The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 33 - His Affection - Part【1】

"Spices?" I question aloud into the early morning tranquil silence my eyes broadened as I gawk dumbfounded into the drawer filled with assorted flavourings that possess the capability to even make rotten meat flavourful. I did not expect to discover seasonings, this is surprising.

Rather perfect for now I shall make his breakfast even more gratifying to savour on with each bite. A minute groan of discomfort is quick to depart my lips achingly breaking me free from my thoughts as I clasp my head in my palms, my headache is truly thriving.

I had not rested well last night, every inch of my flesh had quaked to his hoarse breathing as I overheard the tortuously deliberate inhale and exhale that crossed invitingly out those plump lips of his with a sharpness.

Yet Phobos was drawn peacefully into his sound slumber whilst I grew restless to our first night together, it seemed as though it did not sway him as much as I was stirred by the freshness of his scent that seemed to seep through our paper-thin walls tantalising me.

I wished to go sleep beside him, I yearned for his brawny arms to bound me to his chest as he relished in my presence. I craved his heat last night my fear of him defeated by a female's need to cuddle with her male. Our first night unitedly, we were apart in different rooms but at least we laid beneath the same roof and that was all that signified to me. Yet my wants went unanswered as always.

I had awakened hours before sunrise pacing around my room nibbling on my fingernail with edging impatience for I had assumed he would come to meet me to say his morning wishes, but that did not befall either. Rather he was still fast asleep snoring softly as I irritatedly bared my teeth at him facing that ludicrous wall that severed us, I had scoffed at his offensive actions. How could that male sleep so well knowing his female is nearby to him? Dull-witted male.

All that tension he had roused within me the prior evening was for nothing but just for him to nestle into his godforsaken bed and snooze calmly appreciating that I was conquered by his beastly appeal.

I could not return to slumber no matter how many times I had attempted to do so just to shove it in that male's face I was just as unconcerned by his presence so I had determined to explore our little cottage. Peeking into the small refrigerator, testing the stove, kneeling by the fireplace inspecting it and seeking the pots and pans I consumed an ample amount of time occupied by those pursuits.

Yet the beast still hadn't arisen and the sun was mounting. Then a notion surfaced upward from the abyss of my mind, my belly tingling with enthusiasm for I decided to prepare Phobos the very first breakfast gifted to him from his female. Our first private meal together. They say the way to acquire a male's heart is through his belly and I had chosen that path for our union. I am aware my male feeds on a lot and I have made him a tremendous quantity just in case he wished for a refill. It wasn't easy but I did not mind for l love cooking, it is my pride.

Stirring in a concise amount of thyme for taste combined with a bit of garlic powder I grin with delight as I scoop up a little in my wooden spoon to test its zest. From the piping aroma of the dish, I am already conscious of how well done the stew is. I think he shall like it.

The door to his room is abruptly driven open and my male saunters forward drowsily hunting for the source of the attractive smell, his nose is boosted as he vigorously sniffs around the room. I giggle at his antics, Cronus did say my cooking could awaken the dead from beneath the soil.

"Good morning." I chirp a soft smile on my face as I regard him whilst he trudges to the other side encountering me hidden by the kitchen walls. He gives me a lazy brief nod recognising my presence. With a tilt of his head, he browses through all the plenteous meals I made for him laid neatly on our dining table.

"Breakfast?" I startle at his husky voice as I scrutinise him my eyes swelling to the profound base it endures. Is this how his voice sounds when has just awakened? Goddess, this is torment. How can one behold such a beguiling tone, I want him to whisper wicked words in my ears for me to dive in. But the way my male looks at this very moment is far more alluring to me, he is breathtaking.

Short trimmed dishevelled hair that he runs his slim fingers through, bare-chested with those bewitching tattoos of his, a loincloth that sits tightly nestled beneath his waistline, his pubic hair peeking out sensually to greet me whilst the fullness of his thick massive cock is outlined for me to savour on. He is of sheer perfection in every way.

"Y-Yes. Breakfast for us." I whisper swallowing down my all-consuming thirst for this male whilst rubbing the sides of my mouth eliminating any evidence in the case I had unknowingly drooled at his sight.

He drags a chair out from our table promptly taking his seat as he eagerly dives straight into the food placed. "Wait." I am keen to cease his actions as he alarms at my sharp command and rapidly retracts his hand depositing it beside his plate paying heed to me.

I pick up the heavy pot filled with brewing stew with a soft grunt as I try to carry it towards the table. My male arises to stand on his feet for he notices the weight it holds and he works to move forward towards my warmth. He considerately takes the pot from my hands and transfers it with utter ease towards our table placing it at the centre among the rest.

"What kind of dishes do you fancy, Phobos?" I question with interest chewing on my lower lip whilst wiping my greasy hands on a torn rag as I timorously peek up at him. This is the first inquiry I have asked about him as a male, I am nervous.

He is reserved for a few mere seconds taking his time to give me a certain answer. "Fish."

The sides of my lips tip upward to bloom a broad smile across my face as I regard him, I have unintentionally made him something he prefers for his first meal. I am delighted. "Truly? I have boiled you some smoked preserved fish stew, I hope you shall like it. It will be delicious for I have added some spices that shall tingle your tongue." Cutting up some slices of the freshly baked loaf I set them on his plate pouring the stew in a bowl for him to dip into.

His orbs enlarge slightly in wonderment at my actions for this is the first time I have served him, it is a sign of my admiration and respect of him as his female. It is usually done by Alpha's to their Luna's and I am aware he has not openly shown such fondness for me in front of his pack but it does not matter to me.

"This here is baked brie with honey, it is one of my very best dishes which is quite simple to make. This is minestrone, it is just steamed vegetables and helps keep your gut healthy. And these here are omelette stuffed peppers, I noticed how you ate eggs frequently for breakfast so I baked them for you." I point to each of my specialities introducing them to him with enthusiasm, a bounce in my feet.. I had always wanted to do this, cook for him and observe his reactions as he ate them.

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