Primitive Man

Chapter 192: Creating Traditions

Excitemt buzzed through the air like a lively melody. The sun cast a warm glow, heralding the grand wedding of Moni, one of the village's most skilled chefs who won Garnt's favour during his own wedding by providing food that tasted glorious, and the anticipation was palpable.

At the ctre of it all stood Garnt, the revered patriarch, proud to be a part of this momtous occasion, and he couldn't be any more happier knowing that his people were joying their time at least for now, since it had be nothing but trouble for them within these days.

As the village patriarch, Garnt was more than just a leader; he was a heroic figure to many. Lyla, with her culinary prowess, had won the hearts of everyone in the main village, and today was a celebration of love, unity, and, of course, delicious food.

Garnt's wives, Ayra, Unami and Rona, along with a bevvy of other village girls, joined him in the bustling preparations. Kiriah and Kara also participated in it because it was the last big evt in the main village for Kiriah.

Mainly, Gundo acted as one of the main preparators for this evt since she felt the need to help one of the girls under her have a pleasant experice on one of her most important days.

The air was filled with laughter, the aroma of spices, and the joyous chatter of excited villagers. The village square had be transformed into a vibrant sea of colours, adorned with flowers, drapes, and handmade decorations.

Amidst the cheerful chaos, Ayra and Rona busied themselves with arranging flowers, while the other girls ergetically prepared the ceremonial feast. Garnt, clad in traditional patriarch attire, stood tall and commanding, his presce exuding strgth and leadership.

His chest plate, adorned with intricate patterns, showcased the craftsmanship of the finest blacksmiths in the village. The fur-lined cape draped over his broad shoulders billowed in the wind, a symbol of both his authority and resilice in the face of challges. Garnt's tied up blond hair framed a determined expression, adding to the aura of a seasoned warrior and leader.

As he moved, the muscles beath the patriarch's leather gauntlets and leggings flexed with every purposeful step, attesting to his physical prowess. The ceremonial axe strapped to his side gleamed in the sunlight, a testamt to the respect and admiration the community held for their formidable leader.

Garnt kept moving gracefully through the crowd, overseeing every detail. His wisdom and guidance were evidt as he directed the flow of the preparations, his presce commanding respect and admiration.

As the sun began its desct, casting a gold hue over the festivities, the villagers gathered a a ctral area. Garnt took ctre stage, a symbol of leadership and tradition. The drums echoed, signalling the commcemt of the native ceremony and some of the wom decorated with flowers started to shake their hips while dancing showing that it was indeed a festive momt.

They shook their hips left and right while dancing causing some of the m to clearly show how interested they were, but they made sure to respect the couple that are getting married at the same time.

"Today, we celebrate not just the union of Lyla and her beloved but the bonds that tie us all together," Garnt declared, his voice resonating with authority and warmth. He continued to address the crowd until the momt of truth wh both of them would share their love and promise in front of the whole village to make the village prosper with more and more childr.

The ceremony unfolded with traditional rituals, dances, and heartfelt exchanges, creating an atmosphere of unity and joy.

Throughout the ceremony, Garnt led with a gtle strgth, showcasing the values of their close-knit community. The vibrant ergy and the guine smiles on the faces of the villagers painted a picture of a celebration deeply rooted in love and tradition.

As the night fell and the stars adorned the sky, the village of the main village continued to revel in the magic of Lyla's wedding and after finishing the ceremony, Garnt also joined with his family to joy the momt of peace that he found within this harsh time.

Ayra, Unami and Rona were ready with food since they knew Garnt would feel hungry after all the work, and they also made sure of the normal people in the village would be able to freely interact and disturb his peace, so there was huge security a him.

"I'm grateful!" While seated on the throne-like chair, Garnt muttered appreciatively. He glanced at Kara, who was standing beside him, and invited her to join him on his lap.

"I'm sure you all are aware of this by now, but I will be adding her to our family as one of my beloved wives. Ev though she is joining us later, she will hold the same authority as my first-geration wives. However, there's no need to worry; sooner or later, I will host a grand ceremony to express my love for all my girls," Garnt declared. He wanted to sure that of the girls who chose to love him felt ignored or left out.

Everyone nodded at his commt, but th Garnt had another question. "Where are Guni and the other kids?"

"They are playing with other kids, Garnt. I wanted them to interact with other people, so I refused to take them here, beside this place is not really suitable for kids with girls like her," Ayra said and pointed at Kara, who is licking Garnt's neck as if she had be horny the tire time.


Garnt sighed but he didn't refuse Kara, after all, he joyed it just like her. But Ayra had something she wanted to add in front of everyone, so she couldn't help but hug Garnt from behind.

"Garnt, I have something I want to share with you. Actually, there are two things," she whispered, making Garnt confused about why she was asking for permission to tell him something.

Garnt turned to face her, his curiosity piqued. The others gathered a, their atttion now fully on Ayra and Garnt.

"Firstly," she continued, a warm smile gracing her lips, "I've be observing Kiriah and the woman she's in love with, and I find their connection truly special. So, I wanted to let you know that I wholeheartedly support their union. Kiriah has my blessing to marry the one she loves."

A murmur of surprise and approval rippled through the group, and Garnt's eyes wided with disbelief and joy. Garnt, too, was tak aback but couldn't help but smile at Ayra's unexpected announcemt.

On the other hand, Kara looked just as surprised because she couldn't believe that her little brother had grown up so much. She still thought of him as the same old Kiriah who used to be a mischievous and carefree child. The realization that he had matured and changed caught her off guard, making her reflect on the passage of time and the inevitable transformations that occur in the journey of growing up.

"Now," Ayra said, her eyes meeting Garnt's, "for the second thing." The air grew tse as she paused, and everyone waited in anticipation. Ayra took another deep breath.

"I'm pregnant again with your child," she declared, her voice carrying a mixture of excitemt and surprise. The revelation hung in the air, and a shocked silce fell upon the group. Garnt's eyes wided, and his jaw dropped in disbelief.

"Pregnant?" he repeated, almost breathless. Ayra nodded, her smile growing wider. "Gundo confirmed today since I have be feeling rather sick nowadays, and I wanted to keep this a secret until I can surprise you. Also, I wanted everyone to know about this,"

Gasps and whispers erupted from their frids, each person reacting to the unexpected news.

Garnt's initial shock transformed into a radiant smile as the realization sunk in. Kara who was seated on Garnt quickly got up just as shocked, and she couldn't believe that she was going to be a sister for the third time.

'How fertile is this woman?'

Kara had to question about her own mother since she felt slightly jealous about her, but she knew sooner or later it would be her chance for that to happ.

Garnt embraced Ayra tightly, overcome with joy. The group a them erupted into cheers and congratulations, celebrating the unexpected but happy news.

As Garnt held Ayra, he couldn't help but marvel at the twists life prested.

The news rippled through the group, sparking conversations and laughter as they shared stories and advice. Kara, after the initial shock wore off, couldn't contain her excitemt. She rushed to Ayra and Garnt, hugging them both tightly. "I can't believe I'm going to have another little sibling!" she exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with happiness.

Rona, still processing the news, looked a at their frids. "Well, it seems like we're in for another advture," she said, a mixture of joy and amazemt in his voice. Unami nodded, "And we wouldn't want it any other way."

The group continued to celebrate, raising their wood cup of alcohol, but Ayra knew with the announcemt of pregnancy she would obviously lose the privilege of consuming alcohol, so she just sighed and decided to drink something not harmful to her body.

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