The Bodyguard System

Chapter 26: Levi's Determination

There was a police station that was located not far away from Bodvill. Despite the fact that it was not the biggest in the region where Faru City was located, but ev th, it was definitely the largest within the city.

It could be said that the university here was the biggest institution within the tire city. And due to that, the security of this area had to be maintained. This police station had be built in this area only after the establishmt of Bodvill. The headquarters of the police departmt located in Faru city had be transferred to this area after the institution had be built here.

The infrastructure of the police departmt was considered good, considering that they possessed two buildings, and 8-storey building, and a 6-storey building.

Police cars could be se in the parking lot, together with several vehicles of the people that had come to visit the police station. Gerally speaking, it could be said that this headquarter of the police departmt was extremely busy, considering that it had to deal with matters relating to the tire city that would be transferred over by the other branches within the city.

At this momt, a man wearing a black suit, possessing a bald head with a sinister expression on his face was walking out of the 8-storey building with a furious expression on his face.

Following behind him was a group of six people who were all bandaged, limping or holding a particular part of their body as they moved. They looked extremely afraid while following behind that man.

The group wt towards the parking lot, and finally arrived in front of a black Toyota 4Runner SUV. The man did not op the door of the SUV despite possessing the keys. Instead, he turned a and faced the group that was following him.

"All of you know the mistakes that you have done, right? How is it difficult for you to be able to handle such a small problem of dealing with a little girl? You used rocks to attack? What kind of nonsse is that?" The man asked furiously. But ev th, he made sure to keep his voice low, as if he was afraid that somebody else would hear them.

The six people shivered. At the same time, they could not help but think to themselves, 'You are spouting nonsse as if you don't know that that young lady possesses incredible fighting skills. If we wt ahead to deal with her alone, we are not sure that we would have be able to deal with her without suffering any damage.

This was the best method that we could utilize without suffering, but it wt haywire.'

Nevertheless, they could not say that out loud. Otherwise, they might d up dying without knowing how they ev died. They were other than the group of gangsters that had be st to deal with Scarlet.

But in the d, they strategy that they had come up with was completely ruined and they were injured. And more than that, not long after they had just managed to stand up, police came over and picked them up.

Of course, they did not know that the one who had reported the issue to the police was other than Lucas. And since the police station was located not that far away from the University, the police were able to arrive in just a few minutes, wh the group was still picking itself up.

Since it was Lucas who had reported, and the issue was related to Scarlet, the group was apprehded for investigation to be carried out. Of course, this was something that was going to require Scarlet to go to give her own statemt.

But of course, this man wt over and immediately using connections that he possessed within the police station, to get them out of there. He understood that if they continued staying inside the police station, this matter was definitely going to be linked to the Williams.

If something like that happed, they were definitely going to lose much more, considering that the Johnsons would definitely not let this matter go just like that. Instead, they would try to use this matter, making sure that things became difficult for the Williams.

Of course, the six of them had already described the issue to this man during the time that they were giv a private momt to talk. And of course, the man was furious considering that these guys, instead of just going ahead and beating up the young lady, they had actually resulted to the strategy of using rocks to attack.

It was not only due to the fact that it seemed completely childish to use rocks to attack, it was ev more so considering that there was extreme danger involved in that matter. In case they threw a rock, and it hit Scarlet accidtally in an area that she could not recover and she died, things were definitely going to get difficult for him.

The man, whose name was Levi, looked at the six people, and was tempted to beat them up. But ev th, it was definitely impossible for him to do that right now, considering that they were still within the premises of the police station.

"Whatever. I already gave you the paymt for the job, but you did not complete it anyway. So, you better forget about the remainder of the money that I had promised you before. And let me tell you, you better get lost from Faru City. Otherwise, if the Johnsons get you, they would definitely make sure that you die the most cruel death.

Do you get that?" Levi stated as he looked at the six with a cold expression.

The six of them immediately nodded their heads. They understood that since they had already failed the mission, it was better for them to get lost from this city. After all, the person that they had attacked was other than Scarlet.

Initially, they would have definitely not tried to do something like this, but due to how tempting the income they were going to receive after injuring her was, they decided to agree to it. Initially, they had planned that after they completed the mission and received their paymt, they would definitely leave the city.

But now, it seemed that other than the injuries that they had suffered, they would not receive full paymt other than the deposit that they had be giv. But ev th, it was good, considering that the deposit that they had be giv was something that they could joy for a few months.

Seeing that six of them nodding, Levi oped the door of the SUV, and got inside. Th, he drove away from the police station, leaving the 6 behind. They had to look for a method that they were going to get out of the city by themselves.

Levi was of course not afraid that they would reveal information about him. In any case, he had always be keeping a low profile, and ev if people investigated about him, they would not find any links betwe him and the Williams.

But as a cautious man, he immediately took out his phone while driving away, and made a call. The momt that the other side received the call, he gave the instruction, "Finish the 6 of them. Make sure that you use those bodies well."

"Copy that." A response came through the phone, from the other d. It was the voice of a man.

Immediately after that response, the communication betwe the two of them ded. But at this momt, Levi understood that he definitely had to make new arrangemts. It seemed that he had underestimated the Johnsons.

'It really doesn't matter. In any case, we still have time. Within a month, it should not be difficult for me to be able to deal with Scarlet. Additionally, I should be able to deal with her in such a way that the Johnsons will have to give in.' Levi thought to himself as he continued driving.

'As for that bodyguard that they have hired for Scarlet, humph, let's see how long you can last wh we exploit your weakness. And if you don't give up, we can just as well kill you to get you out of the way.' Levi thought to himself with a hint of killing intt appearing in his eyes. His grip on the steering wheel tighted until veins could be se popping up on the surface of his hands.

In the d, he let out a deep breath, before loosing his grip. But ev th, the determination on dealing with Scarlet had increased, and he had to do that as soon as possible, otherwise, he was going to face trouble.

On the other side, Jad did not know much about what had happed to the gangsters. Initially, he had thought about calling the police, but since Scarlet did not seem to care much about it, he decided to forget about the matter for now. But of course, he was definitely going to report the issue to Stev, so that he could see how he was going to handle it.

He spt several few hours within the class, until several people began tering into the room. They were studts doing the same course as Scarlet. Wh they noticed him, of course, a few people paid atttion to him, but at the same time, others thought that perhaps he was just a person who had be missing classes, and that was the reason why they were not familiar with him.

Nevertheless, there was a guy who approached him, and he was the one that was sitting next to him. He looked at Jad curiously, without saying anything. This made Jad feel slightly awkward, considering that the guy was staring at him brazly, without hiding it.

It was only after about an tire minute that the guy finally spoke up. "Hi, my name is Mason. May I know if you are a newcomer?"

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