Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 97: The mysterious woman

Anne, the woman who met Jaegar at the pond, had strategically positioned herself a couple of meters away from the sere lake, her expression shifting from idle contemplation to resolute determination.

A swift motion saw her retrieve a seemingly insignificant stone from the pouch hanging at her waist.

With practiced ease, she crushed the stone betwe her fingers, and the resulting burst of ergy disintegrated it into a swirling mist that dissipated into the air with an otherworldly hiss.

Minutes later, the tranquil atmosphere near the lake underwt a subtle transformation as two figures materialized, emerging from the very fabric of reality itself. Piers and Shaun, both adorned in the distinctive attire of the same academy as Anne, materialized with a sse of purpose.

The urgcy etched across their features was unmistakable, and their manner was tse as they addressed her without hesitation. "Did you find him, Anne?"

Anne's gaze met theirs, her voice carrying a tone of affirmation that belied the weight of her discovery.

"Yes, I just countered him. As we suspected, he's formidable. He can conjure spells in the blink of an eye." Her words carried a mixture of awe and caution, acknowledging Jaegar's prowess while simultaneously emphasizing the magnitude of the challge they faced.

Anne had unexpectedly countered Jaegar and used that to fight alongside him to see what they were facing.

Without the need for further communication, Piers and Shaun moved with synchronized precision, aligning themselves with their mission's next phase. Their purpose, concealed beath the veer of a shared academy uniform, was far from virtuous.

They were not studts in search of bonding but shadows cloaked as scholars, and their intt was to eliminate Jaegar. The time had come to execute their lethal design.

Unbeknownst to Jaegar, a treacherous tableau was being orchestrated as he continued his unknowing journey away from the tranquil lakeside.

Anne's eyes tracked his movemts covertly, her mind assessing the unfolding circumstances. With a subtle signal, she indicated to Piers and Shaun that they should prepare for their impding counter.

Poised to intercept Jaegar's path, they concealed their true inttions behind the façade of Anne meeting Jaegar again and running to him by coincidce.

The momts that followed were rife with anticipation as Jaegar's steps unknowingly propelled him towards the carefully laid trap. Th, as if destiny had orchestrated their convergce, their paths merged. Jaegar ssed a faint discord in the air, a subtle disturbance that raised the hairs on the back of his neck.

His instincts pricked at his consciousness, alerting him to a pottial threat, yet Anne's composed facade left no room for suspicion.

"Hey there," Anne's voice echoed with a practiced cheerfulness, a calculated note that masked the inttions beath.

Jaegar's atttion was drawn to her voice, and his gaze shifted towards her. He frowned, thinking, Didn't she just leave the other way?

"Didn't you say that you had to leave?"

"Yeah, I walked a, saw you, and thought of coming to say hello."

Jaegar remained silt as he stood, observing the woman in front of him. One thing that he caught on to was that she wasn't acting like a normal school studt. Her posture and her words definitely sounded otherwise.

Engaging Jaegar in conversation, Anne's role in their scheme was pivotal, maintaining an illusion of normalcy ev as Piers and Shaun positioned themselves strategically, ready to seize the opportunity to strike.

As she talked with him, she stood with her bosom heaving up and talked in a husky voice.

Jaegar didn't forget to notice the detail, and this added more to his suspicion. But before he could do anything, the air a them shifted, and two figures swiftly lunged at Jaegar.

Jaegar, who was thinking about the woman and possible reasons for her to be here, was caught off guard.

The ambush was swift and well-coordinated, a sudd onslaught that left Jaegar momtarily disorited.

Before he could fully react, Piers and Shaun closed in, their strikes precise and unrelting.

Their blades glinted in the light, each strike aimed with lethal intt. Jaegar managed to evade the first few strikes, but their calculated movemts quickly cornered him.

There were skilled warriors, with the m at level 7, the mastery level of warriors, and the woman at level 5. They had tak the idtities of the studts who were supposed to come to the Blackrich Isles.

They had mastery over their skills, and Jaegar's brief carelessness had giv them the upper hand and tak him by surprise. They moved with such calculated and measured movemts, and they were both well coordinated.

Despite his formidable skills, Jaegar found himself at a disadvantage. The surprise attack had caught him off guard, leaving him vulnerable to their reltless assault. Blows landed with an unyielding force, and pain radiated through his body as he fought to maintain his footing.

Their blades bit into his flesh, drawing blood that mingled with the soil beath their feet. Jaegar's vision blurred, and his breaths came in ragged gasps as he struggled to regain his footing. Each strike was like a hammer blow, wearing down his defses and pushing him closer to the edge.

Anne walked towards him, asking, "What happed? Is that all you got?"

"You are not a studt." Jaegar gritted his teeth, feeling a surge of anger.

"Now, did you find out about that?"

"Yes, we ar't; we came here to kill," she licked her lips, staring down on him, "to slice you up deliciously."

Jaegar watched the three of them, catching his breath.

"You shouldn't have messed with me." His eyes burned with a crimson glint, changing his aura completely.

Amidst the chaos, Jaegar's determination burned brighter.

Drawing upon the lightning that coursed through his veins, he channeled his magic with raw intsity.

A while before, Jaegar, after dipping in the lake, had increased to level 7, making his immemorical arts advance further. He didn't care about the wounds on his body, right now, he wanted to rip this trio to pieces.

Arcane ergy crackled a him, a storm of power that surged through his body. With a fierce cry, he unleashed a torrt of lightning that arced towards his attackers.

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