Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 99: The trial continues

Anne had be confidt, relying on the two of them to carry out their plan. But as the battle had unfolded, it became appart that Jaegar was no ordinary apprtice wizard. Despite his injuries, his power had be overwhelming, pushing his adversaries to their limits and ultimately leading to their defeat.

The realization struck Anne that they had underestimated him greatly. He wasn't just a studt; he was a sovereign arcanist, a wielder of immse and formidable power. His mastery over magic was awe-inspiring, and as she observed his effortless triumph over two seasoned fighters, a chilling fear took hold of her.

Froz in place, Anne watched as Jaegar's eyes bore into hers, a purple glint shining within them. His voice boomed with power, shaking her to her core, "Now tell me, who st you?"

Fear gripped Anne's heart, her voice quivering as she pleaded, "Please don't kill me."

"Wait, you don't need to tell me about them."

"Don't kill me." Anne's voice trembled with desperation as she continued, "I was just following orders."

Jaegar's gaze remained unyielding, his voice taking on a dangerous edge, "If our positions were reversed and I were at your mercy, what fate would you have chos for me?"

Anne bit her lip, a tremor coursing through her as she stammered, "I... I would have..."

"Forgive me, if you let me live, I will tell you about the ones who st us, they are also the reason you are here."

Before she could finish, Jaegar's expression shifted, a hint of consideration appearing on his face. He contemplated her words, but th he shook his head with finality and said, "No, I don't need their names, not right now."

"I don't think they're worth me paying atttion to."

The tsion betwe them was palpable, and Anne's hope flickered for a momt. But th Jaegar's tone grew colder, his words like shards of ice, "Don't worry, I appreciate beauty. I'll grant you a swift and painless death."

With a swift motion, Jaegar conjured a needle-shaped projection of purple mist that shot forward and pierced Anne's glabella with lethal precision. The act was swift and efficit, her life was extinguished in an instant. Her body wt limp, her eyes forever fixed in a lifeless gaze.

Jaegar lingered for a momt, his gaze unmoving from Anne's lifeless form. A single drop of blood trickled down her glabella, a macabre testimony to the finality of her demise. Th, without a second glance, he turned away, leaving her behind on the forest floor.

As he floated away from the sce, still levitating just above the g, the purple mist swirling a him, Jaegar's face remained devoid of emotion. His thoughts were his own as he contemplated the individuals who had orchestrated this confrontation.

With the counter resolved, Jaegar's thoughts turned to the ones who had st Anne and her companions. His determination burned brighter than ever, fueled by the knowledge that he was not alone in his pursuit of power. He vowed that the day he unravelled their idtity would mark the beginning of their downfall.

He flew over the terrain, evtually arriving at a hilly region.

Coming to a halt by the edge of a cliff, he looked down upon the sprawling valley and the seemingly dless expanse of the forest below.

The sun cast its warm embrace upon the land, its gtle rays painting the landscape in hues of gold and amber.

Jaegar remained there, perched upon the precipice, his mind a whirlwind of thoughts. The day's tumultuous evts had tak their toll, and as the day waned and night's embrace fell upon the world, exhaustion evtually claimed him.

Back in the hall of the auditorium, Ashfield and Isadora were locked in a state of anxious anticipation.

The crystal before them revealed Ivar's image as morning broke, but Jaegar's form was conspicuously abst. Their concern had escalated into palpable panic, with uncertainty gnawing at their thoughts.

Navigating this delicate situation was a challge; barging in would not only disrupt the evt but also aliate the other members who were unaware of the urgcy. They ttatively proposed waiting until the five-day evt concluded before taking action.

Amid their worry, the image of Jaegar abruptly appeared in the crystal's display. The sight of him peacefully asleep on a hillside elicited disbelief from Isadora. The realization that he was sleeping in an op area, seemingly unconcerned about the lurking dangers of the wilderness, left them both dumbfounded.

Ashfield and Isadora exchanged a shared glance, their simultaneous sighs carrying a mix of exasperation and relief.

As the night unfolded, the two observers found solace in the knowledge that Jaegar was safe, ev if his choices remained inscrutable.

Resting upon the hill, Jaegar's form was silhouetted against the backdrop of the night sky, a lone figure amidst the quiet expanse of the isle.

The stars above shone brilliantly, casting a gtle glow upon the landscape. As the minutes turned into hours, Jaegar's weariness began to fade, replaced by a rewed sse of alertness.

Unknown to him, the night held another challge in store. High above the g, the shadow of wings swept across the sky, cutting through the darkness with an ominous presce.

A wyvern, a fearsome creature born of myth and legd, soared through the night, its sinewy form illuminated by the moon's soft light.

The wyvern's eyes gleamed like amber orbs, reflecting a predatory intelligce as they scanned the land below.

Its ke sses detected a presce, a source of power that intrigued and roused its primal instincts.

With a powerful downstroke of its wings, the wyvern descded from the heavs, its massive silhouette casting a dark shadow over the hill where Jaegar rested.

Jaegar's eyes snapped op, and his sses immediately alerted him to the approaching danger. His instincts tingled with foreboding as the rustle of wings reached his ears. He stood up, his gaze fixed on the sky as the wyvern descded, its eyes locked onto him with intsity.

"A fucking what now? Can't I get some peace time a here for a minute or so?" He grunted.

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