The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 12: Chapter 12: Incarnation Crystal

"Congratulations, son! You've successfully become a cultivator," Hela exclaimed as she hastily hugged Sam, burying his head in her bosom.

"M-Mom, wait," Sam stammered, tak aback. He was afraid his mother would notice his younger brother in his pants standing as tall as the Eiffel Tower.

'Oh no, she's going to feel it,' Sam thought in a panic. He squeezed his eyes shut, unable to witness his mother's inevitable reaction to the mini dragon that was ready to soar through the sky.

As his mother embraced him tightly, her face flushed with embarrassmt wh she ssed something she hoped wasn't what she suspected.

'Oh no, my dragon spear is poking her,' Sam thought, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

'D-Did I just feel what I think I felt?' She slowly released Sam, her face still crimson, and met his gaze, which was filled with embarrassmt. 'I-I suppose I was right; I did feel it.'

Her cheeks redded ev further. Ev though she had let go of him after the incredibly embarrassing hug, she couldn't help but feel the lingering ssation on her thighs.

Well, it's not really Sam's fault.

His, uh, well-dowed younger brother in his pants was as impressive as a vibranium sword. it was probably the strongest of its kind, and ev his pants struggled to contain it.

"O-Okay, we'll head back," Hela mumbled those words as she started packing her things.

Sam was in a similar predicamt, struggling to maintain his composure while his brother was being a hindrance.

As he grappled with the situation, Sam also noticed that he was abnormally horny. Not that he was not horny before, but he was not extremely horny.

And he didn't understand why it was happing.

Aunt Lor was utterly bewildered. However, a sudd realization struck her, and her gaze uninttionally wandered to Sam's lower portion of his body.

Now it was her turn to face a rather face-turning-red momt. She finally comprehded why her older sister had be acting strangely.

It turns out Sam's appeal wasn't confined to just his handsome face.

She didn't feel the same embarrassmt as her older sister; in fact, she was quite looking forward to the prospect of having his "mini dragon" for herself in the future.

"Congratulations, dear... Anyway, let's head back," she said, unable to maintain the conversation as her gaze involuntarily drifted toward his pants.

So, they returned to their home.

Once they were back, each of them retreated to their respective rooms to find their own way of relieving their 'stress'.

If you know what I mean.


Meanwhile, in the heart of the Hailstorm Clan's territory on the Azure Dragon Contint, in the realm of cultivation, a stir was brewing within the clan's main family.

"What's this all about?" The currt patriarch of the Hailstorm Clan, though he appeared to be in his early forties, had actually lived for over fifty thousand thousand years.

He stood inside the Legacy Shrines, a place common to all martial clans across the cultivation realms, not just the Dragon Clans.

Every clan and sect had one.

It was a treasure trove of sorts, housing their legacies, secrets, inheritances, and ev detailed records about their clan members.

But, the most igmatic item within was the Incarnation Crystal.

Every Legacy Shrine, belonging to any martial clan, safeguarded an Incarnation Crystal.

This crystal was something born wh the clan itself came into existce, holding the very essce of the lineage it originated from.

The Incarnation Crystal remained shrouded in mystique, and its true significance was still a puzzle yet to be fully unraveled. It was said that a clan's true wealth and power resided within this crystal.

The patriarch and the rest of the main family, including his wife, youngest daughter, granddaughter, and his two younger brothers and their families, were simply going about their daily lives wh something unexpected happed.

The Incarnation Crystal inside their clan's Legacy shrine began to vibrate and glow brightly.

The sudd commotion drew everyone's atttion, but it soon settled wh they realized that the main branch of the Hailstorm clan had arrived, led by the currt patriarch.

"The glow is getting ev stronger?" the patriarch's second younger brother exclaimed.

"Yeah, no shit sherlock," the patriarch was too preoccupied with his thoughts to worry about his image, blurting out whatever came to mind.

"Harper, does anyone in our clan happ to be undergoing an awaking?" the patriarch whose name was Alexander Hailstorm asked his second younger brother.

"No, no one in our clan is either 6 or currtly undergoing an awaking."

"Wait, that can't be right. There must be someone in our clan currtly undergoing an awaking. And not just any bloodline; someone is awaking the Froz Abyssal dragon bloodline, or the Incarnation Crystal wouldn't be glowing like this."

'The only time I've witnessed such an intse glow from this object is wh my eldest daughter unlocked the power of her Froz Abyssal dragon bloodline,' the Patriarch's wife, Adriana Hailstorm, sighed as memories of her long-lost daughter flooded her thoughts. 'I pray that you find your way back to us, Hela.'

The Incarnation crystal possessed another remarkable function, automatically detecting the activation of the primary bloodline within its clan's lineage.

In the case of the Hailstorm clan, it signaled the awaking of the Froz Abyssal dragon bloodline.

"Maybe it doesn't mean anything?" the patriarch's younger brother said, sounding doubtful.

"No, the Incarnation Crystal never lies," the patriarch replied, glancing at his first younger brother. "Go search every member of our clan. I want to find out who awaked the Froz Abyssal Dragon bloodline without us knowing. Take anyone you need and bring them to me ASAP," he ordered.

"Yes, brother," Harper Hailstorm, the patriarch's first youngest brother, said before vanishing in a flash.


In the heart of the Flareheart clan's territory, within the sacred legacy shrines, something akin to a hailstorm seemed to be brewing inside the Incarnation crystal.

The Incarnation Crystal of the Flareheart clan was this mesmerizing crimson crystal that bore the likess of a majestic dragon, seemingly slumbering amidst a tempest of scorching flames.

The patriarch, Theodore Flareheart, stood there, gazing at the intsely glowing crystal, his mind filled with contemplation. Only he held the knowledge of what this radiant display truly signified.

So, what did it mean wh that Incarnation crystal started to glow?

In the Flareheart tradition, it was a clear and unmistakable sign that someone within the clan had awaked the main bloodline—The Crimson Inferno Dragon bloodline.

Such an awaking bestowed upon the individual the right to challge the currt leader for the revered role of the clan's patriarch.

Theodore Flareheart wasted no time and promptly issued his orders to his one and only son, William Flareheart. "Someone has awaked our clan's main bloodline, the Crimson Inferno Dragon bloodline. Find out who it is, and bring them to me."

Hearing his father's directive, William Flareheart, who had no inkling that his very own son, of whose existce he was unaware, had triggered the Incarnation crystal's reaction, scoured the tire clan in search of the mysterious awaked individual.

Regrettably, his quest yielded no results, leaving him empty-handed and perplexed.


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