha.

He knew what Rukiya was planning on doing was risky, but then it wasn't like they could change the facts of what had happened.

Hell, even he believed that Awuor had just taken a break from everything and there were high chances that she had just decided to take the long road home. The road that involved her training so hard, and being ready for whatever it would take to come back home strong.

Together, Adolf and Rukiya saddled silently back home. Both of them seemed to have a weight lifted off their shoulders, however, the moment they got through the Greyson gates, everything changed.

It was never a plight to go after Awuor Hawi, but it was the stench of death that was looming in Greyson. Rukiya despised that stench, unless she was the one who had caused it, but this time, Rukiya hadn't murdered anyone.

"Alpha! You're back! We have a problem," Harry, her enforcer and the warrior who manned the dungeons said to Rukiya and the desperation on his face was all that Rukiya needed to know that something had happened.

Harry never freaked out, and right now, Harry was freaking out, which was never a good sign.

"Slow down, Harry. I have only been gone for two hours. What the fuck happened?" Rukiya asked, trying to ignore the stench of death and the desire to kick ass as she got off her horse at the stables.

She wanted to be calm, because she had been practicing it for a while, but one of her best warriors was panicking and it wasn't good.

"I'm sorry alpha, we tried to fend them off, but we couldn't. They were armed with magic and we couldn't do shit," Harry said, rambling that Rukiya's patience was slowly thinning away.

Adolf could see the changes in the alpha, so he looked at Harry, and how bloody he was before he got off his horse and tried to make Harry spell out his sentences coherently.

"Who, Harry? What happened? You're gonna need to be clear and precise before we have more deaths on our hands," Adolf said.

Anyone who listened to him, could have thought he was the grand advocate of peace instead of the bloodthirsty beta of Greyson who would kill anything, and everything that walked the face of the earth, as long as Rukiya Greyson gave him the order to.

"There were ten wolves from Sicario. We don't know how they made it through the borders, and into the dungeons that had our most valuable assets. They walked in there, and murdered all the eight assets in cold blood.

"At first, it was almost like Alpha Rukiya sent them, but then I noticed they had tattoos. The rules of our lands forbid any tattoos and by the time we realized it, we were too late. The weird part is that they didn't run.

"They are still in the dungeons, waiting for us. I thought they'd be gone but they are in there, talking like nothing happened," Harry said and Rukiya just sighed frustratedly.

Her first thought was that they had been sent by the reigning Sicario alpha to come and see whether Awuor was here, and that was against the laws.

Having spies was fine, but having spies that killed assets, was against the laws that governed the wolves, which was also why Rukiya walked toward the dungeons, with only one thought, murder.

"Did they tell you why they came in and took out our best assets?" Adolf asked Harry as they walked towards the dungeons.

"They said that it was all for Awuor. Something about this being the only way to get justice for the dead banished alpha," Harry said defeatedly before adding, "the psycho white wolf is really dead?"

Adolf didn't know what to tell Harry, because he didn't want to believe that Awuor was dead. There were so many things that could have happened to her, but then a rejection? No one had ever died because of a rejection, at least not that instantly.

However, they couldn't put it past Awuor, given that she had spent eighteen days at the gates of Sicario, trying to find her way in, and meet the alpha, and she hadn't eaten shit.

She had suffered for a long time and even when she walked back to her shelter after seeing her mate and her best friend, Awuor had been weak. Adolf had seen that too, which was why he hoped that things were not as brutal as they seemed to be.

"Let's go, Harry, before your head lands on a spike for being relaxed to allow intruders to take out our best assets. You know Rukiya won't forgive you for this, so you had better start thinking of ways to get on her good side.

"We both know I'm just her weapon, and you should hope she doesn't point me in your direction, because I will have to kill you, old friend," Adolf said, in the most reassuring voice, even though the reality they were currently facing was a little too cruel.

Looking ahead of them, Rukiya was no longer in sight, so they figured they needed to hurry, lest they get the punishment for staying behind, and being slow while they lived were in danger.

However, when they got to the dungeons, barely three minutes after Rukiya had gotten there, they got the shock of their lives.

"Take these to the Sicario messenger, and tell him to tell Jeremiah and Sicario, that I am coming for them," Adolf and Harry watched Rukiya tell their messenger, Ranae as she kicked heads towards Ranae.

"Yes alpha," Ranae responded, knowing so well there was nothing she could do. At least the heads were not hers, to begin with.

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