The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 200: Best Hug Ever

With the meeting having ran its course, I told Orchid to wait for me upstairs while I go heal my arm. She seemed reluctant to do so, but agreed theless. Keyla from behind me th said.

"Sorry Apollo, would love to join you, but someone has to keep tabs on Jinx. She is a mace wh it comes to 'accidtal' destruction of property. See you later." Delilah also stood up and excused herself. "Please forgive me Apollo, but I must take my leave. I have a lot of work to catch up on already so I fear I cannot stay for your little 'hang' session tomorrow.

I smiled understandingly. "There is nothing to forgive. I am simply pleased to have met you Delilah." I th moved in to give the ginger haired woman a hug. She seemed surprised, but happily reciprocated. Delilah th used her finishing move. She took the her hand, reached up slightly, as she was only 6ft in her heels, and began to stroke it through my hair tderly and with deep affection.

I physically melted under the caress and brought my body further on level with her as I began to nestle next to her head. Delilah smiled at my reaction. "Do you like that dear? I am glad." She spoke in a hushed tone. After what felt like a blissful eternity, as she continued to stroke my hair, Delilah placed a tder kiss on my temple.

The very action almost made me pull a Jewel and tackle her to the g so I could have my way with her.

As I continued to stand there, oblivious to Samantha who was eagerly taking notes, I began to wonder why this felt amazing. 'It is not sexual, for the most part, It doesn't feel passionate ough for that. No this feels more tder, warm and safe. Sort of like wh I first reincarnated, oh...'

Upon realising why I joyed the hug so much, I separated, reluctantly, from Delilah and smiled. I th kissed her gtly on the lips for just a second before parting. "You are a dangerous one Delilah. I have felt true Euphoria in the arms of my amazing hive before, but you are something else. The next time you hug me, I am keeping you." I teased at the d.

Delilah giggled slightly as she pushed my chest playfully. "Oh stop, you will make this old girl blush." I grinned and replied. "Old? Please, you are sexy as anything and still one of the youngest wom I have had the pleasure of kissing. "Jewel is practically mythologically old, Onyx is ancit and Orchid is old, old.

By comparison, you are technically still a baby, so don't be saying your old or I may just have to spank you."

Delilah short circuited for a momt as she stared deeply at my lips. She th pulled herself together and smiled seductively this time. "Mmh dear you are bad for my neuro capabilities. I better go before all I can think about is you." She th gave me one final kiss on the cheek before she began to leave, her heels making loud a clunking noise as she did.

Before she was fully gone, I yelled out. "Delilah wait." Delilah stopped and turned a. She th put one leg forward and placed her hands against her hips. 'My days, she is ev doing the stance.' Shaking my lewd thoughts away I asked. "I was just curious, did you ever have a kid before you joined the cult?"

Delilah let out a shocked expression before she collected herself. "How did you know dear?" She asked. "Just a hunch." I replied. "What happed to the child If I can ask?" Delilah's expression turned sombre for a momt and her face seemed to lose some contour as she remembered something. " I had a little boy wh I was 0.

He died four years later, brain aneurism, nothing I could do." Her face th morphed from sadness to a satisfied smile. "Don't worry though, I had him preserved on Ecumopolis 5 and wh I was brought into the cult, I had him brought back so he can live eternally as part of the hive.

It is a comforting feeling that parts of him now once again exist inside of my form and the form of those a me."

I did not know what to do with the information just shared with me. So I simply thanked Delilah and let her leave. I th turned to Samantha and took her by the hand. "So, nest pod?" Samantha sprang into action as she compassed her tire body a my non brok arm. "Yes, its not to far from here Daddy~"

The short walk took a little bit longer than it should thanks to Samantha's unrelting positioning, but we did make it to the nesting pod. The nesting pod was much larger than the tank that I made for my own use back on home world and could fit a 0 Onyx's comfortably. Inside of the pod, the familiar clear liquid was naturally inside.

I started to undress myself, much to Samantha's joymt. However, she did have a question. "Daddy, what are you doing? You can just stick your arm in." As I took my pants off, I began to explain, but I was pretty sure I was just explaining to the air a me at that point. "Since I am here, I might as well do a full diagnostic of my body.

I have had this weird twinge in my abdom since I got back from Alexandria and want to check that its nothing."

My response from Samantha was a limp. "Really? Thats interesting." As she shamelessly stared at my junks trunk. I rolled my eyes at her shamelessness and proceeded to get into the pod. "Oooh chilly." I said as I was not using my Thermokinesis in the liquid so it could function more efficitly.

With my junk now under the fluid, Samantha snapped too and responded. "Yea I know, I almost froze my nipples off during the conversion. Its because we are so far underg I hope its ok."

"Oh its fine, just took me by surprise is all. Oh and I need one small favour. Since I am doing a diagnostic of myself, I need you to be my translator. Your brain can channel all the drivel the pod will make out. Just write it down for me ok?"

Samantha looked worried. "Mo- Sophia said we ar't supposed to use our link in case of pottial Psionic users nearby." I mouthed. 'Ah.' Towards Samantha before I replied. "Yes, don't worry about that. I have spok with Sophia about the link and how come her under link does not count and so on. You can connect with the pod, it is not Sapit so it is safe.

It will just give you information and you just need to write it down for me ok?"

Samantha was nervous. She had never actually connected with the hive, or any hive adjact being besides her mother. She did not know what she was going to feel, or if she was going to feel herself after she became one with it. Her worries were for naught however, as Apollo said, the pod was not sapit.

It was like a skin cell of the hive, just functional and doing its own thing, no communication needed with the brain.

Taking a deep breath, Samantha closed her eyes and extded out her innate telepathic capability all Bio cult infiltrators have. She connected to the nest pod and all her worries vanished. A shiver wt down her spine, it was not out of pleasure or fear, but out of comfort, a comfort she has be waiting for years to feel.

The connection to the nest pod felt cold and refreshing to her mind, but she felt a connection on the other side she knew she could not reach no matter how hard she tried. However, simply knowing the Trillions of bio forms that made up her family on the other side, left her feeling a deep satisfaction.

Looking at Samantha, I smiled seeing her peaceful expression. I th looked to my right and spotted a fleshy tube that was submerged in the liquid and was making bubbles. Taking the tube out of the water, I realised it was a rebreather that the pod had created itself. 'Oh thats smart.' I thought before I placed the thing over my face.

The mouth piece of the rebreather, upon making contact with my face, sprouted tiny legs that wrapped themselves a my head so it locked on. If I was any other human, I would probably be worried about a creature sprouting out of my chest in a few hours with how I currtly looked.

I however was so used to weird flesh constructs of the hive that it was simply another day for me as I slowly submerged myself in the liquid.

As I was a lying there in the soundless, weightless vironmt, my mind recalled my earlier recollection. ' I never realised I still held any modicum of attachmt for this bodies birth parts... The way Delilah held me reminded me of her.' I had not thought about her properly for years, I only mtioned to Kat that she died for the story.

'I wonder if she actually managed to escape from the invasion?'

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