The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 13: Chapter 13: Cold Classmate, Hot Teacher

The Next day.

It was Monday.

And what made it ev worse was that it was a college day.

That meant he had to drag himself out of bed and force himself to attd classes.

Lately, he had be questioning the purpose of ev going to college.

In this academic vironmt, he found himself somewhere in the middle. He wasn't the kind of studt who consisttly scored above 90%, nor was he someone who struggled with really low grades. He occupied the middle g, typically achieving scores in the range of 70% to 80%.

He wasn't the teacher's pet, but he had developed fridly relationships with his teachers over time.

Wh it came to his classmates, he had frids among all of them, yet he didn't belong to any specific clique or group that you typically found in a class.

What set him apart was his extsive network of female frids, not only from his own class but also from other sections and departmts. He ev had some sior frids. His good looks had oped many doors for him.

Ev before his Awaking, he had be exceptionally handsome, perhaps one of the most good-looking guys a.

But since his Awaking, his appearance had undergone a remarkable transformation, with his hair taking on a striking crimson hue and his face becoming ev more alluring. This made it increasingly difficult for him to avoid atttion.

To complicate matters further, he had also inherited a Divine power called The Divine Charm, which he was still in the process of fully assimilating. He could sse that as the assimilation of his Divine Charm progressed, his appearance was becoming ev more extraordinarily handsome.

By the way, he really didn't feel like heading to school with his eye-catching crimson hair. Luckily, he had this cool trick up his sleeve where he could change it back to its natural black hue.

And where did he pick up this nifty skill? Well, he learned it from the vast sea of knowledge tucked away in the codex.

But that doesn't mean he could control his charm, ev if he wanted to. Frankly, he wouldn't bother ev if he could.

So, he decided to roll into college a bit later than usual in the morning, and he did it on purpose. He knew that as the day wore on, his looks would start turning heads.

He didn't want to show up wh the campus was teeming with folks just milling about, not going to class. Dealing with all that unwanted atttion? Nah, not his thing.

So, he strolled in fashionably late and, well, ded up missing his first class. But he wasn't sweating it because he figured he'd be out of this place before too long.

Ev though his mom hadn't said anything about it, he had this strong feeling that he'd be moving on from this joint sooner rather than later.

As he sauntered into the classroom, it was like a magnetic pull for everyone's eyes. He just kept his cool, ignoring the intrigued looks, especially from the girls.

I mean, it's not like he hadn't turned heads before, but now his charm was off the charts, making it nearly impossible for anyone to resist stealing a peek.

Let's face it, The guy was seriously good-looking.

Ev the guys in the class couldn't argue with that.

He evtually plopped down in his usual spot, which happed to be somewhere in the middle. It was safe to say he was practically embracing the "back-bcher" title at this point.

Seated in front of him was a girl with striking red hair and porcelain skin. She was one of those school legds, the kind people referred to as a true school idol.

If Sam was hailed as the most handsome guy in school, she could easily claim the title of one of the most stunning girls a.

But here's the kicker: no one ever dared to approach her. Well, to be precise, anyone who tried ded up with chilly and indiffert responses.

And if someone, after facing her rejection, somehow persisted in pursuing her, well, they'd undergo a dramatic transformation overnight. They'd come back to school the next day like tirely differt people, and they'd be so spooked that they'd avoid the place altogether.

Word on the school grapevine was that approaching this girl was akin to inviting a curse upon oneself. There were these weird incidts where guys who'd tried to win her over just stopped showing up at school. Happed about three times, if you can believe it.

After that, all the guys in the school decided it was best to steer clear of her, and ev the girls followed suit.

This girl, who was usually pretty distant and didn't show much emotion, raised an eyebrow and squinted her bright gre eyes wh she spotted Sam.

It was a mystery what was going through her mind.

Soon, the teacher for the second period arrived. She was another beautiful woman, the kind that caught the atttion of most boys, including Sam. But she had that same cold demeanor that kept people at a distance.

Ev she couldn't dy that Sam looked more attractive than usual. "Why does he look ev more handsome today?" she mused, narrowing her eyes at him. Th, something caught her atttion, and her eyes wided in surprise. "Wait, wh did he become a cultivator?"

Throughout the class, she tried to focus on teaching, but her mind kept drifting back to Sam and how he had suddly become a cultivator. What surprised her ev more was that she could sse more than two types of Qi emanating from his body.

Sam wasn't really paying much atttion to the class. His focus was on the teacher and the girl seated in front of him. He could sse Qi coming from both of them, and that caught him off guard.

Curiosity got the best of him, and he decided to check out the girl in front of him. With a casual gesture, he commanded the codex to display her information.


[ Name: Amelia Scarlett ]

[ Status: Healthy, Hungry ]

[ Titles: Heiress Of The Scarlett Clan ]

[ Age: 8 ]

[ Cultivation: Foundation Establishmt Realm (middle-stage) ]

[ Race: Noble Vampire ]

[ Bloodline(s): Scarlett Vampire Bloodline]

[ Spirit Vein(s): Dark-Blood Spiritual Veins]

[ Bloodline Abilities: Pyrokinesis ]

[ Physique: Sanguine Vitality Resonance Physique ]

[ Racial Abilities: Compulsion, Hemo-Empowermt, Ancestral Transformation ]


"So, she's a vampire, huh?" Sam wasn't all that surprised wh he discovered her true nature. He had already acquired all the basic knowledge about the cultivation world.

The vampire girl seemed to have heard what he said, and without turning her head, she whispered in a voice only he could hear, "Don't leave after class...wait for me, okay?"

Sam squinted his eyes but nodded in response, unsure if she had received his confirmation.

Afterward, he turned his atttion back to the mature woman who was still teaching, his eyes filled with desire.

He was undiably attracted to his teacher.

After all, in his eyes, she was the Hottest woman in the whole school.


[ Name: Mia Hasegawa ]

[ Status: Healthy, Evolving ]

[ Titles: Princess Of The Celestial Fox tribe, Disciple Of Verdant Mistral Palace ]

[ Age: 500+ ]

[ Cultivation: Nasct Soul Realm (Lower-stage) ]

[ Race: Three-Tailed Celestial Fox ]

[ Bloodline(s): Flame Kitsune Bloodline ]

[ Spirit Vein(s): Fire Spiritual Veins ]

[ Racial Ability: Celestial Fox Transformation ]


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