The Bodyguard System

Chapter 28: Arrogance, Scheming

Scarlet also noticed that Jad was following her, and she could not help but frown. But ev th, thinking about the fact that this guy was her bodyguard, she did not try to chase him away.

In any case, this guy was kind of reasonable that he was trying to hide the fact that they were together. He was keeping his distance, and was not following her closely. With that, she was kind of relieved, but ev th, she was not pleased by the fact that whatever she was doing, she had to consider the fact that there was actually somebody that was watching her.

Initially, she had intded to chase him away. But now, she suddly thought of something, and thought that perhaps it was a good idea that this guy was following her. In any case, it was going to be beficial for what she was planning to do next.

The two of them had just exited the lecture theater block wh suddly, they countered Lucas. Of course, Lucas also noticed that Jad was following Scarlet not far away. He frowned, but ev th, he did not say anything, and instead, he turned and looked at Scarlet.

"They have already arrived. They are currtly waiting for us." Lucas stated with a hint of excitemt in his voice.

Scarlet was also excited, but she did not show much on her face. "Humph! Let's go and meet them. After this , I'm pretty sure that they will learn their lesson and will no longer be pompous in front of us."

Lucas nodded before he followed behind her. At the same time, he threw a threating glance towards Jad, but the latter completely ignored him. This immediately irritated Lucas, but ev th, there was nothing that he could do for the time being.

The two of them headed towards a certain direction, and Jad followed behind them. He th realized that as they continued moving, the number of studts that they countered along the way continued to reduce.

Of course, as usual, Scarlet attracted a lot of atttion. But with Lucas's presce, not many people dared to look at her. Everybody understood that Lucas was definitely very over protective of Scarlet. Whoever it was that tried to give her a look, as long as they were off the opposite gder, he would make sure that they paid for it.

Of course, since Scarlet was a lady, and she was a beauty with wealth, the other ladies did not like her that much. For that reason, they always made sure to keep their distance. And it was due to this reason that Scarlet only interacted with a few ladies, and majority of the group that she was involved with were m.

Although Jad was kind of curious about where they were going, he did not ask, and continued following them from a distance. But after a while, although he was maintaining a distance from the two, since the number of people in this area was low, it seemed to be useless for him to continue following from a distance.

But ev th, he continued maintaining the distance without the inttion of approaching them. In any case, the two of them did not have a good impression of him, and they did not seem to like his presce at all.

But what could Jad do? This was his job, and no matter what, he had to maintain it. After all, other than the fact that there was a mission that was issued for him to maintain this position for an tire week, there was also the fact that without the job, the bodyguard system was going to be deactivated.

Finally, the group arrived in front of another building. From the looks of it, it was a gym that belonged to the university. Currtly, there was a group of people that was standing outside the building, as if they were waiting for someone.

The momt that they noticed Scarlet and Lucas walking over, the group was immediately thrilled. They rushed forward and greeted the two with smiles. Of course, from observation, a person could be able to see that they seemed to be extremely respectful of Scarlet.

Scarlet maintained a cold expression on her face in the face of the flattery that was being thrown her way by the group. After about an tire minute of the group chattering, Scarlet asked, "Are they still inside or have they already run away?"

"Those guys are inside there. They are too arrogant, and they keep on saying that we are cowards." A young man with a slim body stature stated with a frown on his face. There was a hint of anger in his eyes, clearly indicating that he was irritated by the group that was supposed to be inside the building.

"Humph! Those guys keep on shouting that they are waiting for you. They are claiming that they will be able to teach you a lesson." Another young man interjected.

The group was composed of 9 young people. There were 3 young ladies and the rest were young m. The three ladies did not look out of place at all in this group of six young m. Each and every one of them looked aggressive, and they were wearing male clothes.

Had it not be for the distinct female features and slightly delicate appearances, one would actually think that they were actually young m. But in any case, although they were ladies, of the young m actually underestimated them. Instead, they thought of them as peers.

"They dare to call our group cowards?! Let me see where they get that kind of confidce!" Scarlet retorted angrily. Immediately, she began heading towards the gym, that was currtly wide op. From outside, she could already see a group of people that had already gathered outside a ring.

Just as she was moving forward, Lucas suddly said in a low voice, "I think the reason why those guys are extremely arrogant is simply because they have found somebody new in their group. It is this person that managed to defeat us. Otherwise, without him, it was definitely impossible for them to be able to beat us."

Of course, Lucas was not pleased with the fact that they had be defeated before. But now that Scarlet was here, he believed that it was definitely going to be easy for them to be able to overpower the other party. As long as Scarlet could take care of the newcomer, they would be able to take care of the rest of the group.

Scarlet's movemts did not pause at all, as if she did not care about the newcomer. With a wave of her hand, she said, "It really doesn't matter who it is that is here. But nevertheless, I'm going to beat them up. We have to show them who is the boss of this campus. Otherwise, they would continue getting more arrogant as time goes by."

The group had already expected that from Scarlet. Until this day, they had never found anybody that was capable of defeating Scarlet. So, the confidce that they possessed towards her was definitely high, and they usually viewed her as invincible.

As the group headed towards the trance of the gym, one of them suddly noticed that Jad was actually following them. He could not help but frown. They had already chased people from here, because they did not want any form of interruption.

But why was it that there was a guy that they did not know here? Could it be that this guy had not gott information about what they had said before? Or was it just that he was completely ignorant and was here to see what would happ if he did not obey what they had said?

"Hey kid! What the heck are you doing here? You better get lost before I lose my temper. You better know what is good for you, otherwise, you will definitely regret being here." A chubby young man stated as he looked at Jad. At the same time, it looked like he was ready to charge towards Jad to beat him up.

The momt that he said those words, he immediately attracted the atttion of the others. The others also looked at Jad, wondering what this guy was here for.

It was also at this momt that both Scarlet and Lucas were reminded of the fact that Jad was actually following them. The two of them paused for a momt, and as if they had thought of the same idea, they simultaneously said, "Let him come."

Although the two were surprised about the fact that they had spok at the same time, but ev th, they simply waved it off. Rather, it could be said that Scarlet did not care, but for Lucas, he really cared about it. At this momt, he was thinking that it was definitely fated that he and Scarlet would be together. Otherwise, why was a coincidce like this happing?

The momt that the two of them said those words, the rest of the group decided to let Jad come in. Despite the fact that they were confused about the idtity of this young man, they did not ask. They would soon find out anyway.

The momt that Jad stepped into the gym, he realized that this gym was extremely huge as compared to the one that was possessed by the Johnsons.

This was to be expected considering that the one that was possessed by the Johnsons was located underg, while this was located on the surface.

But after a momt of observation, he realized that the quality of the equipmt here was definitely inferior as compared to the one that could be found in the Johnsons mansion. Of course, in terms of quantity, since this gym was bigger than the Johnsons, it was obvious that the quantity here was higher.

After tering into the gym, Jad simply looked towards the direction of another group of people. This group was currtly standing outside one of the rings prest within the gym. And the momt that they noticed that Scarlet was here, they seemed to be excited.

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