Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 96: I didn't know

And Jaegar, his battle-scarred frame immersed in the tranquil depths, savored the ssations that rippled across his skin. The lagoon's magic seemed to petrate ev the deepest recesses of his wearied form, igniting a subtle vitality within him. As he reclined in the water, he stared at the night sky.

There was a veil of mist that permeated the layer, covering them and making them invisible in the mist.

Minutes could have be hours, and yet the stillness of the momt allowed for reflection.

As the morning sun began to pierce through the dissipating mist, a new day unfolded over the tranquil lake. Ivar's departure was as silt as his presce had be, leaving behind only the lingering echoes of his aura.

On his noble wolf, he vanished into the horizon without a word or glance back, leaving Jaegar to wonder about his motives.

With Ivar's absce, the stillness of the morning was amplified, allowing the lake's ethereal qualities to be more pronounced.

Jaegar continued to linger in the soothing waters, allowing the embrace of the lagoon to velop his sses. The sun's asct cast a gold hue across the sere waters, illuminating the mist in a dance of light and shadow.

Evtually, as the morning continued its gtle march, Jaegar emerged from the waters, the lagoon's magic having worked its restorative effects on his being. He stepped onto the shore, his skin glisting in the sunlight. his hair was wet with droplets of water. Jaegar took a deep breath, feeling rejuvated after his time in the lagoon.

As he ran his fingers through his damp hair, a sse of tranquility washed over him.

Unknown to him, that woman had also come out of the water and noticed him. Her eyes stayed on him for a brief momt before she moved on.

Th he began to don his clothes, taking in the breathtaking vista that lay before him.

Th he noticed the woman gaged in the process of dressing herself a couple of meters away from him.  As their eyes met, an unexpected smile graced her lips, a fleeting expression.

Jaegar's eyes lingered on her, appreciating her striking appearance amidst the natural beauty of the surings.

With each article of clothing that Jaegar donned, he turned his back to her.

Finishing his dressing, he turned to find her standing behind him, her gaze unwavering.

Startled by her proximity, Jaegar's words tumbled forth, "Damn! Wh did you get here?" His surprise was evidt, and his voice betrayed a hint of sheepishness.

Her demeanour was unyielding as she responded, her voice carrying a blissful timbre. "You didn't notice?"

Jaegar approached her, a sse of both fascination and caution mingling in his gaze. "No," he admitted, his eyes studying her in an attempt to understand the woman who had suddly become an integral part of his morning solitude.

Unperturbed by the distance that separated them, she seemed to hold her g with an air of confidce, her features partially obscured by the shadow of her tunic's hood. With a slight shift in her tone, she inquired, "Where did your frid go?" Her question was straightforward, her eyes searching for any trace of insight.

Jaegar's reply came without hesitation, "I don't know, and he isn't my frid." The words carried a hint of detachmt.

"You fought well," she complimted out of the blue.

Jaegar's response was modest, brushing off the commdation with, "Well, I only helped a little."

Curiosity had be gnawing at Jaegar's thoughts since he first laid eyes on her. As the sun's rays gtly caressed the landscape a them, he finally voiced the question that had lingered in his mind: "Who are you?"

"Wait, you don't know me. I was standing right on the platform where you arrived last." Her response carried a bld of surprise and amusemt.

Jaegar's brows furrowed in confusion, the puzzle pieces slowly aligning. "So, you're from one of the academies? How come you're carrying a sword?" His query was laced with guine intrigue as he tried to reconcile her appearance with the norms he had observed.

Her response was accompanied by a scoff, the dismissal evidt in her tone, "What, shouldn't we use one if we want to?" Her disregard for convtional expectations reflected a certain indepdce that intrigued Jaegar ev further.

As he scratched his head, a sheepish grin played at the corners of Jaegar's lips. "You can. I just didn't know that academies allowed one to use it."

"And I didn't notice you on the platform."

With a playful glint in her eyes, she remarked, "Yeah, I saw your trance. You seemed quite occupied." The lighthearted banter betwe them carried a hint of opness, a shared recognition of the unpredictability of their first counter.

Jaegar's curiosity extded to the presce of others, "Did anyone else come here?"

She confirmed his suspicion, "Yes, but no one would stay here this long." Her words carried a sse of finality as if the gravity of the place could only be dured for a finite period.

With a sse of departure in the air, she indicated their evtual parting, "That said, I will take my leave. If fate allows, we will meet again." Her words held an air of mystery, leaving a lingering sse of anticipation in their wake. With that, she turned and started to walk away, her figure gradually becoming a silhouette against the backdrop of the isle's breathtaking landscape.

For some reason, he ssed that this woman wasn't who she really was. And the way she held the sword, she definitely an expert.

Left to his thoughts, Jaegar watched her retreating form before evtually deciding to move as well. As he began to leave the shores of the dragon's lagoon, he decided to deal with her if he met her again.

The competition was set to span five days, a challge of survival and strategy where the one who amassed the highest count of kills would emerge victorious. The prospect of the upcoming days filled with trials and uncertainties loomed ahead, mingling with the echoes of an counter that had left its mark upon the fabric of this mysterious isle.

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