Tale of a Hedonistic wizard

Chapter 95: Dragon's lagoon

Ivar managed to dodge to the side, his blade striking the python's scales with a resounding clang. His wolf tried to slash the python, but it reacted quickly with its massive body, knocking the wolf aside with a powerful sweep of its tail. The python coiled itself tighter, readying itself for another attack as Jaegar and Ivar braced themselves.

The woman, her movemts fluid and precise, deftly rolled to evade the attack, her blade dancing in an intricate pattern as she slashed at the python's underbelly.

The python's thick and resistant skin proved to be a formidable defse. Each strike of the woman's blade seemed to glance off its scales, leaving only superficial marks.

Jaegar, his mind racing, realized that a more strategic approach was required. With a focused burst of ergy, he summoned swirling gusts of wind, aiming to disrupt it's balance and create an oping for them to attack.

The serpt, undeterred, retaliated with rewed ferocity. Its coils contorted and lashed out, each movemt sding tremors through the g.

Ivar parried each attack with calculated precision, his strikes finding gaps in the python's defses.

The woman's agility allowed her to nimbly evade the python's strikes, her blade becoming an extsion of herself as she launched counterattacks.

Jaegar, his determination unwavering, channeled his magic into a devastating spell. Bolts of lightning crackled a him, forming a pott storm that he unleashed upon the serpt.


Thunder roared, echoing the ferocity of the battle, as lightning strikes danced across the python's massive form. Smoke rose from its scales, the sct of burnt flesh filling the air.

But the serpt was far from defeated. With a spine-chilling roar, it reared back, its eyes blazing with a primal fury. It lunged again, this time with an uncanny speed that caught the trio off guard.

Jaegar barely managed to deflect the attack with his shield, with the impact sding a shockwave through his arm.

Ivar's blade clashed with the python's fangs, the force of the blow resonating in his bones.

The woman's blade found its mark, sinking into the python's side, but its thick hide offered formidable resistance.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashes, roars, and magical bursts. The trio's determination remained unshak, and the intsity of the battle became more cohesive with each passing momt.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the battlefield, the python's movemts began to slow. Its strgth waned, and its breath labored.

Jaegar seized the momt, channeling his ergy into a final, decisive spell. A vortex of swirling ergy formed a him, spiraling with increasing intsity. With a triumphant cry, he released the spell—a burst of ergy that crackled with raw power.

The python's eyes wided in its final momts as the ergy veloped it, consuming its form in a blinding explosion of light.

The battlefield fell silt, the echoes of battle fading into the stillness of the night. The trio stood, chests heaving, wounds and exhaustion testifying to the intsity of the fight.


As it was night, there were only Ashfield and Morana, who were in the hall, still watching the scres.

The image of Jaegar was still not showing, and right now, Ivar's image was also blank.

Arthur came right at the momt and asked if there were any developmts. Ashfield and other promint figures gathered a and pondered over the matter. Jaegar's and Ivar's Whereabouts have raised concern among their respective academies.


Having emerged victorious from their intse battle with the python, all three of them bore the marks of the counter in the form of minor injuries.

It was Ivar who proposed a solution, his voice bearing a note of practicality amidst the aftermath of their fight.

"We should dip in the lake," Ivar suggested, his gaze assessing the collective state of their wearied bodies.

The woman, her movemts carrying an air of detachmt, distanced herself from the group. With a sse of purpose, she moved behind a rock, disrobed, and stepped into the inviting waters of the lake.

While the woman immersed herself, Ivar's inquisitive eyes turned towards Jaegar, curiosity gleaming in his gaze. "What is she doing here?" he inquired, seeking some semblance of understanding amid their igmatic surings.

Jaegar, following suit and slipping off his shirt, vtured into the tranquil embrace of the lake's waters.

"I don't know," he admitted the uncertainty reflecting in his voice as his eyes took in the sere expanse.

Beside the water's edge, Ivar, the wolf companion by his side, gazed at the woman's secluded position behind the rock, th cast a contemplative glance in Jaegar's direction. His interest remained unabated, prompting another question.

"How did you find this place?" Ivar's inquiry bore an undertone of shared intrigue, a common thread wov through their experices.

Jaegar, mindful of their shared reticce, offered a nonchalant response, "Just like you did."

The unspok acknowledgemt of their mutual knowledge hung in the air, a silt testamt to their intertwined paths. Ivar, perceiving Jaegar's familiarity, probed further, his words veiled with a touch of scepticism. "It seems like you already know about this place."


"This place is known for anyone who comes to the black rich isles. The dragon's lagoon-"

Jaegar th cut him off, "Do you mind? Right now, silce is good." He had already heard from the old man and he talked a lot about this place and hearing it again, Jaegar had ough of it.

Acknowledging Jaegar's stance with a mere nod, Ivar chose to delve into his own meditative state, his eyes closing as he sought to cter himself amid the stillness.

As they settled into the embrace of the tranquil lake, its waters seemed to possess an otherworldly essce that caressed their bodies. The magical properties of the dragon's lagoon infused their sses, creating a ssation that was both invigorating and surreal.

Each drop of water carried a hint of chantmt, weaving its influce into their beings as they sat immersed in its depths.

The trio, now gathered in a shared momt of respite, remained still, their bodies suspded in the soothing embrace of the water. The lake's essce flowed over them, its tdrils of magic seeking out their minor injuries and weariness. With every passing momt, they could feel the restorative effects coursing through their veins, knitting together the frayed edges of their strgth.

Silce veloped them like a comforting shroud, allowing them to fully absorb the transformative power of the lagoon.

The woman, her presce an igma yet to be unraveled, seemed to find solace in the lake's embrace. The water veloped her form, its essce cocooning her in a gtle cocoon of rejuvation.

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