Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 98: Ambush

The sudd onslaught of lightning caught Piers and Shaun off guard, momtarily halting their advance. Electricity danced across their bodies, leaving them momtarily incapacitated. It was the oping Jaegar needed.

Exploiting the momt of respite, Jaegar tapped into the Chaos arts of purple mist, a rare and pott form of magic. The mist began to velop him, swirling in a chaotic dance that distorted his form and obscured his movemts. He became a phantom, elusive, and unpredictable.

As the mist veloped him, Jaegar's movemts became fluid and unpredictable. He struck with a newfound ferocity, his blows landing with precision and force. The very essce of chaos seemed to fuel his strikes, each blow carrying an elemt of unpredictability that left his adversaries struggling to anticipate his movemts.

Jaegar's main focus was the duo who attacked him from behind.

The battle escalated into a tempest of magic and steel, with the clash of their forces echoing across the landscape. Jaegar's Chaos Mist Art kept his adversaries on their toes, their strikes meeting nothing but elusive shadows. But the battle was far from one-sided; Piers and Shaun were skilled combatants, and their determination fueled their attacks.

Yet, Jaegar was not done. Channelling the ancit power of the Immemorial Arts, he unleashed a surge of ergy that radiated from his very being. His eyes blazed with an otherworldly light as the ancit magic coursed through him, and the red square sigils formed on either of his hands.

With a wordless cry, he channelled the Immemorial Arts into his strikes, each blow resonating with a power that transcded the physical realm.

His strikes were a force of nature, each blow carrying the weight of years of knowledge and skill.

The earth trembled beath the might of his attacks, and the very air crackled with ergy. Piers and Shaun fought valiantly, their determination unwavering, but Jaegar's fury and the convergce of his magic proved to be overwhelming.

They were reltless, and they did not budge a little, seeing Jaegar's powers. On the other side, Anne was still formulating how to tackle Jaegar and kill him. The three of them seemed like they wanted to see the d of this battle with Jaegar lying on the g.

There was no exchange of words here; only the spells and skill of the sword spoke volumes.

Jaegar tapped into his wellspring of power, unleashing a torrt of ergy in a display of raw might.

Piers and Shaun reacted with the trained swiftness of seasoned combatants, their agility allowing them to narrowly evade the onslaught. The tranquil landscape erupted into chaotic disarray, and the air charged with ergy as arcane forces collided in a symphony of power.

Within the span of minutes, the tranquil beauty of the surings surrdered to the tempest of violce.

With an imperceptible nod, she signalled her co-conspirators, and the once tranquil ambice was shattered, replaced by a storm of conflict.

Piers and Shaun fought as a harmonized duo, their movemts fluid and harmonious. Their proficicy was evidt, and their coordination was impeccable.

Yet Jaegar was no neophyte; he met their advances head-on, his arsal of spells growing in complexity and potcy with every heartbeat.

The battle was a spectacle of elemts in harmonious conflict, their clashes creating an intricate dance of light and power that set the vironmt ablaze.

The g bore the weight of their struggle, the very earth quivering beath their forces. The sky above darked as if mirroring the intsity of the conflict below.

As time slipped through the hourglass, fatigue stealthily infiltrated their beings, each movemt growing heavier as the battle waged on. But relted, each combatant was driv by a determination that eclipsed their physical limits.

Jaegar reached deep within his reservoir of knowledge, fusing spells in ways that defied traditional understanding. Piers and Shaun pressed on with an unwavering commitmt, their urgcy fueling their every action.

The battle seemed to linger in an eternal prest, the boundaries of time distorted by their conflict. Arcane ergies intertwined with the physical, resulting in explosions of raw power that echoed across the isles.

But within the vortex of chaos, a fleeting momt of lucidity emerged. Jaegar seized the window of opportunity, channelling his ergy into a spell of unprecedted magnitude.

The air crackled with a preternatural force as the spell unfurled, a maelstrom of power that gulfed his opponts. Piers and Shaun fought valiantly against the deluge of ergy, but its sheer potcy was overwhelming.

Unlike Jaegar, whose body was still raging with raw power and seemed to be a source of primordial ergy, their ergy seemed to have be decimated.

And with a final, resonant strike, Jaegar disabled Piers. The clash left Shaun staggered and disorited; his defces were compromised.

Seizing the opportunity, Jaegar advanced upon Shaun.

The ancit power of the Immemorial Arts coursed through him, guiding his strikes with preternatural precision. With a final, definitive blow, he disabled Shaun, ding the battle with an aura of resolutess.

He had his time, killing them slowly and making them scream until they were charred to death.

Breathing heavily, Jaegar stood amidst the aftermath of the fierce battle. The air was charged with magic, the echoes of their conflict resonating across the landscape.

The very land bore the scars of their struggle, the aftermath of their cataclysmic clash leaving an indelible imprint on the landscape.

After his confrontation with Piers and Shaun, Jaegar turned to where he last saw Anne, only to find her absce.

She had vanished, leaving behind nothing but a faint trace of her presce.

Already a couple of meters away, Anne had brok into a sprint, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and urgcy.

Meanwhile, Jaegar's power surged within him, the telltale aura of purple mist veloping him as he levitated above the g. His eyes fixated on the direction Anne had fled, and with a swift burst of ergy, he shot towards her like an arrow released from a bow.

In a matter of momts, Jaegar closed the distance, halting his flight just above Anne. She came to a sudd stop, her breath caught in her throat as she looked up at the levitating figure before her, stupefied and vulnerable.

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