Temporal Pearls

Chapter 47: First Phenomenon

Seth threw away those thoughts and began to think about how he can get his ass out of this predicamt. Alas, there was nothing he could do but watch.

He wt back to sleep, at least he will have two world views, but th he remembered Aura Sight.

He pushed the sleep away with thusiasm to use the time to rain his eyes.



[Too weak to use Aura Sight]


"Yeah fuck!"

Th he wt back to sleep. In the real world, there were some movemts, it was Joseph. Every 30 min he will go a the VR Cabin checking.

Th Seth strained his ears to list to the wind threating to uproot his cottage… maybe it was useless to list.

Still, Seth continues to list, trying to make sse of the sound of the wind. He refused to believe it would be useless—as the game is too profound for it to be.

Hours tick by, Seth felt the time is moving like a snail but if he was doing something, the time would fly like a Bullet Train.

After some time, Seth felt he could barely move his finger. And after moving for a short time he was already tired. At least that was a developmt.

One hour before the log-out time…



[The Womb]

Status: Dormant and Empty

Stage: 3

Attribute: Distant Charging, Harsh Elemt Immunity, Protective Halo.

Health: Better > Great

Capacity: Fetus

Stimulation Force: Charged(0%)

[The Womb is ready to be fertilized with a Dragon]

[Proceed To Stage 4 (Yes/No)]

[Mtal Fortitude Requiremts: 700 points]

[Activating the stages will give unexpected surprises]

[Note: Defeat a Dragon and throw the womb at it. The womb will be automatically fertilized.]

[Note: There will be a Mtal Tug Of War betwe the Dragon and You. Win the War to successfully have Reign over the Fetus]


"It gains a Protective halo. Does that mean I don't have to worry about it getting damaged?"

Seth shook his head. Harsh elemts Immunity and Protective Halo are protective measures but he has no inttion of testing them out.

Wh something bad happs he will count on them to do their job but he will not test it himself.

Well, Harsh Elemt Immunity has be tested. The womb might not be in the rain but the change of humidity that becomes high and the splashes of water that ter, ev now the wind that occasionally bursts into the room through the door is all indication that the womb isn't affected at all.

Seth sighed as he read more about it and saw that it was better to make it continue charging.

"I will see the d of these!" He swore.

"Yes, continue charging!"

Seth's vision blurred, and he felt dum as his mind wt reeling as being plunged deep into the bottomless ocean.



[The Womb]

Status: Dormant and Empty

Stage: 3

Attribute: Distant Charging, Harsh Elemt Immunity, Protective Halo.

Health: Great

Capacity: Fetus

Stimulation Force: Charging(%)

[After 0% stage 4 will be unlocked]

[Activating the stages will give unexpected surprises]

[Note: You can deactivate the connection to Stimulation at any time]

[Note: Charging will be disconnected after 0%]

[Activating the stages will give unexpected surprises]

[Note: Defeat a Dragon and throw the womb at it. The womb be fertilized]

[Note: There will be a Mtal Tug Of War betwe the Dragon and You. Win the War to successfully have Reign over the Fetus]


Seth wasn't able to see the charging notification as he was literally unconscious.

His VR Cabin stirred up and released more Nutrit Solutions. At the same time, a part of the Cabin machine that has never be activated was activated.

It was the compartmt of the Terran Energy Isolation Chamber, a place where Terran Energy was being stored.

Usually, the tire VR Cabin was a machine that used the processing of the human brain as an axis and absorbed the Asteroid Beta Core Energy in the air and converted it to Terran Energy.

Beta Core Energy was considered harmless radiation, less harmless than sun radiation wh it was mixed with the world radiation and air.

Still, the Nutrit Solution was there to give the body the necessary ergy to withstand the process and also protect the body from being affected by the pure tangible Beta Core Energy.

And, Terran Energy is the purest form of ergy known to man. It was said to be 99% harmless.

Now, the compartmt of the Terran Energy Isolation Chamber has stirred up and a bright blue wisp of Terran Energy leaked from the chamber.

Instead of evaporating, the bright blue wisp was pulled toward the Nutrit Solution Chamber and mixed with it, diluting it, making a bright blue glow Solution.

And the Nutrit was released to the Human Chamber where Seth breathed in the bright blue solution.

His body undergoes a differt phomon as one can see the bright blue glow passing from his throat and making his lungs glow with blue and red.

Seth's tire blood pathways glow blue as the solution is being transported throughout his body.

Three minutes later, an unexpected surge of ergy alerted Joseph and he ran to check Seth Cabin. By the time he reached it, Seth's body had returned to normal. And all reading returned to normal.

Back in the game!

Seth's mind was pulled back from the depth of the abyss and he regained his consciousness. Moreover, he can move his body, albeit barely.

Anyhow, his sses have also increased drastically. He checked his status but there was nothing significant.

He looked at the Womb and read the notification with a smile.



[Due to outstanding Mtal Fortitude your body has begun to recover.]


"You gotta be kidding me, it's only recovering now? This is bad news. I need to warn everyone."

Seth's atttion was attracted to the Womb pronounced halo that has a silver metallic she on it.

And in every second, it pulse with light as if the she was increasing. After watching for about five minutes, Seth realized that it pulse with his heartbeat.


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