Chapter 135: CHAPTER 134

With all the discussions finished, night arrived and the Heavly Palace was more animated than ever. The establishmt no longer showed signs of construction and both the exterior and interior views were attractive and refined, making customers feel that they had more status than they actually did upon tering.

The new girls didn't start working right away, as they had just arrived at the Heavly Palace today and Andrew wanted them to take a break. Furthermore, they still needed some time to practice their performances.

These girls already knew how to dance, but the dance that Andrew had in mind was very differt from the one they knew. What Andrew wanted to introduce was the famous pole dance used in many nightclubs on Earth.

Although there were many erotic dances in this world, like the pole dance he knew and he believed that it would be a unique service that would help him attract more clitele, but for that, he needed to train the girls.

The problem was that he obviously didn't have the ability to train them and likewise in this world there was no one who could do it because this type of dance didn't exist.

However, with the projection orb that he could buy into the system, that problem would be solved. He just had to buy it along with several videos of this type of dance and let the girls learn by watching them.

Andrew already had everything thought out, so wh he spoke with Oto about the remodeling, he asked for the construction of a spacious room with very particular specifications, which cost additional money than initially agreed, however, the work was not delayed because Oto brought more employees for this specific project.

Oto was an intelligt man. Wh Andrew explained to him what he wanted to do in that room, he understood the importance that Andrew attached to that place, ev though he didn't understand how it worked, he complied with what was asked.

This room had a drinks bar and a circular platform in the middle sured by tables. The stage had a polished stainless steel bar that connected the floor to the ceiling and there would be public performances, for customers who drank and could ev leave donations for the girl who danced.

In addition to that, the hall had a second floor where there were small rooms that had this same configuration, for smaller groups that wanted a particular and closer prestation, obviously for higher prices.

With everything calculated Andrew only needed to train the girls but he was lacking points, luckily Aki's scar was almost gone and he could soon joy the little assassin.

Since he hadn't had sex in so long, Andrew was a bit impatit and more and more wanted to sleep with Aki, whom he saw more and more beautiful every day. The girl had also noticed the look of desire that Andrew occasionally gave her and she was both excited and nervous, after all, it was her first time.

Due to this nervousness, she frequtly looked for Carolina and Hela to discuss the subject and shake off her anxiety, since she had already accepted to be Andrew's wife and wanted to satisfy him, ev the pink color of her aura had intsified these days to the point of reaching Carolina and Hela.

Despite all this, it would still be two or three days before Aki's scar completely disappeared, so Andrew had to wait. The funny thing about it was that Oliver was also in a predicamt.

Thanks to the guardian seal he received from Andrew, his aura eyes had improved a lot and he had noticed that Marie's aura showed silver and pink colors pointing towards him and he clearly knew what they meant.

He was in a bind because, for him, Marie was like a daughter, after all, he had saved her wh she was a little girl and had se her grow up, so finding out that she had feelings for him had put him in a hard spot.

Since he didn't know what to do, he wt to the only person he thought could offer him advice, Andrew. Wh he received the guardian seal, he found out about Andrew's true idtity and if there was anyone better than Andrew to ask about this, he would only be the god or god candidate of love.

Andrew was reviewing the previous day's earnings wh he heard a knock on the door. "Come in," he said, and Oliver walked in the next second. Wh Andrew saw the worried expression on Oliver's face, he thought something had happed, but wh Oliver told him about his worries, Andrew couldn't help himself and burst out laughing.

"Young master, it's bad ough to make fun of me like that," Oliver said bitterly, but Andrew didn't stop, because he found it funny that a man as powerful and expericed as Oliver should worry about a subject that Andrew considered insignificant.

With the status that Oliver previously held, he knew many faces of the world and had expericed many things. Sex was one of them, he was not a virgin, but, love was differt.

Since he was always under the scrutiny of the king of the extinct kingdom of Nufa, having a partner was not an option for Oliver, so at 40 years of age, he had not had a girlfrid or wife and therefore did not know how to reciprocate Marie.

"Oliver, don't you like Marie?" Andrew asked after finally managing to hold the amusemt back from him and after a few seconds of thinking Oliver replied, "It's not that I don't like her, but I've never se her that way."

Andrew nodded in understanding and spoke again, "Why don't you try it? I mean, you don't dislike her and I don't see why you can't try and see if it works out."

After listing to Andrew, Oliver fell into deep thought as if evaluating Andrew's proposal, but couldn't make up his mind, so he stood up and after a slight bow said, "Thank you for the advice young master, I'll think it over".

After Oliver had left, Andrew was a little excited, because he wanted that relationship to work. Not only because it would make two of his main subordinates happy, but because of the advantages that this situation could gerate for him.

Andrew's thought was that if they were mated, he would give Marie the guardian seal to increase her strgth, as he knew that her loyalty would increase if she is Oliver's girlfrid.

This was because if she is the partner of the most loyal man to Andrew, little by little she will get closer to Andrew and consequtly her loyalty will improve, however, that was not all Andrew's plan, in fact, he was looking for something more.

If they both had the guardian seal, their strgth would not stop increasing, because, like the wife's seal, the guardian seal also strgthed the user through sex and eroticism, in the d, Andrew is a candidate for the god Eros.

Despite all these befits, Andrew would not force it, because as Fluffy had told him, this strgth is obtained from the close relationship betwe sex and love, so if the relationship is forced, not only will there be no befits, but there will be demerits.

With those thoughts in mind, Andrew continued to do his job. The day passed without a hitch. Andrew and Oliver visited the slave shop and bought 0 new guards, although their power was not high they were stronger than a common civilian and after Oliver's training, they would be more powerful.

The next day the new employees arrived. None of those selected rejected the job opportunity, since the salary was high and all those who had a prejudice towards this type of business had be rejected in the first place.

With the arrival of the new employees, the Heavly Palace was very lively and everything was flowing in the right direction. Them Johan's m arrived to collect the usual products and passed a letter to Andrew, which came with the seal of the Castal house.

(I wanted to add 3 chapters today, but this week I was sick and it was difficult for me to write, so I could only publish these two, but I'm better now and I'll try to publish at least 3 chapters every Monday, well, Sunday for me.)

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