Primitive Man

Chapter 193: Dangerous dive

Baktou stood at the edge of the boat, equipped with a determination that matched the gleam in his eyes. This time, however, he was not vturing into the unknown without preparation. Strapped to his back were various tools and a peculiar wood container that held some sharp weapons to deal with the Megalodon.

The mysterious woman voice inside his head, who had accompanied him on previous dives, looked at the equipmt with surprise. [Baktou, what's all this stuff for? Do you think you can kill that thing?]

Baktou grinned, adjusting the straps.

"This time I will do it, we're diving with a plan. These diving boats will let me stay submerged and explore the depths. I can hold my breath underwater for at least one hour for some reason, so I can quickly come back to the surface to take my air, also these boats will follow me to provide the required tools."

With a deep breath, Baktou plunged into the water, some weapons veloping him like a protective cocoon. As he descded, the pressure increased, but Baktou was easily able to breathe underwater, as if he wasn't ev human anymore.

[Did his internal organs also modify because of the DNA syringe? If so, this is going to be bad.]

The voice thought about the possible consequces, but quickly she had to put her atttion on the breathtaking view before her. The world beath the surface unveiled itself in all its breathtaking glory.

Corals of vibrant colours adorned the rocks, and exotic sea creatures swam in a dance of colours. Baktou marvelled at the beauty that had be hidd from the world above. He spoke through mtal communication without oping his mouth, his voice tinged with awe, "This is amazing, you won't believe this! It's like a whole new world down here."

And his system also supported his claim.

[I know, this is amazing! The ocean has always be a beautiful yet dangerous place for us humans, as well as other creatures, so don't let your guard down. Megalodon might not be the only thing that is dangerous here.]

As Baktou explored accepting his system's advice, he couldn't help but notice the absce of the majestic Megalodon, the creature that should be roaming these depths. Normally, it would have be happy news for anyone, but for some reason, Baktou felt regret not being able to see it.

He communicated again, this time with a hint of concern, "Strange, I expected to spot the Megalodon by now. And look at the number of fish – it's far less than it should be."

The system's voice crackled in Baktou's mind answering his questions with another question, "Do you think something's wrong in the ocean, Baktou?"

Baktou paused, his eyes scanning the vast expanse a him. "I'm afraid so. The ocean seems imbalanced. There's definitely something going on down here. We need to find out what's affecting the sea life." He muttered but suddly he felt something rather strange coming toward him.

It was not a creature, it was not a plant but rather it felt like something was calling for Baktou.

"I-I... What is this?" he questioned, turning a. Suddly, he felt an attraction towards the deeper ocean, as if something were calling him to come and protect it. The eerie lack of resistance Baktou felt towards it was truly a spectacle that the system found worrisome.

Baktou continued to swim deeper into the ocean, his eyes fixed on an invisible force pulling him in. The water a him seemed to shimmer with an ethereal light as he followed the mysterious call. His system, however, began to issue urgt warnings.

[Stop, Baktou! This is not right. We don't know what's down there, and it might be dangerous.]

Ignoring the warnings, Baktou pressed forward, the signal becoming stronger with each stroke. He could feel a resonance within himself, a strange connection that seemed to resonate with the modified DNA coursing through his veins.

As he delved deeper, the marine life a him grew scarcer, and an eerie silce veloped the underwater world. Baktou's surings took on a surreal quality, the colours fading into a muted palette as if nature itself was holding its breath.

[Turn back, Baktou! We can't predict what's awaiting us. This might be a trap.]

The system muttered worried but Baktou was drawn like a moth to a flame, his determination overcoming the rational warnings. The dinosaur cells within his body began to react, a low hum resonating through his bones.

Suddly, the underwater world transformed before his eyes. The vibrant corals and colourful sea creatures were replaced by a surreal sce of chaos. A massive school of fishes clashed against each other in a fierce battle, creating a spectacle of swirling colours and frzied movemts. Baktou's eyes wided in disbelief as he witnessed the underwater brawl.

But what captured his atttion the most was the epic confrontation unfolding in the distance. A colossal Megalodon clashed with a gigantic octopus, both titans of the deep gaged in a battle of primal forces. The water churned a them as they exchanged powerful blows, their massive forms creating shockwaves that rippled through the ocean.

Baktou couldn't help but marvel at the sheer spectacle of the battle, the raw power of these ancit creatures on full display.

The Megalodon with razor-sharp teeth, circled the massive octopus with a calculated grace. Its sleek, dark form moved with predatory precision, eyes fixed on the swirling ttacles of its adversary. The octopus, an otherworldly giant with eyes that glowed like orbs in the deep, retaliated with a display of fluid movemts, each ttacle a deadly weapon.

The water churned and frothed as the Titans clashed. The Megalodon lunged forward, jaws snapping with the force of a submerged avalanche. The octopus, however, was not to be underestimated. With a surge of strgth, it countered, wrapping its ttacles a the Megalodon's massive body, attempting to squeeze the life out of the ancit shark.

As Baktou observed the epic struggle, his atttion was suddly diverted to the cause of the commotion. A massive, glowing stone from a meteor shower radiated an otherworldly light. It hovered in the water, emanating a strange ergy that seemed to influce the behaviour of the sea life a it.

His system, too, reacted with surprise, as she knew this was the discovery they all had be waiting for. She felt happy that they were able to find this before Eva, after all, she knew if Eva managed to get her hands on this special gift, things would be over for her.

[Baktou, that's no ordinary meteorite! It's a fragmt of the Chicxulub impactor. This is one of the most significant objects in the universe. It's the reason both Eva and I are here in this timeline. It's the reason why everything happs. We call this the blessing of the universe because it has the ergy to change everything. It is truly a wish fulfilling stone in the disguise of a meteor.]

Baktou's eyes wided as he processed the information. The chaotic sce unfolding before him had a cosmic origin. The Chicxulub meteorite held a profound significance, and its presce had triggered a chain reaction, leading to intse battles betwe the marine creatures.

"Ugh, what is this feeling? That stone, it is calling me!" Baktou muttered, holding his head in pain. However, what he didn't realize was that his one-hour time limit to hold his breath underwater had long since passed. His m were beginning to feel rather scared, thinking that something must have happed to their leader.

[Baktou, we need to understand the implications of this. The Chicxulub impactor is a crucial elemt in the fabric of the universe. Its influce is far-reaching, and we must determine how it has affected the balance of the ocean and the creatures within it.]

The system kept talking, as if she saw something important but Baktou didn't answer.


It called again, but th only she realized that things were not looking good for them because he had a strange gaze on his eyes, which didn't look human.

As the underwater spectacle continued, Baktou felt a sse of protectivess over the glowing stone, which was confusing for him, but ev he was not strong ough to resist the desire to battle with these fishes to claim the right of this meteor.

"It's calling me! It's my duty to protect it! I should go," Baktou kept muttering the same thing. His eyes ablaze with an otherworldly fervour, clutched one of the weapons from the wood basket that lay behind his back.

His system's voice echoed in his mind, [Baktou, wait! You need to think this through. We don't fully understand the powers of the Chicxulub fragmt.]

But Baktou was beyond reasoning. The pull of the meteorite was irresistible, driving him into a frzy of determination and purpose. He dove into the water, his body slicing through the waves as he swam towards the epictre of the underwater clash.

As he descded into the depths, the ocean seemed to respond to his presce. The sea life, once gaged in a fierce battle, now turned their atttion to him. It was as if the very fabric of the underwater world acknowledged Baktou's arrival.

[What in the hell is happing here? This is the same as that day, that day wh we found the meteor! Wh my love decided to protect a woman leaving his lover all alone. I won't forget it, but-]

The system looked at the spectacle before her and knew that things would d up too messed up if they wt this far. So, she knew it was the momt wh she had to support her host to regain his sses.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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