The Bodyguard System

Chapter 27: Hectic Situation

It was only after about an tire minute that the guy finally spoke up. "Hi, my name is Mason. May I know if you are a newcomer?"

This guy named Mason looked like a person who was in his early twties. He possessed a slim stature, with short well kempt black hair, and brown eyes that were currtly staring at Jad with intse curiosity.

Jad was a little startled by the question. He had not thought that this guy was going to speak, but ev th, he managed to compose himself and respond with a simple nod.

He was not sure on how long he was going to be within the campus, but ev th, it was better for him to get acquainted with a few people. That way, he would be able to survive within the campus while suring Scarlet's safety.

The guy named Mason nodded his head. Th, he said, "I had already anticipated that. You know, I know every person that is in this class. And this is definitely the first time that I have se you.

It could be said that perhaps you had be away for a while, and that is the reason why I had never se you, but it is definitely impossible for you to be away ever since our first year until this time that we are in our second year."

Jad could not help but look at Mason. Th, he looked at the lecture hall, and realized that the number of people here was about 0 or so. For this guy to be able to memorize all of them, it seemed that he paid a lot of atttion to the people a.

In most cases, some people might not have more than 0 people within their own class, but this guy possessed quite a good memory for him to be able to know each and every person here. But of course, it was not as if Jad immediately believed him, but he gave him the befit of doubt.

Seeing that Jad did not say anything, Mason hesitated for a while before he asked again, "Are you perhaps transferring here from another campus? As far as I know, it is quite difficult for a person to be able to transfer from one campus to another, especially if they want to continue with the same course.

Most of the time, if people transfer from one campus to another, they would have to start from the first year, with the same course or another one, or they have to transfer during the first year."

Jad took a deep breath, as the information about Mason sank into his mind. This was the information that he had assumed due to the observation that he had made about this guy.

Although the guy seemed to be kind of timid, but wh he began speaking, he would gain some kind of confidce. Additionally, it seemed that he liked speaking too much, in such a way that whever he begins to speak, he would speak long stces. In short, he was a blabbermouth.

Additionally, according to his observation, it seemed that Mason was kind of straightforward, saying what was in his mind. But of course, Jad could not be too sure about it, considering that some people td to reveal some things about themselves, because they want other people to think of them in such a way, ev though it is not their personality.

"Actually, I am supposed to be in the third year, but due to some problems that I countered, I decided to defer my education. Now that the problem has already be solved, I have come back to continue studying, and that is the reason why you don't know me." Jad responded.

This was just something that he had thought about not long ago during the time that he was still investigating about the Williams.

He understood that it was impossible for a person to not be curious about him. After all, currtly, it was already almost at the d of the st semester of the second year, and he had just come in. For that reason, it was clear that somebody would be curious about him.

Mason thought about it, and realized that it actually made sse. But ev th, he could not help but feel that there was something unusual about this guy. But ev th, he decided not to ask, considering that the lecturer was about to ter into the lecture hall, considering the time.

Jad was immediately relieved the momt that he realized that Mason was no longer asking any more questions. If this guy decided to test out his knowledge about financial statistics, he was definitely not going to know what to answer. After all, he had not ev completed his high school education, what could he say about the university?

But it seemed that he had celebrated so early. Because, after a momt of contemplation, Mason leaned over and asked in a low voice, "Since you are supposed to be my sior, I guess that you are more skilled than I am. So, would you mind helping me with some problems that are disturbing me for the time being before the lecturer comes in?"

Jad's movemts suddly froze. He almost dropped the phone that he was holding, considering that he had not expected that this guy was going to ask that question. At this momt, he was already sweating, though slightly. At the same time, he began thinking of a response to give.

It was good that he was kind of quick minded due to the experices that he had gone through all these years. So, immediately, he forged a response and responded, "Well, you understand that I have be away from school for an tire year Since I was dealing with a problem, it was clear that I was not studying at that time. So, I need some time to be able to come back into class."

Mason squinted his eyes, but not that what Jad had said was actually true. But ev th, this guy definitely possessed something on his mind, at least one thing that he had studied and not forgott, right?

Just as he was about to ask, the lecturer tered into the lecture hall. It was a lady who seemed to be in her late '50s, wearing a long gre dress, with a pair of silver-rimmed glasses.

The momt that the lady got into the lecture hall, she looked through the tire lecture hall, that was only half occupied. Th, she looked at the group that was sitting at the very back. At this momt, a few people were sitting at the front, while others were sitting at the back. That left the middle part of the lecture hall empty.

The lady wanted to say something, but in the d, she let out a sigh before deciding to focus on teaching. And so, the lecture began, and the concepts that she was teaching were completely ali to Jad.

Although he could relate a few terms, but ev th, he was completely clueless about what they were teaching here. If the lecturer asked him a question, to say the truth, he was not sure if he could answer anything.

For a momt, he almost fell asleep, considering that his mind was being overburded by trying to understand the concepts being taught here. As he looked a, he realized that only the group in front seemed to be paying much atttion to what the lecturer was speaking about.

As for those sitting at the back together with him, most of them seemed to be grossed on their phones, not caring much on what the lecturer was teaching. There was ev another couple that was whispering to each other, and one could already think what it was that the young man was whispering to the young lady, considering the blush that could be se on her face.

Jad could only shake his head. At this momt, he really wanted to study, but ev th, there was no way that he was going to be able to start from the second year. At the same time, he could not help but blame Stev and the Johnsons. After all, they were the ones that had made the arrangemts for him to ter into the university.

Didn't they know that he had not gone to the university, not to mtion he had not ev finished high school? And ev if he had actually joined a university, what if he was definitely doing another course completely?

In the d, there was nothing that he could do about it. In any case, it was not as if this matter was going to reflect on his certificate. He did not have the high school certificate, which made him ineligible to pursue higher education in the university.

So, at this momt, he decided that he would just go with the flow. As for the matter of the exams, he would just write what would come in his mind. And other than that, he would not ev care about the results anyway. In any case, his duty here was to make sure that Scarlet was safe.

The lecture wt on for two hours before it came to an d. The momt that the lecture ded, people began moving out of the lecture hall, each and every one of them intding to do things of their own, to either go back to the hostels or home, or to go and play within the campus.

Jad looked towards the direction that Scarlet was in. Whatever it was that Scarlet was going to do, was what he was going to do as well, as long as a man could do. At this momt, he realized that Scarlet had already stood up. Additionally, she seemed to be in a hurry, as if there was something that she wanted to urgtly deal with.

Without hesitation, Jad got onto his feet and hurriedly followed behind her. No matter where she wt, he had to be there, considering that he did not know wh the Williams would strike again.

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