Chapter 137: CHAPTER 136

With Baron Castal's letter reporting his son's visit, things in the Heavly Palace brighted up, ev though only a small group of people knew this information.

Sally was the most stressed and seeing her like this Andrew and Hela worried about her. Hela was sure Sally could get the job done, but her anxiety was killing her and she didn't know how to make her relax.

At this point, Andrew stepped forward and called Sally into the office. The girl didn't take long and she arrived at the office after a few minutes of calling her. She tered a little hesitantly and from her expression you could see that she hadn't had a good time.

Seeing her, Andrew just smiled, because he understood how the girl felt. In order to avoid a situation like this, he had told Hela not to inform Sally how important the guest she was attding was, she just had to know that she will attd a special guest, but that she should not exaggerate.

Usually, that would work, the problem was that the Heavly Palace had only provided an exclusive service like this, only once in its existce, so now they all take these evts as very special, and from there Sally's anxiety was born.

Andrew was not sitting behind his desk as usual but on one of the sofas set there. As Sally tered, Andrew called for her to come over to him, but wh she was about to sit down, Andrew stopped her saying, "Not there, come here."

What Andrew was pointing at was his lap. Sally was surprised at first, but she quickly pulled herself together, and with a bright smile and bright eyes from the broadcast she wasn't shy and sat on Andrew's lap like it was the best reward in the world.

Andrew knew why she acted like this.

In the beginning, he was the one who trained them, and more than the training, the girls joyed being with him, all thanks to his divinity, but now that the Heavly Palace has grown, he hasn't played with them anymore and so any chance they have, the girls don't lose the opportunity of doing something with him, ev if it's something as insignificant as sitting on Andrew's lap.

Sally snuggled into Andrew's chest feeling relaxed and Andrew was gtly stroking her hair. Seeing that the girl had relaxed, Andrew began to speak softly to her.

"Tell me Sally, why are you stressed?" At Andrew's question, Sally tsed again, because she thought that Andrew was angry with her, but the next words he uttered from her relaxed her again.

"Don't be so tse, I didn't call you to scold you, I'm just a little worried, tell me, what's wrong?" Sally was silt for a momt organizing her thoughts and said, "I'm worried I'll ruin the job I've be giv."

"Why?" Andrew asked softly and Sally replied, "I don't know." Andrew didn't expect that answer and so he was speechless, but he quickly regained his composure and spoke again.

"You know that Hela recommded you because she thinks you have what it takes, I don't see why you should stress." Sally was silt again because she didn't know what to say this time.

Andrew noticed that the girl in his legs was confused and helped her release her stress. He first gtly nibbled her ear, startling her, but she didn't complain about it, because the tickling that she felt from it made her feel good.

Little by little Andrew began to take advantage and without stopping playing with her ear, his hands ran over Sally's slder body to her tits, which he squeezed hard, but without hurting her, causing Sally to let go a muffled groan.

Andrew continued to attack Sally's tits and ears quite skillfully. He was soft and loving, but commanding, he wanted to show the girl he had on her lap that he was the one in control, but he wasn't abrupt, Andrew wanted authority, not abuse.

Honestly, Sally didn't care, because she was joying Andrew like never before again and it turned her on, to the point that her crotch was already beginning to reflect moisture.

Andrew didn't stop and kept moving his hands all over Sally's body. He never stopped playing with her ear, one of her hands kept massaging her tits and his other hand had descded to the forbidd valley and was rubbing her pussy on her clothes.

Sally was lost in pleasure and had not realized that she was no longer sitting on Andrew's lap, but sprawled on top of him because the pleasure had made her squirm trying to dure, but to no avail, and thus ded up in a strange position.

Andrew didn't mind, as he joyed seeing that Sally was satisfied. He kept rubbing her tits and pussy without taking her clothes off, so Sally's clothes were wrinkled, but that didn't matter and after a few minutes, Sally couldn't stand it and she cum.

Sally released a large amount of juice wh she cum, and Andrew could immediately feel the wetness in the skirt that Sally was wearing. In fact, calling it wetness is an understatemt, since the skirt was soaked, it seemed to have received a bucketful of water.

Sally's body was also in spasms from her orgasm and her expression was a little distorted, her eyes cloudy and her breathing ragged, but no matter how misaligned she was, Andrew could see that she was happy and contt.

It took Sally a few minutes to recover, but wh she noticed the mess she had made wh she cummed, she was embarrassed and Andrew could only laugh because the girl looked so pretty that he couldn't imagine that she was the same girl as a few minutes ago was moaning with pleasure.

Andrew moved closer to her and whispered in her ear, "You seem to have relaxed", to which Sally blushed ev redder than she was and she couldn't help but hit Andrew annoyed trying to hide her embarrassmt.

After playing for a while, Sally came out of the office with a new attitude. Only wh you saw her could you notice the change, she no longer looked tired, nor did her muscles tse, and although her skirt had already dried, all the girls knew that something sexual had happed, so they caught her and took her to one of the big halls.

The new courtesans didn't know what was going on, but they wanted to fit in, so they joined in on the fun. "Speak up," Sonia said authoritatively, to which Sally flashed a smug smile and replied, "I don't want to".

Although she was joking, she regretted it quite quickly, as all the girls started tickling her not only was she very ticklish, but she was still a little ssitive from what happed in the office, so she quickly began to beg for mercy, "Est …okay, I'll talk, let me go, please".

Only th did the girls stop bothering her and Sonia smiled victoriously, "You should have be obedit from the beginning", to which the other girls nodded and Sally, who still hadn't recovered from the previous attack, could only smile ironically.

The new girls were confused by the strange interaction, but they didn't say anything and waited to see how things would play out. Sally soon recovered and told them what had happed in the office.

All the old courtesans had vious expressions, but the new courtesans were confused, not understanding why the others were vious of Andrew playing with them.

Sonia, being the most mature and insightful of the girls, noticed the strange expression the new courtesans were making and perfectly understood their confusion, so she said, "I know it's strange, but only because you've never had fun with the young master."

She paused to see if she had caught the atttion of the new girls and noticed that she had, she wt on to say, "Believe me, no man compares to the young master."

The new courtesans were skeptical, but seeing that all their older companions in the Heavly Palace agreed with Sonia's words, they began to doubt.

Although they were not convinced that Andrew was the best man in the world, they were certainly curious, because if all the courtesans in the Heavly Palace held him in high esteem, it meant that he had something special, so the curiosity that soon spread became a mission.

Andrew had no idea that he had become the target of the new courtesans and he was in the office going over some accounts wh Carolina and Hela walked in.

The girls hadn't finished tering wh Carolina said, "Smells like a girl in here" and Hela complemted by saying, "So that's why Sally has a differt attitude". The two girls smiled at Andrew after saying that, but Andrew knew that that smile was not a good thing, the girls looked angry.

"Is something wrong?" I ask fearfully and Carolina replied, "So you couldn't stand abstince and you wt for one of the courtesans." Andrew was startled by Carolina's accusations and said, "I think you have the wrong idea.

Sally is the one designated to tertain the son of the baron and since she was giv the task she has be acting strange because of the stress, so I helped her a little to free her, but I did not have sex with her".

Carolina and Hela raised an eyebrow as if they didn't believe Andrew and seeing that they didn't believe him, he said a little frustrated, "You know, if I wt looking for another girl you couldn't blame me, at the d of the day you are starving me here, so don't tell me that and I'm not lying, go ask Sally."

Despite being frustrated and vting his grievances, Andrew did not raise his voice or insult, which made the two girls in front of him lower their heads in regret, as they knew they were punishing him without justification.

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