Primitive Man

Chapter 194: Same as that day

In the rugged forest, casting long shadows across the landscape, a diverse group of scitists from a the world gathered at the trance of a colossal cave. This cave was located close to the Yucatán Pinsula in Mexico, which was a beautiful landscape on its own but right now, the air was thick with anticipation, a palpable mix of excitemt and tsion.

Dr. Erika Schneider, the brilliant second-in-command of the German scitific team, stood at the forefront, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. She exchanged glances with her team members, their faces masked by a combination of fascination and trepidation.

"This is amazing! This cave is already fascinating ough, but I can't ev believe we are going to find something ev more interesting," As soon as Erika said those words, she saw all of her group members nodding their heads, especially one girl who had violet hair.

Among the crowd, American, British, Japanese, Indian, Chinese, Korean and scitists from various nations arrived, accompanied by their respective military liaisons. The air was charged with a sse of urgcy, a shared mission to uncover the mysteries hidd within the depths of the cave.

They were intelligt ough not to interfere with each other because they understood that, at that momt, they represted their countries. They were aware that any misstep could pottially lead to war except for few people.

Amidst the bustling crowd, Dr. Schneider's gaze locked onto her rival, Dr. Anderson, an American scitist known for his reltless pursuit of knowledge. Their eyes clashed, and an invisible tsion crackled betwe them.

"I hope you didn't get lost on your way here, Dr. Schneider," Dr. Anderson sneered, a sly grin forming on his face.

Erika shot back with a smirk of her own, "Unlike some, I prefer focusing on the task at hand rather than gaging in unnecessary banter."

Their verbal jousting attracted the atttion of Dr. Tanaka, a Japanese scitist with a calm demeanour but sharp intellect. He approached, hoping to mediate the growing tsion.

"Now! Now! Let's not fight here, since we are educated ough to act like adults," He said with a low blow. "Let's keep our focus on the Chicxulub meteor, shall we?" Dr. Tanaka suggested diplomatically, attempting to diffuse the building animosity.

But the rivalry reached its boiling point wh Dr. Anderson and Dr. Schneider exchanged heated words, their voices echoing through the cave's trance.

Just as it seemed the situation might escalate into a full-blown confrontation, a commanding voice cut through the commotion. Dr. Fritz, the esteemed head of the German scitific team, emerged from the crowd, his presce demanding respect.

"Enough!" Dr. Fritz bellowed, his stern gaze silcing the feuding scitists. "This is a sacred g, a place that holds the key to understanding our planet's history. We are here for a common purpose, not to gage in petty squabbles."

The intsity of the momt hung in the air, but Dr. Fritz's authoritative tone resonated with the scitists, reminding them of the significance of their mission. The rivals reluctantly stepped back, casting each other one final glare before redirecting their atttion to the igmatic cave trance.

As the diverse group of scitists and military personnel resumed their journey into the unknown, the shadows of the Chicxulub meteor cast long upon the cave walls, concealing secrets that promised to rewrite the history of Earth.

The path was dimly lit, illuminated only by the glow of their flashlights and the occasional luminesct rock formations, which was fascinating for everyone.

As they treaded carefully over unev g, Dr. Fritz took the opportunity to address the team. "Remember, we're here not just as represtatives of our respective nations but as stewards of Earth's history. The United Nations has granted us access to these natural heritages, but our duty is to conduct research without causing unnecessary disturbances. The public must remain unaware of the pottial power hidd within this meteor."

Dr. Schneider, though still harbouring the competitive spirit, nodded in agreemt. She understood the delicate balance they needed to strike betwe harnessing the meteor's power and preserving the sanctity of such natural wonders.

The group continued their desct, the air growing colder and the atmosphere more mysterious. Dr. Fritz walked alongside Dr. Schneider, ssing the tsion lingering betwe her and Dr. Anderson.

"Erika," he whispered, "we are here for a greater purpose. Put aside your differces with other people. Our mission is to unlock the meteor's secrets, not gage in petty rivalries."

Dr. Schneider acknowledged Dr. Fritz's wisdom with a nod, realizing the gravity of the situation.

"I'm sorry professor, I did that because I hate that man called Anderson. He always tries to act like he is above us," Erika muttered, and Dr. Frtiz just laughed at her words

Mia Becker, a brilliant scitist with a sharp mind and piercing gaze, overheard their conversation. As they exchanged glances, Mia couldn't help but detect an underlying tsion.

"Remember, Dr. Erika," Mia advised, her voice barely above a whisper, "Dr. Fritz is not just our leader; he's the key to this expedition. Respect him, and keep your focus on the mission."

While Dr. Schneider heeded Mia's advice, Mia's gaze lingered on Dr. Fritz, admiration and something more profound flickering in her eyes. The cave's shadows played on her features, revealing a complexity of emotions and the dislike she held toward Dr. Schneider.

They kept walking along the narrow cave and hopping from one place to another, but suddly all of them knew something was not right.

Everyone came to a halt as they started to feel rather hot and bothered while proceeding into the cave.

"What's happing?" Some people started to question each other, after all, they had to be careful about every single little thing wh exploring a new landscape.

No more than five seconds later, it came into their vision: a huge chunk of rocks that illuminated, as if they had power of their own. This came as a surprise to almost everyone in the cave, including the soldiers, scitists, workers, and helpers.

"This is it! This is the miracle rock! Rock of gods!"

"Everyone quickly place your equipmt and join!"

The leaders of the each nations started to give orders to their team hoping to find something interesting about the meteor.

As the scitists began their research, meticulously placing their tools and instrumts a the illuminated rocks, a sse of awe and excitemt filled the cavern. The ambit glow cast an otherworldly hue on their faces, intsifying the mysterious atmosphere.

The German team, led by Dr. Schneider, quickly organized themselves, focusing on collecting samples and data. Dr. Fritz, maintaining a watchful eye on the proceedings, communicated with the other teams to sure a coordinated effort.

Everything wt smoothly for a few hours until the tranquillity was shattered wh a sudd scream echoed through the cave. Heads turned, and the scitists were met with a horrifying sight – a soldier, once part of the security detail, had inexplicably attacked one of the Japanese scitists with a frzied look in his eyes.

"What is this? How dare you attack us?"

"Kill him! This meteor shall be ours,"

"Yeah, don't let anyone capture this,"

Erika and other scitists from her group started to see that things were escalating rather fast.

Panic sued as the reality of the situation dawned on the group. The once-united assembly now descded into chaos. The soldiers, scitists, and personnel were gripped by an unexplained madness that spread like wildfire.

Dr. Schneider, feeling a sudd dizziness, stumbled backwards, her sses overwhelmed. She watched in horror as the chaotic sce unfolded before her. Amidst the confusion, she saw Mia Becker grappling with a soldier, desperately trying to defd herself, who was trying to harm her.

Realizing the danger escalating, Dr. Fritz shouted for everyone to retreat, urging them to regroup at the trance. But the once-organized expedition now resembled a battlefield, with madness gripping individuals who momts ago had be colleagues.

As Dr. Schneider tried to make her way through the chaos, she witnessed a soldier ruthlessly attacking another scitist, blood staining the once-sterile cave floor. Fear and adraline pulsed through her veins as she sprinted towards the trance.

The dimly lit path became a gruesome tableau of violce and desperation. Dr. Fritz, despite his authoritative presce, struggled to maintain control. The shadows of the meteor seemed to dance eerily on the cave walls, as if feeding off the chaos unfolding within.

In the midst of the madness, Dr. Schneider spotted Dr. Anderson, now consumed by the same inexplicable frzy. Their eyes locked briefly, a momt of shared horror before she turned and fled, desperate to escape the nightmare that had befall the expedition and she knew Anderson was following her.

"Damn it! Damn it! What is this? This isn't how it was supposed to happ," She kept muttering while running away.

The massacre continued, echoing through the cavern like a macabre symphony. The once-promising mission had devolved into a fight for survival, with the very shadows of the Chicxulub meteor witnessing the dark turn of evts.

Suddly, Erika felt someone pulling her hair, causing her to fall. Upon seeing to whom that hand belonged, she felt rather scared.

"Andreson! You piece of shit, let me go," Erika shouted, but upon seeing his eyes she knew this wasn't just a normal human reaction, rather all of them were influced to kill each other by something, and she had some idea what that something might be.

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