The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 32 - Wickedly Dangerous - Part【4】

They do not comprehend why I am being this way, why I am so unsettled with the action of their Alpha. This they see as something that has happened frequently and is natural.

But how can I be all right with this? How can I see this as an uncomplicated matter? Is this what he shall do to every male that might touch me even by mistake? Sever one of their limbs? How can my male be so heartless?

My cries do not desist even after the trucks are wholly loaded as Drakho said and even when I am driven away from the sea back to their lands. I do not wish to return, I do not wish to see my male tonight.

The look he held in his eyes as he slashed off that wolf's hand with ease haunts me for it seemed as though he were thrilled to do it. That lack of reluctance you behold in the beast is direful when you experience it first hand.

Does he strive off this? Causing harm to other wolves? It makes me wonder if Phobos had always been like this and I had merely been oblivious to it for I cherished him so much or he flawlessly withheld his true nature from me. All that blood, I gag to the thought of it.

It was my mistake, not that male's, I was unaware that I had to pay prior to touching any product. It was their practice that I did not follow. Yet why was that wolf punished by my male for eternity, he did even tend to the wolf merely cast his hand as though it were a piece of litter.

Would he perhaps do the same to me if I ever caused him trouble, this thought instils a fathomless dread within me for now I know I must be cautious of my actions and words when I am with him.

I keep getting lost in his eyes, for he resembles the male I grew up with and loved with the fullness of my soul that I keep overlooking that he is not the same anymore. The Phobos I knew has perished and is displaced by a monstrous beast who will not hesitate to gobble me up. I must keep away from him for a while until I can regain my emotions.

It is late in the evening when we arrive at the pack lands, I restlessly peek out the window of the vehicle checking to see if my moon blessed is present and sigh with relief when I discern he is not here. Wolves stand in a line chattering among themselves remaining patient to receive the commodities they had awaited for.

When I leave the warmth of the truck preparing to sprint into the protection of my tent and hide away from the beast that soundlessly prowls in the shadows waiting to sink his teeth in my flesh my path is blocked by a bright Moira who sweetly greets me, her hands held behind her back she waits persistently.


"Moira." I nod at her in acknowledgement of her presence.

"How did you find the trip to the sea?" She searches with interest as I swallow remembering what had happened rather than the crime my male had committed. I know if I spoke of this matter with her she would look at me with confusion just like the rest. They all see no wrong in their ways.

"It was...peaceful," I reply as I take a step to the right to wander away yet she once more obstructs my path.

"It is a significant case for you are the very first female Phobos has taken with him on this excursion that too on Asger!" She exclaims. Why does she call my male by his name like I do as though there is no need for her to be courteous towards him? As if that is not the kind of relationship they possess.

"Yes, Drakho informed me. Is there something particular you would to like discourse with me?" I ask for this female hinders my path despite me revealing I wish to leave.

"Please follow me, Krlovna ." She says walking ahead of me as I groan with weariness following her without interrogation. "You need not sleep in the tent anymore."


"For the house we built is finally set to be occupied by you." She replies directing me towards a well-lit cabin quite larger than the rest, it is also located a bit secluded remote from the others.

"A house?"

"Indeed. It is our duty to build it for you, originally it merely owned one room but a few years ago Phobos commanded for it to have one more. We did not know why yet we followed his request." She utters whilst I inspect the wooden residence constructed with perfection, it seems more intimate and warm compared to the flimsy tent I often trembled sleeping alone in. Yes, this is nothing compared to the richness I had back home but this is enough for me. I suppose it is a luxury here on these lands.

"It looks wonderful," I whisper with awe as she beams at me with contentedness.

"I am glad you feel so, Luna. I shall make sure to notify the other wolves. All your things that were derived from your old pack have already been arranged inside. Take your time to explore the place. I hope you have a good night, Krlovna ." She bows deeply and with a lingering glance at the cottage she finally leaves me by myself.

I step inside the dwelling with my right foot first, my left following after. I breathe in the essence of the house, this is where I shall exist for the rest of my life. There is not much to the place but it holds sufficient furniture enough for me to live with.

A warm well illuminated open kitchen lies to my right whilst a tiny living room is set to the left consisting of only a small circular dining table and two wooden chairs. In front of me are two rooms each radiating a distinct smell of freshness not tainted with the scent of wolves.

The second room is shut and sealed I am unable to open it perhaps it is a storeroom I shall ask Moira about it tomorrow. Straying into the first room I am greeted by a petite bed big enough to fit only one wolf located next to a boarded closet. There is also a dressing table that contains all my paintings, art supplies and my framed pictures adjacent to a body view mirror set to its right.

Unlocking the closet door I find all kinds of attire that the females here tend to wear and I was told these were stitched not purchased. Drawing out one for the night I hurriedly strip off what I currently wear replacing it with the nightgown. The fabric is very silky good enough for me to sleep well in it.

I do not wish to stay up any longer, today's events have truly worn me out. I am famished yet my tiredness sails above my need to eat. I shall examine this place more thoroughly tomorrow, I am happy I possess my kitchen for I can cook and eat my meals from tomorrow onwards.

Seeking a hairbrush I discover it neatly placed upon the table beside some decorative ornaments. I did not own such unique ones back home and I know the wolves here cannot acquire these easily. Did Phobos perhaps procure these for me? No...he wouldn't have, it was presumably the females or this is one of their customs of some sort.

Standing in front of the mirror I slacken the knots of my locks with the hairbrush, the journey took its toll on it. Closing my eyes I begin to hum a faint tune swaying my body clearing my mind of today's occurrences seeking peace.

I wonder what my friends are doing at this very moment, I suppose Zina is getting wasted hopping upon the countertop with Aegeus striving to stop her whilst Ismena and Orien are making out somewhere in the corner of the pub. I giggle at the thought, they were truly entertaining always making sure I had fun.

I miss them too much, I have dreams of them some nights that they travelled all the way here to meet me. They bring Cronus too and mama and papa. But I know that shall never occur for these lands are feared. No wolf shall step onto it intentionally unless they wish to eat at the same table with savages.

I halt rocking my hips opening my eyes to review my straightened hair only to squeal in terror as I find the herculean beast standing steadily behind me his orbs pasted to my bum, he had been silently regarding the way I swung it to my tune. This perverted male!

"Phobos, y-you scared me. Why are you here?" I question my heart hammering with panic to the male's demeanour. I did not wish to see him tonight yet here he is. My moon blessed deliberately lifts his eyes to coincide mine in the mirror as I visibly swallow with my surging tension.

He does not answer me merely taking a terse step forward sealing the space between us as I gasp at the biting shivers that shoot down my spine as our beings bump into each other. His eyes are not steered away from me as he casually hoists his right hand to arrest the strap of my dress, pulling it down my shoulder with a desirous look dilated ocean blues browse my pale flesh with a relentless eagerness.

Drifting down a damp searing kiss he delivers to my shivering flesh as I wheeze my body lurching forward to the weight of his one kiss on my body whilst his fiery tongue darts out to lick the same spot to earn an aftertaste he desperately wants.

Breath hitching, chest heaving, cunt moistening I am once more spellbound by the beast.

Hastily whirling around my open palms are keen to settle upon his chest as I lightly shove him away yet he does not abide by my wishes gripping my waist guiding me back to him in one brief haul my heavy breasts sinfully connecting with his chest. He wishes for there to be no room between us, he will not allow it whatsoever.

"Answer me, why are you here?" My eyes sink deep into his clouded blues as he admires me with a tilt of his head.

"Our home." That is all he speaks as my eyes widen to his truth the rhythms of my heart pause as I gawk up at him speechlessly.

So the room next to mine is not a storeroom but his chamber? Goddess Phobos and me alone in this cabin truly is not a good idea for we can barely constrain ourselves when we are in the midst of the other our mouths panting and hips thrusting like crazed wolves in heat.

This cohabitation has a certain potential. A potential to be wickedly dangerous and I....I am all in.

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