Chapter 136: CHAPTER 135

Andrew had no idea that the wax mark on the letter was the one used by the Castal family, but since the letter had be st by Johan there were only two possible people who would sd it.

The first was Johan, but Andrew didn't think Johan would go to the trouble of sding him a sealed letter to tell him something wh he can come to the Heavly Palace like he has on previous occasions.

Therefore, there was only the option of Baron Castal, who had previously told Andrew that he would communicate the situation of his son later through Johan, and since it was the latter who st the letter without leaving any message, Andrew assumed that it was the baron and after oping the letter he corroborated his theory.

The letter wasn't very long and didn't have many details either, just that the baron's son would visit the Heavly Palace in three days, a 9:00 pm, and would go under the name of Stuard. In addition, he also mtioned that a young girl should be found as the young man's partner and that she could guide him throughout the process.

Andrew immediately began to think about who would be suitable for the task, because among his girls there were many young wom, but they were not the type to guide inexpericed clits, but rather satisfy the fetishes of expericed ones, so Andrew was in a dilemma.

Finding no solution, he decided to ask Hela for advice so that as the administrator of the courtesans, she should have a better idea of them. He also calls Oliver because he would command the whole security thing.

Soon Hela and Oliver tered the office and Andrew wt straight to the point, "The son of Baron Castal, will come to the Heavly Palace in 3 days at 9:00 pm, under the name of Stuard."

Neither of them said anything because they knew that Andrew hadn't finished and they let him speak, "Oliver I need you to organize the security and escort of the son of the baron as we had discussed."

At Andrew's order, Oliver only responded with a short, "Yes" and quickly left to carry out his orders. While it was true that there were still three days to go before the arrival of the baron's son, if they did not want any setbacks that day, preparations had to be made in advance.

Now that it was only Andrew and Hela in the office, Andrew relaxed a bit and called for her to come over and sit on his lap. Unlike Carolina, Hela was always op to displays of love, no matter where they were, which is why she did not refuse to sit on Andrew's lap or avoid caresses.

Andrew had be ged for a long time without sex, so he wanted to take advantage of Hela a bit and although she allowed him to play a bit, wh things started to heat up, Hela immediately stopped him saying, "Don't go too far, we promised to wait for Aki".

Andrew's annoyance was evidt because his face clearly reflected it. Hela chuckled at Andrew's helplessness because she knew that Andrew had had no part in that decision.

What Andrew didn't know was that Carolina and Hela had agreed to this, not because they wanted to wait for Aki, but to test his character. They certainly knew that Andrew loved them and they joyed having sex with him too, but they wanted to know if that love just came from sex or if it was really a real emotion.

They were insecure because they knew that Andrew was a candidate for the god of Eros, so his desire and strgth towards eroticism and sex was great and they wanted to know if they were only sexual tools for him.

Despite the fact that Andrew had explained to them many times that having the seal of wives was practically considering them his soul mates, they were still insecure and wanted to see if their husband's behavior faced abstince.

What they didn't know was that by doing that, Andrew could suffer a state of euphoria like what had happed with Dami a few months ago. Andrew asked Fluffy about that problem, because knowing that his wives would not let themselves be touched until Aki had her night, he was worried about falling into that state.

Fortunately for Andrew, Fluffy had told him that he shouldn't worry, because now his divinity was stronger and therefore it was more difficult to fall into a state of euphoria. Of course, Fluffy clarified that this was because it would only be a few days, but if it were a little longer, like a month, for example, the situation would be differt.

Andrew stopped bothering Hela, seeing her refusal, and th began to discuss the reason why he asked her to come, "The baron's son wants a young girl to guide him, but come to mind. Do you have any suggestion?".

Hela remained silt thinking about who would be the ideal courtesan for this job. She knew the importance of this clit and that is why she had to satisfy his needs and the girl who would spd the night with him would be the most important point, to achieve the goal.

After a few minutes of deep thought, Hela said, "As I know, among the new girls there are several who meet this requiremt, but I don't know them well ough to give them this task."

After a short pause, Hela continued, "Moreover, among the former courtesans, although most of them are quite young, many of them have an aura of maturity, and that may not sit well with the baron's son."

Andrew nodded his head at the analysis of his wife, because for those same reasons he did not know who to choose, th Hela spoke again, "Therefore, in my opinion, the best options are Dami and Sally."

Andrew wasn't too sure about those options, but before he could reply, Hela said, "Well, Dami is a bit thusiastic, she's not suited to lead others, but Sally is quite good, especially using her boobs, she can be very helpful".

"Is Sally really suitable?" Andrew asked doubtfully, but Hela smiled at him and replied, "I understand your doubts, the problem, honey, is that you are evaluating the girls based on your impression of wh you trained them, but it's be a few months now since th, do you think I hav't taught them anything?"

After her commt, Hela made a small pout that was not characteristic of a woman her age, but for Andrew, it was very cute and he could only hug her affectionately and tell her, "Th we will go with your proposal, in the d, you are the administrator of courtesans".

With that decision made and after playing for a while, Hela left the office to notify Sally about the great responsibility she would have in three days, although obviously, Hela would not tell her everything, since the anonymity of the baron's son was the most important thing.

Hela quickly found Sally and notified her that an important young man was coming in three days and that she would attd to him. Sally didn't ask much about the clit, but what she was supposed to do with him.

"What is the clit looking for? What can I and can't I do?" Sally asked and Hela replied, "First nothing personal, his family, occupation, and that kind of questions, don't ask them or proactively inquire about them, just accompany him and pamper him".

Sally nodded strongly, showing her understanding, and th Hela wt on to explain, "The guest is a young virgin, so he needs you to guide him, but don't make him look useless, you have to be subtle and make him think he's the one in control."

Sally understood that and it wasn't difficult, as Hela trained them in that skill almost every day. Despite the fact that many m always believe that they are the ones in charge of the situation in bed, that was not always true.

In fact, it's usually wom who play that role, they just act like the man has the power, to make him feel better. A normal woman did it easily, so the courtesans were masters at it, so Sally didn't care on this point.

While she was thinking about that, she heard Hela say, "Finally, make him gain confidce, because it is what the young man needs." Hela's words left Sally in a bind because she had no idea how to do that, so she asked, "Hela, how do I get that?".

Hela looked at Sally with a worried expression and couldn't help but laugh and wh she managed to calm down she said, "Sally, you silly girl, just let him win or at least let him think he won".

Although many who heard those words would not understand, Sally and any of the courtesans of the Heavly Palace would know immediately, as Hela had be training them for some time and such terms were frequt.

What Hela meant by letting him win refers to the feeling of satisfaction or orgasm. In short, what Hela wanted Sally to do was reach or simulate that she reached orgasm so that the clit would believe that he is sexually powerful.

It was a common practice. Many m were really poor wh it came to sex and that's why wom oft throw them away, however, in a business-like Heavly Palace that depds on customer satisfaction, they can't tell them that they suck at sex, so learn to pretd is one of the skills most trained by courtesans. Sally understood that, and them she retired to her room.

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