Temporal Pearls

Chapter 45: Painting Classmates

The noise in the real world was duller than the sound of the rain and the trembling of his cottage due to the strong wind, but wh conctrated, he can make out some statemts.

Seth was shocked to the point that he almost woke up from his sleep, but after he calmed his emotions and conctrated more.

"... Adamina always exits first lately… speak of the devil..!"

"...use that proverb… not good!"

The first voice belonged to Joseph while the second was his mother.

They seem to be having a conversation about Adamina and the rest of the family players.

The more Seth conctrated, the more his mind switched toward the real-world noises. And that made the sound of the rain of the game duller.

'Is there a glitch? Or is this comparable to the Virtual Office of Bronze Cabins?'

By formulating those thoughts, Seth's body almost woke up from his sleep. After he stabilized the Sleep Stage, he thought again.

'I can only be an observer at this stage, without commting?'

This time he woke up from his sleep, and later managed to go back to sleep. However, his sses are much duller than before. He can still hear the backg noise but can't make out their meaning.


Seth came back from school more tired than he was ever before. Well, that isn't technically correct, as he was still able to walk normally.

Today was the day they started some practical activities and due to that, there were a lot of physical activities.

As he tered the Workshop, he met with guests. Just seeing them, Seth felt more hungry and tired than he was. But noticing Manuella Sefu by the side, he straighted up as if he was in better condition.

Thankfully, Manuella didn't buy his act and asked him to rest for an hour. Before that, she introduced him to the guests.

"Hello, I'm Sarah John"

'Shit, why do I have to meet this name!' Seth grumbled. He is not fond of calling his mother's name, ev if he was addressing someone.


"Hi, I'm Seth Enoch!"

"Enoch as in Era?" She jokes.

Yeah, the family name is damned, he ev made fun of it himself.

"Of course, it's my era!" He said with a smile.

"I'm, Sally"





After everyone greeted each other, Manuella explained.

"You will be colleagues under my tutelage for the next three months. We are going to spd 9 days using Seth Workshop, th move to another Workshop that belongs to one of you. And after we spd 9 days in each of your Workshops, you will have the privilege of coming to my Workshop to study for days." She observed everyone's expression.

Seth gulped siltly as he scanned his colleagues, trying to see if there were any high-class citizs.

Unable to idtify them, he dismissed the notion but started to think of how he can accommodate them in the best possible way.

Sadly, he was too tired to think of something complicated. But remembering his lesson of Ethics from Nanncy Aer, he coughed to adjust his throat. At least he should give a welcome speech, right?

He oped his mouth to speak, Manuella raised her hand and stopped him.

"No need for a welcome speech. This is also a part of the assessmt."


Sarah barely held herself from laughing at Seth's attempt, but Manuella pretded she did not notice it.

She said, "Those who failed to perform excelltly will be expelled and wouldn't have the privilege to be in my Workshop."

Seth was glad he didn't have to torture himself to give a welcome speech on the get-go. Still, he felt embarrassed because he attempted to look cool and act as if he was a high-class citiz but was rejected.

One needed to understand that Seth and his family were at the button of society just a month ago. And as in every society, the rich and those with authority owned the media and circulate things that were in line with their ideology and view.

In this case, those in the higher class have painted themselves to be perfect, unblemished and they deserve to be in their position.

So, most kids of the lower class have no ambition but to be called High-Class and to act High-Class in every way.

Because that was the cool thing to do and also what they always see in the media which is overpopulated with dramas, action films, comedy, anime, comics and manga and ev novels that incite innoct kids to want to take higher class citizs as their role models.

Seth wasn't any exception, he was at the adolescce stage where everything excited him.

The only saving grace was, the few among the smart adults tried their best to gradually remove that view in their childr and make them realize the true nature of their society.

A society that was painted with rainbows but deep down, it was as rott as a rott egg.

Manuella stared at Seth, seeing he was not responsive, she said.

"While you are resting in the next hr, we will be looking a the Workshop to assess it!"

"Yes, Maam!" Seth decided to be himself, and throw away being cool to Trash Can.






The annoying alarm that Seth set rang. With annoyance, he woke up with a curse at the tip of his tongue.

He wobbly wt to the bathroom to wash and while he was taking his time, he remembered.


It has be hrs since he wt to sleep. In a hurry, he prepared and came out. He was least expecting to meet them because of the one hour he added, but he saw them discussing.

".. I…"

"Take a seat," she said.

While Seth took his seat for the lecture, Manuella's eyes lingered on him. As she noticed his movemt had changed.

She already knew about his case but she met him twice and his movemts were normal, making her think his case wasn't that serious. Now, she understands he took drugs and they were wearing off.

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