The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 41 - Winnie - Part【3】

"You are my Luna, it is my duty to stand by you always. Now, what assignments have Vdce forced upon you?" He snickers as I titter with him.

"I must milk all these cows and I must collect the freshly laid eggs in that basket. I wish to achieve them before sundown."


I glance down at my lap shyly once more at his inquiry. He does not seem to grasp why I am straining to finish them so speedily. "Because I wish to eat dinner with Phobos."

"I see." He nods folding his arms across his chest considering my terms. "Then how about this, I shall milk these cows and Luna you can go assemble the eggs. You shall never make it after sundown otherwise."

"But Vdce would not-"

"She does not need to know now does she?" He asks as I belatedly shake my head. I wish to eat dinner with my male and I know I do not own much time. "Well then, off you go. I suppose this is the first time you shall work with the hens. Be alert with them Luna."

"Why?" I ask with concern rising to travel towards the coops.

"They like a good chase." He laughs dragging back the sleeves of his shirt taking my previous place upon the stool. Drakho gets into position whilst I feebly nod with thanks to his ridiculous warning walking away from the shed a sigh of relief crossing my lips. I fairly wouldn't have been able to milk all those cows in such little time anyways.

Strolling towards the unkempt chicken coop located at the other side of the field, I shiver wildly at the crisp air. Another seven months winter shall arrive with vengeful wrath. Back at home, I had heaters and a huge house that shielded me from the frosty weather. I am unsure as to how I shall persevere on these lands.

These wolves have very robust trained bodies capable of overcoming the weather and they are used to it having remained here all their lives. It shall be my very first winter here and I am fearing it. My flesh is not sturdy enough to withstand gelidity but as long as I have my male with me I shall be all right. He can keep me warm, I shall perhaps use it to my advantage to snuggle up next to him during frigid nights.

Settling the basket on the soil I first take my time to investigate the area, there is not one chicken out in sight all perched noiselessly inside their cages warming their eggs. This shall be my first time dealing with them, I am thrilled.

I notice that the hens are rammed into the jails with not ample space for all to move around unobstructedly, there are three or four bound together in one. It must be profoundly uncomfortable for them. Perhaps we can get bigger pens in the next trade by the sea, I shall speak to Phobos about this.

Kneeling upon the earth I unlock the first hutch in front of me, all I need to do is smoothly raise the bird and fleetly take the eggs. It is not that difficult, I can do it. I shall take a few home and cook an egg-based dish for supper, my male adores them.

"Hello there, I apologize for intruding but would you mind if I just take what you are storing beneath your feathery body?" I ask the roosters giggling as I deliberately push my hand into the corral to snag and locate the eggs which are out of sight.

A low squeal escapes my lips as the hen hisses puffing up as she pecks harshly at my fingers whilst I draw my hand back surprised with what I have encountered. These birds are normally peaceful creatures, never did I imagine them behaving this way.

"That is quite rude of you." I reprimand ramming my hand in once more to coercively transfer the eggs from beneath her and she once more bites at me but this time she haughtily marches out of the crate swelling up her feathers, flapping her wings and strutting about in a threat display. She sees me as a potential threat as I frighten and commence squirming backwards away from the enclosure. My coltishness fades, this does not seem to be going well.

The hen sends out a deafening screech and the other chickens wander out from the pound I unlocked abiding by her likely command. What is this? What is happening, have I somehow provoked their Alpha? Their eyes are freakishly glued to my flesh as though they are communicating on how to bring me down.

"I c-come in peace. I merely was told to do this." I show them my open palms in surrender slowly inching away from them. It is an unjust fight four against one. "You see I do not need your eggs I s-simply was ordered to take them. Goddess!" An ear-piercing scream tears through my throat as I speedily arise running for my life as the four plump hefty chickens lunge forward to chase me like predators.

We run in circles within the closure, if I leave they will be freed and the leader shall be vexed with me. "Wait. Wait!" I yell my heart hammering to their screeches as I hold onto the hem of my dress darting round and round with my bare feet my chest heaving, head spinning. This is positively not how it was supposed to go, did I perhaps do something wrong?

"Theia!" Phobos gnarls aggressively the racket of it reverberating as he sprints forward towards me, eyes shadowed examining my surroundings seeking the threat. His canines push through his gums indenting his lower lip. He is primed for a fight, he heard my screams of terror. My guardian has arrived.

"Phobos." I cry out snappily switching direction racing towards him as the hens relentlessly pursue me to drink my blood. As soon as I reach him I instantaneously hide behind him clutching onto the back of his shirt panting as I assay to give back air to my deprived lungs. I have never run so much in my life.

"T-Those vile things are hunting me!" I complain pointing at the chickens that now stand still swaying their heads side to side as they view my male. They are pondering over their new peril. "Tell them. Tell those godforsaken monsters I meant no harm."

He turns around to engage with my frantic eyes, his lips twitching as though he is endeavouring to constrain his laughter that wishes to scatter out from his mouth. "You find this amusing, surely? I was about to be eaten by those blimey hens and you wish to laugh at me? I see how it is."

"Come." My male speaks sympathetically gulping down his desire to kid me, his ocean blues smirking as he guides me back into the coop whilst I timidly follow him. Where are the bloody birds? They seem to have vanished.

Phobos picks up the basket which I had launched far away in fright and kneels by the crates. His eyes are narrowed as though he is interpreting the rooster's actions as though he can construe them. He is swift in attracting a frightful fleeing hen right into his hands as he pins the wings to her side arresting her flapping. He boosts her up to settle her against his chest.

"How did you do that?" I question in awe my mouth wide open as I see how effortlessly he was able to subdue it.

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