The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 42 - Winnie - Part【4】

"Practice." He replies a faint smile on his face as he carries the bird towards me holding her still so I can touch. With a trembling hand, I stroke the feathers as a snigger glides past my lips.

"Fluffy," I murmur as his smile deepens to my response. "Phobos."

He stares up at me in compliance with my call. "Teach me," I utter and he instantly nods in agreement without even a minute sign of reluctance always abiding by what I request from him. He steps back to the pens as I accompany him silently. If it is him who guides me, I can learn and perfect even the most arduous of things in very little time. I had always possessed a tendency to do so when it came to him since from when I was a pup.

It is just something about him that makes me feel stronger, wiser as though there is nothing in this world I cannot accomplish.

"Broody hens." He phrases aiming at all the beasts that furiously chased me. "Territorial. Be gentle."

There is a slowness in his ways, despite having hands larger than mine he does it with expertise not getting unsettled with them as I did when they peck at him. He skims his palms across her feathers as though he is soothing her, once she is appeased he plunges in and seizes three of her eggs quickly drawing them out and placing them in the basket.

Phobos confuses me. Those hands of his possess so much delicacy, so much warmth that even other creatures bend to his will. Asger his horse, the cattle, these birds. But those very hands of his slaughter many at the same time. When I observe him like this he does not seem like a barbarian for I have seen how his wolves treat them with disregard and savageness tossing them around, plucking at their feathers. Sadistic behaviour.

"Try." He says making way for me as I tensely try to follow what he showed me. I am timid to even put my hand inside in horror of getting bit. Yet as he plants his avid palms encompassing my waist to position me, my anxiety dissolves with determination replacing it. When he is near, I have nothing to fear.

I leniently fondle the other chicken's feathers being patient as he was quieting her down first. The sinful hotness of his breath that skims the flesh of my neck embeds me into torment, how can I concentrate like this my male? He is too close, too intimate.

"Wait." He whispers, the huskiness of his voice trickling erotically down my ear as I gulp closing my eyes to regain my strength. His grip around me tightens and I gasp as I feel the beats of his heart thumping uncontrollably against my back.

"Now." He mutters as I dive in obtaining the eggs uprooting them out to set them in the basket. I did so with absolute efficiency and I am bewildered with myself.

"I did it." I spin around to beam up at him meeting with his illustrious blues. He is proud, I can see this. Yet my eyes broaden when I come to realize how imminent his face is to me, his lips just starving to be touched by mine. There is a seriousness that swamps him, the smile quitting his face.

"Theia." He whispers feverishly, his dilating globes pasted to my ripe lips that seem to tantalize him. A perfect situation has manifested itself for my male to kiss me and I am in no way opposing it. I want it, I need it.

"Phobos." I swallow calling his name breathlessly revealing to him my approval of his thirst, that I am on the same swaying boat as him. Initiative, I must exert the first move onward. Laying my palms on the dirt I drive my body ahead my submissive eyes glued to his lips as he inclines rearward as though retreating from my emerging heat. He seems to be awestruck by my actions yet he is lusting for it simultaneously.

Thick lashes that frame his bewitching eyes blink continuously as he battles to repress his beast that wants to go uninterrupted for the kill. For a bite of what I am brazenly offering, my lips. I am torturing my male and I like it.

The tips of his fingers sensually acquire a flavour of my forearm as he skims my skin uphill from my elbow to my wrist giving birth to naughty goosebumps. Touch me, touch me more.

Angling my face to the side I veer closer to place my lips on his, I just need to rouse that spark and he shall conclude it, to ravage me like wildfire. Just an inch remains between our aching salivating mouths, his chest heaving his adam's apple bobbing telling me of his salacious appetite. Yet as I strive to unite our dangerous mouths he turns his head away from mine exhaling wearily as though he is suffering his hands held into tight quivering fists. Is he repressing himself or is he denying me?

Doubt clouds me, why did he- "Luna." The leader's voice rumbles from down her throat ripping through our moment as I hurriedly rise to my feet dusting my stained dress as I gaze up at her with widened eyes. "Have you finished your services for today?"

"Nearly," Her direful eyes move to attend to my male who is very withdrawn his mind absorbed by his thoughts as he arises from the floor unsteadily never sparing me another glance.

"Vyruuje jej vcvik, Alpha." She speaks to him her hands settled upon her stick, her orbs narrowed down at him. Her voice is influential and intimidating, how does she not falter addressing her Alpha with that uncaring tone of hers?

(You are distracting her training, Alpha)

Phobos offers her an apologetic nod and marches away to the comfort of our cabin leaving me alone with her. "Finish with the eggs, then you can leave." With a reprimanding glance delivered back to me, she departs to facilitate me complete the task at hand.

It takes me more than a few hours to do so for, by the time I had terminated collecting all the eggs, it was late evening. The darkened sky and the sparkling stars seemed to deride me for all the wolves had left to the radiance of their lodges whilst I remained shivering out in the bitterness to conclude it all.

Yet when I stomped to our cabin Phobos was there by the steps to welcome me as always, a shimmer in his eyes a faint smile on his lips. He is constantly waiting for me to return home. There is a hop in my steps as I run to him keen to spend the night, just the two of us.

Nights are entertaining with Phobos, we do dissimilar things together every time. He taught me to play cards, he also guided me to play this unique board game I had never seen before yet is quite customary on his lands. It intrigues me.

As I approach him a wide grin on my face, Phobos benevolently grabs my wrist steering me inside the temperate shelter bolting the door behind us. I take a quick glimpse at the fireplace, he must have kindled the fire before I came to keep me warm.

"What is it?" I seek for he holds something in the palm of his hand. Does he wish to show me something?

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