The Inheritance Of The Supreme Immortals

Chapter 14: Chapter 14: Lost And Found


[ Name: Mia Hasegawa ]

[ Status: Healthy, Evolving ]

[ Titles: Princess Of The Celestial Fox tribe, Disciple Of Verdant Mistral Palace ]

[ Age: 500+ ]

[ Cultivation: Nasct Soul Realm (Lower-stage) ]

[ Race: Three-Tailed Celestial Fox ]

[ Bloodline(s): Flame Kitsune Bloodline]

[ Spirit Vein(s): Fire Spiritual Veins]

[ Racial Ability: Celestial Fox Transformation ]


'A fox, huh?' Sam's smile stretched wider. 'This is getting more and more intriguing.'

For some reason he couldn't quite put his finger on, he felt a subtle urge to charm her.

His train of thought derailed as he remembered the nine-tailed foxes he'd se in novels, particularly the ones with that 'Onee-san' allure he adored. Now, as he gazed at his teacher, he couldn't help but wonder how heavly her tails might feel.

"I bet they're incredibly soft," Sam mused, his mouth practically watering at the idea.


As Sam indulged in his daydreams, his mother, Hela, sat at home, pondering the pottial future with her younger sister, Lorraine.

"Are you planning to take Sam to the cultivation realm?" Lorraine asked casually.

Hela sighed, uncertain. "I'm not sure."

"You're not sure?" Lorraine sighed in response. "Hela, Sam just awaked his bloodlines, and I'm pretty sure our folks back in the cultivation realm have noticed the awaking of our bloodline, not to mtion his Crimson Inferno dragon lineage. The Flareheart Clan must be aware of it too."

"I know," Lorraine thought to herself, closing her eyes and contemplating her options.

Should she bring Sam to the cultivation realm?

Or should she keep him away from it?

As she weighed the choices, she leaned towards the second option, but after careful consideration, she became convinced that Sam needed the cultivation realm.

Her reasons for this decision were clear.

First, Sam had awaked two powerful dragon bloodlines, and if he remained on Earth, he wouldn't be able to reach his full pottial.

Secondly, the Earth's thin Qi wouldn't be sufficit for Sam's cultivation to progress effectively.

Most importantly, she thought about his safety. Sam had become the Master of the Codex of Supreme Immortal, esstially making him a public emy. Sooner or later, other cultivators would come looking for him, and she and her younger sister wouldn't be able to protect him on Earth.

The only way to sure Sam's safety was to bring him back to her clan in the cultivation realm.

As Hela was lost in thought, something suddly flew out of her storage ring.

It was a mirror, covered in inscriptions on its back.

Instinctively, Hela caught the mirror in her hand, and to her surprise, a figure appeared within it. It was a woman with dark hair, adorned with red accts, and she had the same beautiful blue eyes as her mother, Hela, and her younger brother Sam.

She looked at her mother with a face filled with sadness. "Mom?"

"Sophia? What happed?" Hela asked, not tirely surprised that her daughter, whom she had left in the cultivation realm, had contacted her.

To understand the currt situation, let's revisit their history.

Sam's mother had married his father out of love, and they had their first daughter, Sophia.

Both the Hailstorm and Flareheart clans, however, wanted a male heir from both of them.

Unfortunately, an oracle had determined that Hela could never bear a male child, putting pressure on them from both clans.

This ultimately led William Flareheart, Sam's father, to have an affair and take a second wife.

Hela strongly opposed this and felt deeply betrayed, especially since her own father didn't support her. Life became incredibly challging for her.

However, things took a turn wh she discovered she was pregnant.

This happed a one hundred and eighty years ago, and Hela carried Sam in her womb for about 50 years before giving birth.

During her pregnancy, Sophia, her daughter, learned about her mother's condition and fully supported her.

Th came the astonishing revelation: Hela was indeed carrying a boy.

Hela was determined not to give her son to her ex-husband, ev if it meant leaving her own daughter behind.

She made her way to Earth and gave birth to Sam. Despite the distance, she maintained constant communication with her daughter using the mirror.

"Mom, why did you lie to me?" Tears welled up in Sophia's eyes as she spoke through the mirror.

Hela's heart sank, a sse of foreboding washing over her. She desperately hoped she was mistak, but fate had other plans.

"You... you lied to me about my brother?" Sophia cried, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Wh Hela was pregnant with her son, Sophia had already known about the pregnancy and had formed a deep connection with the baby growing in her mother's womb.

She had be overjoyed at the prospect of having a brother, a bright spot in her life after the painful drama with her father taking another wife.

However, fate was cruel.

Hela, torn betwe fleeing and bringing her daughter with her, had told Sophia that the baby in her womb had died.

This lie had left an indelible and incurable scar on Sophia's heart.

In response, she severed her connection with her mother and cut all ties with the Flareheart clan before seeking refuge with her grandmother from the Hailstorm clan.

For all those years, Sophia had believed that Sam was dead while he was still in her mother's womb. However, wh she caught wind of the commotion in both her mother's and father's clans, a flicker of doubt began to grow in her heart.

Once the chaos had subsided, she started to sse a peculiar connection deep within her soul. It was undiably familiar—a ssation she'd never forget. It was the same connection she'd felt with the baby growing in her mother's womb before Hela left for Earth with her unborn son.

Wh she uncovered this truth, a sse of betrayal washed over her, and she teetered on the edge of breaking down. But instead, she held herself together because she was determined to meet her long-lost brother.

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