The hivemind is conquering for me?

Chapter 202: Big Baby Strikes Again

Emerging from the nest pod liquid, I oped my eyes and stretched. 'Why was I st to the strange room again? All that was in there was a purple dot and wh I touched it, it vanished.'

Deciding not to get frustrated by my abilities being an anomaly to me as I will surely understand them one day, I flexed my arm to test for injury and sure ough, I was right as rain.

As I got out of the pod, I expected Samantha to be staring at me, but she was transfixed to her notepad still continuously writing. I th heated up my body with my Psionics to dry myself off before putting my clothes back on.

Samantha was still not done writing after that so I leant up against the nest pod and waited for her. T minutes later, Samantha finished her writing, but stayed completely motionless with her pcil on the page.

"Samantha? Are you ok?" I asked as I moved closer. Once I placed my hand on her shoulder, She jolted before looking at me and smiled. "Oh Daddy, wh did you leave the nest pod?" She asked with guine confusion. "About minutes ago gorgeous, I'll ask again, are you ok? You didn't seem here."

Samantha smiled as she remembered what she just underwt. "Oh Daddy, it was wonderful, I felt a silce through my tire being, I have never felt so calm in my life. Is that what it feels like to be fully part of the main Hivemind all the time?"

Samantha had be under the influce of her parasite for the majority of her life. As an individual, she had felt worried about becoming one with the hive, but now? After connecting with basically a skin cell, she realised how wonderful becoming part of the collective must truly feel.

I looked towards Samantha with curiosity." I am not sure, I only ever feel a small portion of the hive as I cannot process all the backg noise. Also, Jewel would never allow for me to fully interweave with the Psionic link in case she accidtally takes over my mind and rders me a part of the hive as a result"

Samantha furrowed her brow at the thought. 'It would be nice having Daddy become a part of me forever and ever, but at the same time I would miss out on all his funny quirks and all his perfections.' Before Samantha fell into a daydream, I asked. "Samantha, can I have the notes from my session?" My query brought her to atttion. "Ah yes Apollo, here. Woah there is a lot of information.

Interesting, this is not my handwriting either." She said as she passed over the notepad

I took the notepad from Samantha and began to peruse the notes. She was correct in saying the handwriting was differt. Samantha's normal writing was rather elegant and incursive. The new writing was no nonsse and was the most simple and efficit style. It was almost like it was printed out of a device instead of writt.

As I began to read the notes, It started off quite standard as the pod wt into insane detail about how it was healing my arm. However, as I continued to read my bodies diagnostic, a frown appeared on my face.

"Shit." I muttered. "Though that does explain the abdom pain." Samantha began looking at me curiously as I continued to read. "Apollo, is everything alright?" She could not help to ask. I looked up from my notes and smiled. "Oh, yeah I guess so.

My currt body has gained excess strgth however and is going to start Psionically eroding itself soon as It can't handle the potcy of the Psionic ergy that is now inside of it."

Samantha looked at me in shock, her body began to shake as her instinct to protect me kicked in. "A-Apollo, what can I do? Is there anything I can do to help. I don't want you to die!" Tears began cascading down her face.

"Woah, woah woah, calm down sweetheart. Oh come here." I said as I brought Samantha into a comforting hug. "I am not going to die from this. I mean I could if I was an idiot, but I am only half idiot so I will be fine." I reassured her as I rubbed her back in a consoling manner.

Samantha laughed softly at my remark and continued to bask in the comfort that was the hug for a short while before her shaking stopped. With her head still firmly planted against my chest and my arms wrapped a her she asked. "So, considering how calm you are Daddy, I assume you know what is causing the erosion?"

I was about to respond before a figure made her presce known. "Oh I can tell you what's causing it. His big baby of an Origin getting ahead of itself again and causing damage to our universes body, just because it knows Apollo can treat it."

I sighed and said to Onyx. "I know because of its unique capabilities it acts differtly to other Origins, but don't name call it because now I feel depressed and its definitely the Origins doing."

Onyx turned smug upon hearing that. "See my universe? A big baby." I rolled my eyes at Onyx's teasing before explaining to Samantha. "Do you remember wh I told Sophia to op her under link while I told her what happed on Alexandria? Oh wait sorry I forgot you ar't on her frequcy any more. Ok I will give you the short version.

I met a fragmt of a former human demi god and he gave me some of his souls ergy as a gift and it is stored in my Mindspace."

I th sighed before continuing. "Now, I was not planning on using any of it until I checked in with Jewel to make sure I was using it safely, but as Onyx so eloqutly put it, my Origin is a big baby and is impatit. It has be siphoning off just a miniscule amount of that ergy and be pumping it into my body, that was already at its maximum currt pottial before I arrived in this galaxy."

Onyx th added. "In other words, its his subconscious acting on his desires of wanting to see our que and forcing a life or death scario upon himself so he has to go back soon." I blinked in surprise wh Onyx said that. 'Is my Origin really throwing a tantrum and destroying my body just because I'm missing my Jewel? Onyx is right you are a baby.'

Obviously able to hear my own thoughts, my Origin suddly did something that the pain in my abdom flair up for a momt. "Aah, little shit..." I said while wincing.

Samantha, having be consoled, pried herself away from Apollo and wt to stand next to Onyx before she asked flirtily. "So Daddy~ wh do you plan on leaving now? Your Samantha still wants one of your frosted cookies before leave."

I smiled at the fact her seductive tone would have worked better while still attached to me, but with Onyx in the room she could not help getting close to her. "Well, I originally planned on going back in two months time, but I will probably go back in a month now, just to be safe."

Samantha sulked at the news before an idea popped into her head. "Apollo, can I come with you wh you return to your planet?" I saw no reason to say no and gave affirmation, but as I said that, Onyx had a small vision.

"Actually Samantha, you can't." Onyx said as a matter of fact. "Why?" I asked curiously while Samantha looked at Onyx also curiously. "Because I will be staying behind wh you go back home to train her just like you said would happ."

I was curious what she meant for a momt before my mind wandered back to the family gathering. I was simply joking back th to prank Onyx, but looks like its come full circle.

Turning my atttion from Onyx to Samantha, I was surprised to see Samantha looking at Onyx with a deep affection that could compete with the way Orchid looks at me. I became ev more surprised wh Samantha screamed. "Kiyaaaaaaaaah!" In a high pitch as she latched onto Onyx arm.

"Really? Really? Oh I am so excited. I cannot wait for you to teach me everything you know. Should we start now? Or should we start later?

How about we do a crash course now and th begin later. What if..."

Seeing I was no longer needed to converse here. I left Onyx to her fate and left the underg. Wh I got in the elevator, I thought to myself. 'Onyx has be having a lot of visions lately, that one was miniscule, but I still noticed it. I wonder if its something in the air here?'

I shrugged my shoulders and left the elevator as it dinged and would ask her about it later. As I stepped off, I spotted Veld at the d of the bar still eating and drinking which surprised me as he had be here a while now. However, alongside him was another familiar individual that made it appart why he decided to stay.

I smiled and walked over and while they were laughing about something I said.

"Hey guys, you having a good time?"

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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