Temporal Pearls

Chapter 46: Tears Of The Bloody G

It was a long lecture, and at the d, she gave them an assignmt. And she also explains in-depth how the lessons will proceed.

The schedule was, tomorrow the sev of them will come and arrange a room as their permant classroom.

And it was not on Seth to provide the materials needed for their classes, everyone should come with his own. At the same time, it's not on Seth to provide nourishmt.

The usual class will be 6 pm till the objective of the day is achieved.

The last thing she made sure Seth and the rest understood was that she might not always be available. As the usual class will be 6 pm, whever she is busy, she will change the time after she discusses it with them.

And that brought about the d of class.

"Bye Seth!"

"Bye Sally!"

They said goodbye to each other and left.

Seth noticed the differce in response betwe now and before. He was used to it, however, seeing people behave normally a him, th suddly some were shocked, some showed pity and a few had a subtle disgust toward him, due to how he struggled to move—made him feel a sting of pain.

However, he brushed it off as usual.


"So, he is a cripple?" A feminine voice said.

"I told you, he is. I read his file, remember!" A masculine voice answered as he drove his car toward a high-class area.

"What drugs did he take to make him move with vigour the first time we met!" A girl at Seth's age asked again.

She was a short girl with a small face, small feet and small hands, her skin leaning toward red with shoulder-lgth silver hair. Well, everything about her is short. A loli, if you must know.

"There are varieties of drugs, but as far as I know, they are expsive and have side effects. If I were to advise him, he should stop using them!"

The boy was a little older, about years old. In contrast to the girl, he was tall and had red tanned skin and silver hair. Evidtly, he hit the gym regularly, as he put on considerable muscles.

"What is it in you?" She asked irritatedly.

He ignored her and asked, "Can you work in the same room as him? I know you get nauseated by these low lives easily, especially the cripple ones!"

Not receiving any answer, he looked at his sister and found her with a thoughtful expression.

Noticing his gaze, she said, "I'm more worried about Grandpa not allowing him to come into the house during our turn!"

"We will move the outside workshop!" He said as if it was not a big deal.

"Good luck convincing father!" She said.

[Welcome Home Sally]

[Welcome Home Zach]

A monotonous voice said from the AI that controlled the gate that Zack drove his car through. It was a gate into a fully automated luxurious mansion.


"Why are you guys having a nasty look whever you are diving? Are you in any trouble!" Seth's father asked with a frown.

He was seldom home but whever he was, he would attd to the players diving into the Asteroid Online Game—praying no more trouble stems from it.

He was one of those that hate technologies with passion, more so than his wife Sarah because he lost his job numerous times due to it. However, he has no choice but to accept it, as it has become an integral part of humanity.

Joseph laughed and said, "From the beginning, Sam was the only one having this awful look, as if he ate pig shit. A week ago Adamina also behaved like she was dining with the pigs. Well, Seth is unpredictable, sometimes he is happy, and sometimes he is in a foul mood. But, lately, he has be more or less uneasy!"

Seth's father, Adam, stared at Seth and asked why.

"I was left behind by the town chief and… yesterday, I poisoned myself!" Seth explained as the cabin door slid close.

Seth woke himself up from Game Sleep, but he couldn't move his body. His body is still in critical condition!

The rain has stopped and the moon shone brightly in the sky. Well, the moon in Gawee Contint is almost always full.

The wind was still strong as it kept rattling Seth's wood cottage. He might have to reinforce it or else it was bound to break apart.

But, that wasn't the thing that had Seth's atttion. Not ev the fact his body was still poisoned and in critical condition. Not ev though there are plants that were proclaimed to be a Panacea and a single gulp from them might improve his condition and he failed to get their water essce because they were too deep into the forest.

He did have the inttion of getting them wh the annoying system ordered him to go back. Well, it was right to do so.

What got his atttion was his curiosity had reached its peak and he wanted to see and know what became of the deadlands wh the rain fell.

What happed to it?

Did the soil absorb the water? Did it recover and the forest expanded or was it still the same as before?

The reason for his curiosity was because of the Mass Hysteria Game.

Before Asteroid Online, the game was one of the top three games that reached unimaginable height.

Mass Hysteria was ev more amazing as it achieved that in just four months while others have half a decade to rise.

Three reasons make it rise phomal.

The first reason was realism, well compared to Asteroids the differce betwe the Supercomputer and the Quantum computer—a world apart, but for that time it was one of the best!

The second reason was the Classes and the Grimdark nature of the game that also has a weird sse of humour which makes one laugh no matter the horror.

The last reason was the lore of the game. Till now, Seth had read in the forum that its lore still ranks higher than Astroid Online lore until prov otherwise.

One of the levelling areas of the Mass Hysteria game and the place where most players fought to attain class was known as the Forbidd Land Of Gods.

The place graphics, though inferior, were similar to Gawee Contint Dead Lands. And wh rain falls, extraordinary phoma happ.

Madness Overlord, Seth's avatar during one of the rains gained a weak class known as Tears Of The Bloody G.

His main skill was controlling the tears of people. Yep, that's pretty much it.

But at a higher level, Madness Overlord realized the rain was actually tears of Dead Gods.

He became extremely strong and fought Dead Gods Avatar to have theirs as his domain.

Seth was remembering his dances with Gods, forgetting his predicamt he mumbled, "It was a good game. No one has a similar class, everyone can reach the supreme level, making the competition so intse that it needs pure dedication akin to madness to be at the top"


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