The Beast's Virgin Claim

Chapter 34 - His Affection - Part【2】

My male's eyes do not waver from my face taking in every word I say with a look of admiration, his mouth is slightly open revealing to me how immersed he is. "Taste them. I wish to know your thoughts."

He peers back at his plate and chooses to begin with the fish stew, I wait firmly as he tears a piece of bread dunking it into the fragrant stew and inserts it into his mouth. My heart beats rapidly with concern for his potential response. What if he does not like it, then what?

"D-Do you like it?" I question softly gulping harshly as he lifts his head to meet my awaiting blues. He somehow seems bewildered with what he has consumed as though he has never tasted such for years.

"Yes, very much." He replies without faltering as I beam at him.

"Truly?" I titter unable to hide my contentedness as I bounce on the heels of my feet. I seem to have accomplished the first step to slashing down his resistant walls. "I saw you liked to eat meat too, what kind of meat do you favour the most? Chicken, lamb?"

He sinks back on his seat folding his arms across his chest, he spreads his legs apart sitting more snugly to answer me. His coarse globes commence their amatory review of my flesh descending from my ripe lips, to my parched throat, down to my sleek collarbones as they linger impurely on my well-developed breasts screened behind the flimsy nightgown.

"Your meat." He replies with a profound seriousness as my cheeks burn feverishly. How can he say such things so unblushingly? Is he perhaps razzing me?

"L-Let us eat." I stutter venturing to stroll away from his sweltering heat that ignites my flesh with a ferocity. But my male shall have none of that for he binds his monstrous palm around my slender wrist yanking me vigorously as I lose balance and collapse right onto his expecting lap. "Phobos." I wheeze shocked by the suddenness of his actions.

Fingers raise to sweep my hair away baring my unmarked neck to him. He ducks towards me to nuzzle into the surface of my sensitive neck surrendering a delicate ardent kiss as I gasp audibly grasping onto my dress for support. "Thank you." He remarks as he draws in my scent with a bodily necessity to submerse his lungs with the rawness of my essence. Phobos is thanking me for breakfast which I sense from his aura.

"You are welcome," I murmur gazing down at my dangling feet for I cannot seem to acquire the courage to behold his eyes when we are this close to each other. Judging our position I find that I am so petite compared to his giantism, I feel like a pup perching on his lap this way. I wish I was a bit taller or perhaps a bit more toned like the females here.

I visibly flinch to the scorching sensation of his flaming tongue that laps up my right cheek as I glance at him with bashfulness seeking to squirm back into my tortoiseshell. Why did he lick me just now? He is not going to devour 'me' for breakfast, is he? He has invariably shown me he possesses no hesitance when it comes to that matter, if he wishes to ravish me he will.

"Flour." He says aiming at my cheek as I look away from his darkening blues. This is risky.

"Well, that is embarrassing," I utter distinctly which is dismissed by him for he does not feel the same way as me. He finds that there is nothing to be abashed by.

My moon blessed begins to continue his breakfast once more as I sit unmoving on his lap with mounting shyness. He takes his second bite chewing gradually swallowing it down with the minestrone then he rips another piece of bread soaking it into the stew and boosts it up to my mouth. "I-I have my plate," I mutter pointing towards the empty platter on the other side of the table.

"Today we share one." He states nodding towards his hand as I timidly open my mouth taking what he offers me.

He takes a mouthful and fixes the next portion to feed me. It is a distinct experience indeed but I love every bit of it, I feel provided for. I feel whole. I hadn't expected this from him but as always he never fails to astound me.

We eat together this way and with time I slacken on his lap swinging my legs friskily aiming towards what I want whilst he feeds me just that. Perhaps it is his way of spoiling me but I embrace it to be attended to this way. I feel...loved.

My male patiently waits once more as I nibble on my bread casually inspecting my preparations pondering over which one I wish to taste again. "The soup," I speak as he wordlessly leads the bowl to my mouth whilst I take tiny sips from it. It is so creamy and filling that it soothes my throat and warms my belly.

"No more, I am stuffed." I wheeze mischievously petting my bloated belly. Phobos curiously presses his palm against my puffed stomach as well whilst my eyes bulge at his antics and I lightly spank his caressing hand away from my flesh. "That is quite rude of you." I screech as I gaze at him dumbfounded, must he blatantly humiliate me further?

The peaks of his lips slope upward into a moderate prankish smirk, his eyes laughing at me. "I see, so you find this amusing do you?" I feign anger interrogating him with a spirited scoff, he finds my full belly entertaining.

As my male opens his mouth to defend himself a sharp knock on our door surprises us as I instantly wriggle around on his lap endeavouring to leave his warmth and greet the wolf outside. But Phobos merely retains my waist holding me in place with those large palms of his.

"Pijt." He speaks his voice reverberating through his chest, his orbs adhered to my crimsoning cheeks.


"Krli. Nepjde na sndani?" Drakho reverentially unlocks the door standing outside, on these lands no wolf is entitled to enter our home after we have occupied it. It is only meant to hold our warmth and scents.

(King. Will you not proceed for breakfast?)

"U jsem jedl, Drakho" Phobos answers him whilst choosing an unsecured strand of my hair moving it to his lips to pass to it a tender kiss as I shudder and take in deep breaths. My male follows my every reaction to him with scalding gluttony.

(I have already eaten, Drakho)

"Chpu, omlouvm se, e jsem t vyruil, Alpha." Drakho bows apologetically as I duck down burying my face from his prying orbs. It must be an awkward sight to behold your Luna sitting like a pup on your Alpha's lap and this makes me flush further.

(I see, I apologize for disturbing you, Alpha)

"Od dnenho dne budu jst se svou enou." Phobos sits upright to expose his sharp canines as he takes a big bite of my right cheek whilst a small squeal of stupefaction escapes my lips. The smile in his eyes has not perished, he finds my responses to him adorable rather engaging. He is once more jesting.

(I shall eat with my female from today onwards)

"Ano, krli. Chtl jsem vs informovat, e vdce ek na Lunu." Drakho answers and with a deep bow of reverence towards us he leaves closing the door behind me as I stay still for I have become a panting mess. This is what Phobos does to me.

(Yes, King. I wished to inform you that the leader is waiting for Luna)

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