The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 43 - Winnie - Part【5】

My moon blessed signals for me to open mine as I promptly do so for he has sparked my emotion. What could it be?

My eyes broaden as I realise what he supplies for me to use. "A-A phone? For me?" I question scrutinising him with wonder. No wolf possesses a phone here, I am unsure if they even know such technology exists. Where did he even get this?

Phobos taps on the screen of the phone twice earning back my attention only to raise his forefinger and pat my lips twice as well. I know what he is saying even though he uses no words for me to understand. "I will not tell a soul of this, I promise. It shall be our secret." I smile up at him as he affectionately caresses my cheek with his knuckles co-occurred by an appreciation of my words.

Unlocking the phone I am hopeful to see its contents, yet my elation is torn apart by surprise and a hushed gasp. Tears are agile to brim my eyes for my male has saved the numbers of all those wolves I hold dear to me. Cronus, Deimos, my parents, my friends and even Lumina. He has done this for me so that I do not feel so isolated from them. So I can keep in contact with my beloved wolves. I do not understand, how was he even able to derive their numbers?

My lower lip wobbles as I endeavour to keep in my tears. My male is generous. I bounce up on my tiptoes a softened whimper leaving my lips as I try to envelop my arms around his neck to give him a hug of thankfulness. My mate witnesses me struggling due to our prominent difference in height so he crouches down gripping my waist to hoist me up as I enclose my limbs around his flesh nuzzling into his neck pulling in his galvanizing scent. My male, mine.

"Thank you, Phobos," I murmur whilst he pats my back in welcome. He has received my gratefulness wholeheartedly. "I am going to call my brother." I squeal with frenzy as he carefully sets me down on my feet to let me do as I please.

Rushing towards the heat of my room I sit on the edge of my bed overlooking the window, my male does not follow me. He gives me my privacy to speak with my family. I click on my brother's name with quivering fingers pressing the phone up to my ear with eagerness to hear his voice. I have intensely missed him more than I thought I would.

It takes a few rings for him to pick up, his sonorous voice pulling through the receiver. "Alpha Cronus." He states as his greeting and I inaudibly chuckle. This is how other wolves hear him I suppose for when I used to call him his greeting to me would be nonstop questions like if I had eaten, if I was having fun, if I was safe.


There is a definite intake of breath from his side, the restful sound of a pen scribbling over paper halts. "Theia? Goddess, is this truly you?"

"Have you disremembered my voice, Cronus? How have you been?"

"I-I...How did you even acquire a phone? How are you calling me, rather from where? Did you perhaps escape Phobos's lands? Tell me where you are right now, I shall come to get you." He arises the noise of his chair scraping aback against the marble tiles has me smile.

"Phobos presented me a phone just now and you are the first wolf I have called. I am still on his lands, there is no way I would leave him." I answer him peeking out my door checking the current location of my male only to be met with a vacant room. Where did he go?

"I see. It is...great to hear your voice, Theia. I have missed you." He speaks a heavy sigh leaving his mouth. He sounds inwardly exhausted as though he was very concerned for me and my well being.

"I have missed you even more, Cronus. I have so much to share with you. How are mama and papa, what did they say about my hurried departure?"

"They have not yet returned, Theia. I have tried calling them only to be left unanswered. You know how they are when they leave for travels." He mutters a hint of irritation in his voice. Indeed when my parents leave our pack to journey elsewhere they tend to appear nonexistent completely going off the grid.

"Then I shall not call them either. Let me know when they return."

"Theia." He beckons me clemently.


"How is your male treating you?" His inquiry hooks me off guard as I begin to gnaw on the tender flesh of my inner cheek. He wishes to know about Phobos, there is a grave tone in his voice reproducing a minute trace of aversion towards my moon blessed.

"He treats me well, Cronus. Phobos is assisting me to settle in his pack. I have learnt a lot from him, how to milk cows, how to gather eggs and even a few card tricks. He is patient with me and he adores my cooking!"

"Is that what he is making you do there? Work like a low ranking wolf for his pack? What the fuck is he making my sister do after he took you away with such barbarity?" Cronus hardly curses, he despises coarse words yet he only does so when he is unfathomably enraged.

"I am merely assimilating in their pack, Cronus." My voice is soft and reassuring, I do not wish for him to be disturbed.

"I do not like your male, Theia. He had identified you were his all his life yet he came for you when he pleased whilst you spent years suffocating for his soul." There is a sharp rise in his voice, his displeasure stepping into the light for me to sense.

"H-How do you know-"

"I am not ignorant, you think I did not remark the way you gazed at him when he came to our lands when you were eighteen. I only let him climb those stairs to your room for I apprehended you were his. I assumed he had come to claim you. Yet he left so emotionlessly and I was frustrated pondering over if you truly were his. But the day you wept when I instructed you to keep your distance from him I knew for sure, I had always known." His truth baffles me, he was there throughout my excruciating journey of loneliness. Is this why he often told me to leave our residence and have fun? To take my mind off it?

"I-I am sorry I did not tell you," I whisper clutching onto the phone tighter bringing it closer to my mouth.

"There is no need for you to apologize, Theia. I just want you to be...happy and feel loved. As your bother that is all I wish, as simple as that."

"I do feel loved, Cronus. And I am...happy."

"Why do your words sound like lies to me, as though you are doubtful of them yourself?" I clench my fists to his words. Yes, I do not feel that breathtaking rush of emotions when your heart is full and you sense you are cherished. Yes, my heart feels hollow at times and my solitude has not ceased despite spending nights with my male. But it is not that bad.

"I do not know what to say."

"You need not say anything for I understand Theia. If anything, even the minute of displeasure that male of yours makes you feel you call me and I shall come running to you. Do you understand?"

"Yes," I reply my heart tensing with despair for I wish to hug my brother.. I wish to spend time with him, I miss him too much.

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