The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 201: Olympus


On Ecumopolis , Olympus was a highly guarded secret. Only the top families who had ties to the founders and any currt kings had access to this mountain island. The reason being was the place sucked in ambit Psionic ergy like a vacuum both empowering Psionic beings and making it a perfect place for Psionic beings to train.

Inside the Atha compound, a group of highly powerful Psionic wielders were gaged in a free for all combat. some people were hancing themselves to insane speeds and using hit and run tactics, a man had covered himself with the floorings steel for extra durability, making him both a prime target and an excellt sponge as he face tanked every thing that came his way.

Every member was efficit with their movemts and were beyond the skill any normal human could attain. These were Beyond Spartari's elites, they were a whole other level. In one corner of the training hall, a woman was fding off four opponts simultaneously, there was not supposed to be teaming, but her opponts could care less.

The woman was effective in holding them off with her duel hook swords, mixing both acrobatics with calm, calculated precision with was further boosted by her many years of training.

Still though, her opponts were a calibre of their own and were slowly backing her into a corner. The woman decided now would be the perfect time to activate her power. The woman tapped into her anguish and in doing so, her eyes began to burn a purple hue and seeped out of her like teardrops.

Suddly, everyone in a meter radius felt their connection to their Psionic ergy fizzle out. Those in the middle of using their abilities had a backfire of their power, causing only minor injuries as they had be trained to counteract backlashes such as what had happed.

Her opponts had felt this affect many times however and they recovered quickly as they continued to press their assault, ev without powers as their bodies were still incredibly strong.

Just as the woman was about to spin her sword a her body with her other sword for a large sweeping attack, she suddly felt something pierce her deep pain and anguish. It felt like the warm sun and was rejuvating. She had no idea what the feeling was, but she solely fixated on it for a mere second, but that second she felt wt on for an eternal bliss.

She was th pulled out of that bliss wh a gladius type sword ran her through, piercing though her chest, through her lung and out of her back. Upon receiving the wound, a large booming masculine voice shouted. "Cease combat at once!"

Like a well oiled machine, everyone in the room ceased what they were doing immediately and wt into a recovery pose. All except the woman and the man that had run her through. The woman was wearing a mask that only showed her eyes, like everyone else, but the hate filled rage was recognised by all, especially the man in front of her.

"Shit." Was all the man could say before he felt an impact on his chest, caving it in the process, before he got st flying across the room. The woman, only slightly satisfied, th stood at atttion, as though she did not have a sword sticking through her body and waited as the heavy footsteps approached.

In front of the woman now stood a hulk of a man, nearly 8 ft tall and almost 4 ft wide. The man looked absolutely terrifying with his missing eye that he wore no patch over and his geral stature did not help with that.

The man took a knee and made eye contact with the 5ft woman in front of him. "Damage?" He said neutrally. "Pierced lung sir." The woman responded. The man th sighed and not with a surgeons precision, pulled out the sword and threw it away.

The woman did not ev flinch at the pain and the man reached into his pocket for a thin gre slab. He th lined up the gre slab with the wound and th with all his might, jammed it inside.

After doing so, he let out a sigh and with a voice as soft as kitts spoke. "By my bones girl, you gave me a right fright. I never thought I'd have to place my nanites in one of your wounds. What happed?"

Before he could get an answer, one of the other nearby personnel spoke up. "Leader, I think Alpha 4 needs medical aid." The soft spok giant th turned a and yelled. "He is a tough fucker, he can wait!" He said before turning a and pinching his glabella. He th touched a button on his arm and spoke into it.

"Need trauma team in training room, collapsed chest." He th pressed the button the hang up, but he forgot something and clicked it again. "Oh and get me a milkshake."

He turned off the communicator and looked at his ward once more. "Omega , you respond wh your superior asks what has happed. Do you plan on doing so?" The woman looked to the g, fearing that tears may appear in her eyes.

The hulk th sighed before turning back to the observers. "T minute leisure time!" He shouted, causing everyone to go to the side of the room and chat. A couple of Alpha 4's frids stayed to help staunch his bleeding, but they knew he would pull through so they did the bare minimum.

The hulking man th turned back to his ward and put on a comforting smile as he whispered softer th cotton. "We talked about this in your last session, It is better to share th to bottle it up. You are a guard captain, you need to be of sound mind for your job, so if you don't share I may be forced to put you on leave."

As her therapist, he did not want to use ultimatums like that, but as her leader he had to. The woman th looked up at the man hatefully, but that hate morphed quickly as tears began to well up in her eyes.

The woman became hysteric as she spoke, she sniffled betwe every word. "I-I *sniff* think *sniff* I-I-I *sniff* felt *sniff* M-M-M-my *sniff* Baby-y-y-y" The woman began balling her eyes out and hugged the overgrown man so tightly, he felt glad he had so much muscle to prevt his bones from being damaged beyond his nanites abilities of restoration.

The man sighed as he began stroking Omega 's back. She was well known to have emotional outburst like this. It was tied into her power after all. 'However this new symptom is worrying, she has told me her child has be dead for years, now to suddly feel him? I hope her Psyche isn't failing.'

"Omega ." The man said, hoping to coax a response, but the woman simply continued to cry all over his expsive shirt. He tried saying her code name again, but the woman was just out of it.

Breaking protocol for the sake of his patit, he yelled. "Gabrielle!" The sudd shock of hearing her actual name made her come to. "*Sniff* Sorry Hugo, I am ok." She said before she continued. "Sir, I need to clear my head, permission to take a squad with me for a hunt?"

Hugo rolled his eyes. 'She just sustained an injury that would kill most people and just had a major episode, and now she wants to go out and kill things?' Hugo sighed, he was soft on his frid and patit as she reminded him of his daughter. "Sure, but after a week of bedrest until that would heals and you will need two sessions with me to discuss what just happed. Agreed?"

Gabrielle turned her head down and scrunched her face as she mumbled incohertly under her breath. After a few seconds she forced out a. "Fine!" Before she made her way towards the exit as she knew she could not continue drills with her injury.

As Hugo watched her arrive near the exit of the room, she took off her mask and allowed her long purple hair to cascade down her back. It was th the door to the room oped and Trauma team arrived to help Alpha 4.

Hugo perked up at the sight of a man behind trauma team holding a gigantic milkshake in his hand. The man th made eye contact with Hugo and was about to deliver it to him, but the purple haired woman snatched it out of the couriers hand and began drinking it through the straw as she left, leaving Hugo with a distraught look on his face.

After Hugo made sure Alpha 4 was alright, he resumed training and combat drills with the rest of the elites, making them work extra hard and not giving them any more breaks for hours as he languished in the loss of his precious milkshake.

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